Ryan C. Fuhrmann, CFA, began his investment career at Northern Trust Corporation in Chicago. He is actively involved with the CFA Institute, an association of investment professionals, and has even co-authored a portion of their curriculum.   In addition to his CFA certification, he holds a degree in business from the University of Wisconsin and a MBA from the University of Texas at Austin. Ryan adheres to a value-based investing viewpoint that successful companies generate sustainable cash flow for their owners and earn returns on invested capital far in excess of those costs of capital. In his spare time, Ryan enjoys reading, traveling and catching as many live music shows and movies as possible.  

Analyst Articles

Austrian economist Joseph Schumpeter first introduced the world to the concept of “creative destruction” by which, in his own words, sets forth a “fundamental impulse that sets and keeps the capitalist engine in motion [and] comes from the new consumers, goods, the new methods of production or transportation, the new… Read More

Gold and gold stocks have been the rage lately, as the price of gold reaches new highs. However, not all gold stocks are the same. Some have vast reserves of proven gold in the ground. Others have lower productions costs that give them an edge. Using three of the best… Read More

Short sellers must always stay on their toes. Any time the market is in rally mode — as it has been the last few months — they need to unwind their short bets, lest the rising market inflict untold pain. They tend to typically pile back into these closed short… Read More

There are so many reasons to dislike housing stocks. Foreclosures continue at an alarming rate, and with a rising tide of empty existing homes, who needs to buy a newly-built home? Yet while the gloomy headlines rule the day, the Philadelphia Housing Sector Index (HGX), which was stuck in… Read More

In a recent interview with Money magazine, finance guru Roger Ibbotson stated that, as an investor, what is “most relevant to you is whether and how you’re doing something different from what everybody else is doing.” For those not familiar with Roger Ibbotson, he is worth getting… Read More

The fact that 151,000 jobs were created in October is impressive. The fact that August and September jobs numbers were upwardly revised by a collective 110,000 was even more impressive, as it underscores that things were not quite so bleak as had been feared a few months ago. Read More

$138 billion — that’s the enormous sum earned by the five largest oil companies back in 2008 when crude oil prices surged to all-time highs near $150 per barrel. Exxon Mobil (NYSE: XOM) alone earned more than $45 billion, a figure which now stands as the record for… Read More

As earnings season winds down, insider activity heats up. That’s because insiders (classified as company executives, directors and beneficial owners) get the green light to buy or sell their company’s stock on the open market once earnings… Read More