Amber Hestla

Amber Hestla is Lead Investment Strategist behind Profitable Trading's Income Trader, Profit Amplifier and Maximum Income. She specializes in generating income using options strategies that minimize risk by applying skills she learned on military deployments and intelligence training to the markets.

While deployed overseas with the military, Amber learned the importance of analyzing data to forecast what is likely to happen in the future, a skill she now applies to financial markets. Prior to that, Amber studied risk management working undercover. While risk management is no longer a matter of life and death, she believes it is the most important factor in long-term trading success.

And although she makes her living in the markets, she continues to study the markets and trading daily. Her writing has been featured in trading magazines including the Market Technicians Association newsletter, Technical Analysis of Stocks & Commodities and Stocks, Futures and Options in the United States, and Shares, a weekly trading magazine published in the United Kingdom.

Analyst Articles

Let’s get one thing straight…  Stock prices continue moving higher — and that is bullish. I’m not going to suggest anyone fight the trend. As long as stocks are rising, we should be aggressive.  This week, I want to consider why stocks are rising. In general terms, uptrends are driven by economic data, fundamentals, sentiment, or a combination of those three factors. Understanding the primary factor behind a move can help us prepare for the inevitable reversal.  —Recommended Link— 3 Minutes to Collect 12 Times More Money Than… Read More

Let’s get one thing straight…  Stock prices continue moving higher — and that is bullish. I’m not going to suggest anyone fight the trend. As long as stocks are rising, we should be aggressive.  This week, I want to consider why stocks are rising. In general terms, uptrends are driven by economic data, fundamentals, sentiment, or a combination of those three factors. Understanding the primary factor behind a move can help us prepare for the inevitable reversal.  —Recommended Link— 3 Minutes to Collect 12 Times More Money Than Social Security Just make this simple little 3-minute call and you can get set up to start collecting your checks. All told, your checks can add up to $225,326 over the next 25 years. Imagine that! And these checks are supported by $1.75 billion in new money every year. But you must act right now… because the next wave of checks will be sent out in just a few days. Click here for the details. First, uptrends driven by economic or fundamental data tend to be the strongest. That’s… Read More

It’s no secret that dividend yields aren’t what they used to be. The average payout among S&P 500 stocks has sunk to around 2%. Even on a decent-sized $500,000 portfolio, that still amounts to just $10,000 in annual payments — or $833 per month. That doesn’t exactly add up to a lavish retirement lifestyle.  Fortunately, there are alternatives. As the Chief Strategist for High-Yield Investing, I’ve spent most of my career scouring obscure corners of the market for hidden yields of 8%, 10% or even more. One of my favorite hunting grounds to bag these big payouts is within an… Read More

It’s no secret that dividend yields aren’t what they used to be. The average payout among S&P 500 stocks has sunk to around 2%. Even on a decent-sized $500,000 portfolio, that still amounts to just $10,000 in annual payments — or $833 per month. That doesn’t exactly add up to a lavish retirement lifestyle.  Fortunately, there are alternatives. As the Chief Strategist for High-Yield Investing, I’ve spent most of my career scouring obscure corners of the market for hidden yields of 8%, 10% or even more. One of my favorite hunting grounds to bag these big payouts is within an incredibly safe asset class you may not even know exists.  —Recommended Link— This Could Create An Enormous Wave Of Wealth If you’ve been looking for a way to make money from the booming legal marijuana market. but don’t want to roll the dice on a penny stock or figure out how to buy shares of a grower on some Canadian exchange. there’s good news. We’ve discovered a unique marijuana profit-sharing plan that’s paying a small group of regular people up to $55,563 a year. Read More

Once upon a time, I authored an investment advisory centered on scarce commodities. We covered a host of valuable natural resources… lithium, cobalt, palladium, even rare earth minerals such as neodymium. These are all important raw materials with the potential to generate… Read More

While reviewing some major indexes recently, I saw an important signal in the Baltic Dry Index.  The Baltic Dry Index (BDI) is an index of shipping costs that shows the cost of moving materials in large ships. These are the ships used to move coal and steel, and changes in the index can offer insights into the state of the global economy.  A recent jump in the value of my Profit Amplifier Momentum (PAM) indicator caught my attention.  The recent increase is a surprise because many economists are warning of an economic slowdown. For example, just recently, the International Monetary… Read More

While reviewing some major indexes recently, I saw an important signal in the Baltic Dry Index.  The Baltic Dry Index (BDI) is an index of shipping costs that shows the cost of moving materials in large ships. These are the ships used to move coal and steel, and changes in the index can offer insights into the state of the global economy.  A recent jump in the value of my Profit Amplifier Momentum (PAM) indicator caught my attention.  The recent increase is a surprise because many economists are warning of an economic slowdown. For example, just recently, the International Monetary Fund reduced its estimate for growth in global GDP to 3.3% from estimates of 3.5% in January and 3.7% in October.  To explain the cut, the IMF noted increased “trade tensions and tariff hikes between the United States and China, a decline in business confidence, a tightening of financial conditions, and higher policy uncertainty across many economies.”  Still, after this estimate was released, we have since seen reports of decreased tension with China and a delay in Brexit that could reduce global uncertainty.  How I Got In The Aircraft Business The rapid changes in economic news contributed to the… Read More

April showers bring May flowers.  As with most proverbs, this one should not be taken literally. Ostensibly about the weather, the wisdom of this saying goes much deeper: it shows a cause-and-effect relationship, with an inevitable conclusion that good things often follow (and even result from) things less pleasant.  Case in point: The market’s first-quarter rally that was preceded by fourth-quarter volatility.  —Recommended Link— Little-Known Gov’t-Backed “Paychecks” Deliver $65,572 Extra Per Year Ordinary Americans are collecting $8,760… $16,771… and even $65,572 in checks every year. Now, this little-known program is set to deliver even bigger… Read More

