Amber Hestla

Amber Hestla is Lead Investment Strategist behind Profitable Trading's Income Trader, Profit Amplifier and Maximum Income. She specializes in generating income using options strategies that minimize risk by applying skills she learned on military deployments and intelligence training to the markets.

While deployed overseas with the military, Amber learned the importance of analyzing data to forecast what is likely to happen in the future, a skill she now applies to financial markets. Prior to that, Amber studied risk management working undercover. While risk management is no longer a matter of life and death, she believes it is the most important factor in long-term trading success.

And although she makes her living in the markets, she continues to study the markets and trading daily. Her writing has been featured in trading magazines including the Market Technicians Association newsletter, Technical Analysis of Stocks & Commodities and Stocks, Futures and Options in the United States, and Shares, a weekly trading magazine published in the United Kingdom.

Analyst Articles

If you watch CNBC, you’ve probably heard an analyst say something along the lines of…  “The time to buy is when there’s blood in the streets.”  Essentially, this means that bad news can be a buying opportunity.  #-ad_banner-#At times, that philosophy is correct. But it’s often better to wait for the impact of the bad news to become clear before buying. That approach explains why I recently told my Profit Amplifier readers that my indicator tools have a “buy” signal on mining giant Vale S. A. (NYSE: VALE).  VALE fell on catastrophic news in January when a dam maintained by… Read More

If you watch CNBC, you’ve probably heard an analyst say something along the lines of…  “The time to buy is when there’s blood in the streets.”  Essentially, this means that bad news can be a buying opportunity.  #-ad_banner-#At times, that philosophy is correct. But it’s often better to wait for the impact of the bad news to become clear before buying. That approach explains why I recently told my Profit Amplifier readers that my indicator tools have a “buy” signal on mining giant Vale S. A. (NYSE: VALE).  VALE fell on catastrophic news in January when a dam maintained by the company in Brazil collapsed and killed an estimated 300 people. Dams are commonly used by miners to contain waste products, and Vale has more than 130 dams in Brazil. The company is now working to replace older dams with safer technology.  The collapse was absolutely a tragedy, and I do not want to minimize that fact. Vale will work with authorities and victims to resolve claims and address other concerns, as it should. However, my goal in Profit Amplifier is to recommend the best available trades with the highest potential, and VALE’s stock is giving a “buy” signal.  The… Read More

As my last days in the military drew near, I was not concerned about money at all. Unlike some of my colleagues, I had a good plan in mind on how to make money as a civilian. I had already been able to supplement my income while in service with a little known area of the stock market. Once I “got” what I’m about to share with you, a new income stream immediately started supplementing my military income by 10% — while in the middle of a war zone with very limited time and enormous stress. As soon as I… Read More

As my last days in the military drew near, I was not concerned about money at all. Unlike some of my colleagues, I had a good plan in mind on how to make money as a civilian. I had already been able to supplement my income while in service with a little known area of the stock market. Once I “got” what I’m about to share with you, a new income stream immediately started supplementing my military income by 10% — while in the middle of a war zone with very limited time and enormous stress. As soon as I left the military, I not only replaced my income, but I exceeded it by 30%. And both my income and net worth continue to grow to this day, thanks to this often misunderstood area of the market. —Recommended Link— If you could hack the stock market and get away with it, would you? Here’s how one experienced hacker did it… with easy instructions showing investors how to do the same. ​Click here. I don’t want to beat around the bush or make this sound like some super-secret investing strategy only I can tell you about… I am talking about… Read More

In a previous article, I talked about the so-called patent cliff and the correlation to the pace of mergers and acquisitions in the pharma space.  In order to help make up for the revenue that will be lost from expiring patents on blockbuster drugs, big pharma, flush with cash, typically goes out and buys a new revenue stream — in the form of companies that have a proven or promising drug in the pipeline. After all, it can be cheaper and more efficient for big pharma to buy a new drug than to develop one in-house. We live this notion… Read More

In a previous article, I talked about the so-called patent cliff and the correlation to the pace of mergers and acquisitions in the pharma space.  In order to help make up for the revenue that will be lost from expiring patents on blockbuster drugs, big pharma, flush with cash, typically goes out and buys a new revenue stream — in the form of companies that have a proven or promising drug in the pipeline. After all, it can be cheaper and more efficient for big pharma to buy a new drug than to develop one in-house. We live this notion every day, both as investors, observing and often benefitting from M&A in the industry, and as consumers, feeling squeezed by the rising costs of many important medications — a process that, in part, stems from the reduced competition (which is also a consequence of a more intense M&A). #-ad_banner-#But the trend is clear, as is the need and the drive of the larger companies to buy their smaller counterparts. It’s the safer route in an environment where new drugs take a long, costly and risky road from an idea to the market. Of course, it’s not only the revenue stream… Read More

What’s better than a game-changer that capitalizes on a growth opportunity?  Answer: a game-changer that capitalizes on more than one growth opportunity. This is how Advanced Micro Devices (Nasdaq: AMD) looks like these days. The company has built a sustainable business… a business that doesn’t just depend on strong demand from one particular sector or industry — but rather is set to grow and conquer new markets. In many ways, the chipmaker just might be the perfect game-changer. It’s no wonder then, that we own it in the portfolio of my premium newsletter, Game-Changing Stocks. In fact, we’re up more… Read More

