Carla Pasternak is a leading income investing expert, serving as Director of Income Research for High-Yield Investing and Dividend Opportunities. Together, these newsletters put her expertise in the hands of more than 200,000 subscribers each month. A highly successful income investment analyst, Carla has excelled in the industry for almost three decades. In addition to her work as a writer for several nationally recognized financial publishers, her previous experience includes a position as the Investment Relations Manager of Aberford Resources (now Talisman Energy), where she produced prize-winning annual reports and shareholder communications. It was this in-depth experience in the high-yield Canadian energy sector that began to attract Dr. Pasternak to income investing. Later, Carla founded Canada Corporate Communications, which was responsible for writing, designing, and producing shareholder reports for companies in Canada. The company handled upwards of 50 clients per year at its peak, including many of the most popular Canadian trusts. For over 20 years Dr. Pasternak also taught several courses in the Bissett School of Business at Mount Royal University in Calgary. On the educational front, Carla holds an MBA from the University of Calgary and a Ph.D. from the University of Wisconsin. When not watching the market, she enjoys outdoors activities, including hiking, kayaking, and horseback riding. Carla Pasternakon

Analyst Articles

As income investors, we can get caught up in yields… almost to a fault. But there is something else you should be studying that could make just as big a difference to your long-term returns: stocks that pay dividends. #-ad_banner-#That’s because dividend growth can make even lower-yielding stocks into big income producers over time. Take a look below at the income streams from a stock yielding 7% but not growing dividends, versus a 5% yielder that hikes payments an average of 10% a year in seven years. If you held 1,000… Read More

As income investors, we can get caught up in yields… almost to a fault. But there is something else you should be studying that could make just as big a difference to your long-term returns: stocks that pay dividends. #-ad_banner-#That’s because dividend growth can make even lower-yielding stocks into big income producers over time. Take a look below at the income streams from a stock yielding 7% but not growing dividends, versus a 5% yielder that hikes payments an average of 10% a year in seven years. If you held 1,000 shares trading at a $10 share price, then here is the income stream each would produce during one year: In just five years, that 5% yield would actually be worth more than the 7% yield. And just two years later, your income stream would grow to be 27% more than the stock yielding 7%. Keep in mind, this doesn’t take into account rising share prices. If both yields stayed the same, then the share price of the 5% yielder would have to grow to $17.72 — a 77% gain. Read More

If you’re a frequent reader, then you know in the past few weeks I’ve told you a lot about the benefits of owning international high-yield stocks… even during a rough time in the market. Don’t get me wrong. I’m… Read More