Analyst Articles

They’re calling the past 10 years of the stock market the “lost decade,” referring to the fact that the major indexes are now at the same price levels seen 10 years ago. Fair enough. Just don’t be fooled into thinking every single company out there has been spinning its wheels… Read More

Investors have short memories. Every time the airline industry starts to rebound, they forget many major airlines only recently flirted with the prospect of bankruptcy. But airlines have been trying to change this perilous dynamic. In recent years, they’ve been joining forces to cut costs and improve their competitive positioning. Read More

One of the nastier consequences of the financial crisis of 2008 was an almost instant contraction of credit. While consumer credit contracted as expected, commercial lending evaporated as well. American businesses, primarily small and mid-market businesses, were cut off from access to capital, preventing them from expanding and in some… Read More

In response to rising debt woes in Europe and the United States, wary investors are taking steps to preserve capital, boost income and protect themselves from inflation. A great way to accomplish these goals is to hold consumer-staple stocks, which provide the daily necessities people use such as toothpaste… Read More

I’ve discovered a way to earn the equivalent of a second Social Security check every month. Now, I don’t want to mislead you. This check isn’t from Uncle Sam. In fact, the government doesn’t have anything to do with it. (I think that’s good news considering all the debt problems the government is facing). And you won’t be receiving one big check. Instead, you’ll see dozens of smaller ones in your mailbox — or brokerage account — each month. Let me explain… According to the Social Security Administration’s… Read More

I’ve discovered a way to earn the equivalent of a second Social Security check every month. Now, I don’t want to mislead you. This check isn’t from Uncle Sam. In fact, the government doesn’t have anything to do with it. (I think that’s good news considering all the debt problems the government is facing). And you won’t be receiving one big check. Instead, you’ll see dozens of smaller ones in your mailbox — or brokerage account — each month. Let me explain… According to the Social Security Administration’s Monthly Statistical Snapshot, in June 2011 the average monthly benefit for the roughly 55 million Americans receiving a Social Security check was $1,079. That month, I earned $1,387 from this alternative method. The month prior, I earned $1,186, and the month before that I got $1,498. Like I said, I’ve discovered a way to earn the equivalent of another Social Security check each and every month. And I only started to build this monthly income stream back in December 2009. So what’s the secret? What’s the key to earning a “second” Social Security check… Read More

Back in February, I explained how corporate spinoffs (when a company separates, or “spins off” a division into a separate company) have solid track records of beating the market. I’m usually on the lookout for investment opportunities that pay off within 12 to 18 months, but two… Read More