What’s better than a game-changer that capitalizes on a growth opportunity?  Answer: a game-changer that capitalizes on more than one growth opportunity. This is how Advanced Micro Devices (Nasdaq: AMD) looks like these days. The company has built a sustainable business… a business that doesn’t just depend on strong demand from one particular sector or industry — but rather is set to grow and conquer new markets. In many ways, the chipmaker just might be the perfect game-changer. It’s no wonder then, that we own it in the portfolio of my premium newsletter, Game-Changing Stocks. In fact, we’re up more than 92% on the stock in just under 18 months. Today, I want to walk you through some of the moves AMD has made recently that illustrate this point — and why it’s still a good option for investors today. —Recommended Link— This changed EVERYTHING we thought we knew about investing… It took months to put together. but our industry expert just revealed a revolutionary (and surprisingly legal) stock market “hack” that has already brought in $2,434 in just 16 days. This simple hack could be the key to unlocking the full potential of your portfolio (while reducing your… Read More

February 22, 2019, wasn’t a particularly memorable day for most investors. But I’m betting Warren Buffett recalls it quite vividly. You would too if you lost $4.3 billion in a matter of hours. That’s the day Kraft Heinz (NYSE: KHC) stock imploded. Read More

I want to take a moment to highlight what’s going on in the broader market.  Right now, the market is at an important turning point that could determine the direction of the next big market trend.  Just check out the chart of the S&P 500 below, which also shows important support level at 2,800 (marked in blue).  Now, I know many investors ignore technical analysis, but there are many investors who follow important technical signals. And when enough large investors react the same way to the same technical signals, those signals become important.  #-ad_banner-#One technical factor that tends to be… Read More

I want to take a moment to highlight what’s going on in the broader market.  Right now, the market is at an important turning point that could determine the direction of the next big market trend.  Just check out the chart of the S&P 500 below, which also shows important support level at 2,800 (marked in blue).  Now, I know many investors ignore technical analysis, but there are many investors who follow important technical signals. And when enough large investors react the same way to the same technical signals, those signals become important.  #-ad_banner-#One technical factor that tends to be important to traders is the law of round numbers, which gets mentioned in a number of books written in the first half of the 20th century. One of the books that mentions round numbers is “Reminiscences of a Stock Operator,” the 1923 classic that sits on the desk of many Wall Street traders.  In the book, traders are advised to watch round numbers, and when a decisive break occurs, the trend is usually well established. In the chart, 2,800 is a round number and the blue line shows that prices stopped advancing at that level three times at the end… Read More

As my High-Yield Investing subscribers know, I like to keep an eye out for companies that are likely to announce a dividend hike in the coming month. #-ad_banner-# Staying on top of these potential pay raises for shareholders is important. After all, while finding a good income security is always a good thing, it’s even better if we can get in early.  As you’ll see in a moment, two of today’s dividend-growth candidates come from the tech sector. That’s a nice coincidence if you happened to catch my previous article — in which I pointed out that the tech sector is… Read More

As my High-Yield Investing subscribers know, I like to keep an eye out for companies that are likely to announce a dividend hike in the coming month. #-ad_banner-# Staying on top of these potential pay raises for shareholders is important. After all, while finding a good income security is always a good thing, it’s even better if we can get in early.  As you’ll see in a moment, two of today’s dividend-growth candidates come from the tech sector. That’s a nice coincidence if you happened to catch my previous article — in which I pointed out that the tech sector is often an overlooked area for income investors. In fact, the two companies I specifically mentioned in that piece show up as potential dividend-hikers today. I’ve also highlighted a household staples provider and a utility, both of which are Dividend Aristocrats with decades of uninterrupted dividend growth.  All four businesses are at the top of their respective fields. And all are poised to hike their distributions within a matter of weeks. So without further delay, here are four stocks that could raise their payouts as soon as next month.  1. Apple (Nasdaq: AAPL) — As mentioned above, Apple has been changing… Read More

There’s always a fascination with low-priced small-cap stocks. Maybe it’s the “venture capital-like” approach that it brings, or maybe it’s the dream of getting in on the ground floor of the next Facebook (Nasdaq: FB) or Amazon (Nasdaq: AMZN). Whatever the case might be, there’s no denying that small-cap stocks can provide investors with astronomical returns. You’re more likely to see a small-cap stock with strong growth prospects return triple digits in a year than you are a blue-chip stock. —Recommended Link— Wall Street won’t tell you about this… but we just uncovered a bombshell… From custom coded cures… Read More

There’s always a fascination with low-priced small-cap stocks. Maybe it’s the “venture capital-like” approach that it brings, or maybe it’s the dream of getting in on the ground floor of the next Facebook (Nasdaq: FB) or Amazon (Nasdaq: AMZN). Whatever the case might be, there’s no denying that small-cap stocks can provide investors with astronomical returns. You’re more likely to see a small-cap stock with strong growth prospects return triple digits in a year than you are a blue-chip stock. —Recommended Link— Wall Street won’t tell you about this… but we just uncovered a bombshell… From custom coded cures to blood cell-sized “nanobots” one company is paving the way towards ending disease as we know it… We’ve got the company and the ticker that could make you millions. ​Click here for the full details. That’s why I decided it would be fun to fire up my Maximum Profit system and scan the market for small-cap stocks (market cap under $2 billion) with share prices under $10. I also wanted to make sure we weren’t getting thinly-traded stocks, or those with low volume, so I made sure that at least 75,000 shares change hands on average daily. Using a… Read More