April showers bring May flowers.  As with most proverbs, this one should not be taken literally. Ostensibly about the weather, the wisdom of this saying goes much deeper: it shows a cause-and-effect relationship, with an inevitable conclusion that good things often follow (and even result from) things less pleasant.  Case in point: The market’s first-quarter rally that was preceded by fourth-quarter volatility.  —Recommended Link— Little-Known Gov’t-Backed “Paychecks” Deliver $65,572 Extra Per Year Ordinary Americans are collecting $8,760… $16,771… and even $65,572 in checks every year. Now, this little-known program is set to deliver even bigger payments… up to a staggering $225,326. It’s your turn to get started collecting. Click here to learn how to collect your first check. And what a rally it’s been… The S&P 500 index has already rebounded 17% year-to-date, and it’s now trading just points off its all-time highs. These are the levels many observers expected by year-end 2019, not by April, and it took many by surprise that it has only taken this market four months to deliver 12 months-worth of returns.  But is it a good or a bad thing that the market has rallied… Read More

Recently I told readers about why most investors would be better off staying far, far away from IPOs like Lyft (Nasdaq: LYFT). Since then, we’ve seen two other much-hyped companies — Pinterest (NYSE: PINS) and Zoom (Nasdaq: ZM) — go public. If you missed that piece, I encourage you to go back and read it in full. But rather than spend any more time making my case for why these IPOs can be major distractions for individual investors (and may even be the sign of the beginning of the bull market’s end), I’d rather tell you about a stock you… Read More

Recently I told readers about why most investors would be better off staying far, far away from IPOs like Lyft (Nasdaq: LYFT). Since then, we’ve seen two other much-hyped companies — Pinterest (NYSE: PINS) and Zoom (Nasdaq: ZM) — go public. If you missed that piece, I encourage you to go back and read it in full. But rather than spend any more time making my case for why these IPOs can be major distractions for individual investors (and may even be the sign of the beginning of the bull market’s end), I’d rather tell you about a stock you should consider buying instead. In fact, it’s one of the most recent additions to my Maximum Profit portfolio.  I normally don’t make a habit of revealing my premium newsletter picks. But I will make an exception today, if only to prove that there are plenty of stocks out there that have big-time potential outside of the latest risky IPO. My Latest Maximum Profit Pick Founded in 2007, Zendesk (NYSE: ZEN) provides software-as-a-service (SaaS) products that help organizations and customers build relationships. #-ad_banner-#Since the company went public in 2014, it’s been on an incredible growth trajectory. That first year as… Read More

“Cash is king.”  This common expression is often used when analyzing business or investment decisions. When buying real estate in a hot market, cash is king. If you come to the table with cash over more traditional financing methods, your offer will likely move to the top of the pecking order. #-ad_banner-#Same goes for when looking at a stock. A company that produces a ton of cash or carries a good amount of cash in relation to debt is often seen as a “safer” investment compared with a company that’s debt-ridden. And when investors believe the market is getting too… Read More

“Cash is king.”  This common expression is often used when analyzing business or investment decisions. When buying real estate in a hot market, cash is king. If you come to the table with cash over more traditional financing methods, your offer will likely move to the top of the pecking order. #-ad_banner-#Same goes for when looking at a stock. A company that produces a ton of cash or carries a good amount of cash in relation to debt is often seen as a “safer” investment compared with a company that’s debt-ridden. And when investors believe the market is getting too hot, or expensive, they will often stockpile cash to have on hand when the next pullback hits. This way, they can pick up shares of their favorite company at a better price.  Of course, having plenty of cash is only beneficial if it isn’t dwarfed by massive amounts of debt. Taking on too much debt can be a real killer as profit is siphoned off to cover debt and interest payments. And if a company can’t keep up with those debt payments, they will have to file for bankruptcy… and even then sometimes the debts are too much to even… Read More

This week, I want to address two important points that I’ve been hearing a lot about lately — IPOs and earnings.  First, I want to note that the initial public offering (IPO) market is operating exactly as it’s designed to. It’s shifting money to a group of investors that can be considered the “smart” money.  In the past few weeks, we have seen large offerings from Lyft (Nasdaq: LYFT), Pinterest (NYSE: PINS) and Zoom Video Communications (Nasdaq: ZM). All three have transferred wealth from individual investors to some of Wall Street’s largest players.  —Recommended Link— The… Read More

This week, I want to address two important points that I’ve been hearing a lot about lately — IPOs and earnings.  First, I want to note that the initial public offering (IPO) market is operating exactly as it’s designed to. It’s shifting money to a group of investors that can be considered the “smart” money.  In the past few weeks, we have seen large offerings from Lyft (Nasdaq: LYFT), Pinterest (NYSE: PINS) and Zoom Video Communications (Nasdaq: ZM). All three have transferred wealth from individual investors to some of Wall Street’s largest players.  —Recommended Link— The Only Pot Company Of Its Kind Pot stocks are dominating the headlines. But I’m not biting. Because I’ve found a safer, smarter way to make money from the legal marijuana market. It’s a unique profit-sharing plan that’s allowing everyday Americans to earn up to $55,563 a year. And the payouts are 100% backed by a U.S. Federal Law. The next check run is just days away. Get the full details here now. I wrote about Lyft in this recent article. The stock ended last week about 22% below the level where it opened on its… Read More