Analyst Articles

“If you grow it, biofuel will come,” isn’t much of a slogan. So let me be blunt: Biofuel is important because we need it. My current prediction: Oil prices will hold fast and end 2011 above $100, and this will keep biofuel an important ongoing business and… Read More

In this current tough stock market, it pays to play defense with value-oriented stocks. But you should always make sure you have exposure to the more dynamic investment opportunities as well by holding at least a few names that carry major upside potential. Taking this approach, I… Read More

Despite the market’s miserable performance during the past five weeks, corporate earnings as well as the overall economy have been improving on a quarter-to-quarter basis since mid-2009. The growth pace may be slowing now, but progress is still being eked out. Interestingly though, a few… Read More

Sometimes the best dividend yields can be found by looking for stocks that few analysts follow. There are dozens of otherwise good quality companies out there which analysts simply don’t talk about, either because the company is too small, too new or occupies a one-of-a-kind niche. Analysts don’t cover these… Read More

Even as the broader stock market shows signs of a clear pullback, some of the hottest stocks in the market remain near their 52-week highs — and they still carry very high valuations to boot. But if history is any guide, then these are now among the most vulnerable stocks in the market. Any further big drops in the broader market could prove especially painful for these highflyers. Richly-valued stocks can stay aloft at the beginning of a big market pullback, but as we saw in 2001 and again in 2008, they eventually can suffer massive corrections… Read More

Even as the broader stock market shows signs of a clear pullback, some of the hottest stocks in the market remain near their 52-week highs — and they still carry very high valuations to boot. But if history is any guide, then these are now among the most vulnerable stocks in the market. Any further big drops in the broader market could prove especially painful for these highflyers. Richly-valued stocks can stay aloft at the beginning of a big market pullback, but as we saw in 2001 and again in 2008, they eventually can suffer massive corrections as investors shift to defense and start to focus on value instead of growth. If you own highflying names like (NYSE: CRM) or VMWare (NYSE: VMW), for example, then you need to seriously reconsider just how vulnerable stocks like these can be. As the economy emerged from the recession of 2008, this provider of customer-management software became a key focus area for investment technology (IT) managers. Sales grew 21% in fiscal (January) 2010 and another 27% in fiscal 2011. Look for similar results in the current… Read More

The frenzy over the recent initial public offering (IPO) (Nasdaq: LNKD) made one thing clear: Investors are desperate to get a piece of companies that look destined to be thriving long-term businesses. Yet many new IPOs don’t really have an extended shelf life. They… Read More