Brad Briggs

Brad Briggs is the Editorial Director of StreetAuthority. A veteran of the financial publishing industry, Brad manages the team of writers and editors responsible for our premium newsletters, free newsletters, and website. He formerly co-wrote our Maximum Profit premium newsletter and manages our premium subscribers-only newsletter, StreetAuthority Insider. 

Brad bought his first stock in high school and has been hooked ever since. After graduating early from college, success in the market enabled him to pay off his student loans and buy his first house. And although he has experience in everything from momentum investing to options, one of his proudest investing accomplishments has been buying and holding on to Apple since 2014.

Brad believes that successful investing doesn't have to be complicated and that anyone can achieve financial independence regardless of background. As Editorial Director, Brad makes it his mission to demystify the world of investing for a wide audience. His writing has been featured in outlets like Yahoo Finance,, and MSN Money, among others. 

An experienced powerlifter, Brad spends his time renovating and working on his property in Texas and tending to cattle when not following the market.

Analyst Articles

To move or not to move… and when? These are the questions my wife and I are pondering these days. All around Austin, just about every spare tract of land is marked for development. A new billion-dollar Apple campus here… Tesla gigafactory there… Giant mix-use office and commercial developments down the street. Take a drive out of city limits, and there’s houses springing up all over the hill country like wildflowers. This may sound exciting, but there’s just one problem… Locals like us who are looking to move are getting priced out of the market. Homes in our area are… Read More

To move or not to move… and when? These are the questions my wife and I are pondering these days. All around Austin, just about every spare tract of land is marked for development. A new billion-dollar Apple campus here… Tesla gigafactory there… Giant mix-use office and commercial developments down the street. Take a drive out of city limits, and there’s houses springing up all over the hill country like wildflowers. This may sound exciting, but there’s just one problem… Locals like us who are looking to move are getting priced out of the market. Homes in our area are routinely selling for 15% above asking price or more. This has made it tough for folks like us… after all, how do you compete with someone moving here from California who’s making an all-cash offer? Chalk it up to the warm weather, the low taxes, the barbecue, or maybe all three (and more). But they’re coming here in droves. And our little corner of the Lone Star State isn’t alone in this… home prices are gaining steam everywhere. There are a few key factors driving up home prices. And people moving from one place to another is just one of… Read More