Genia Turanova

Genia Turanova, Chief Investment Strategist for Game-Changing Stocks and Fast-Track Millionaire, is a financial writer and money manager whose experience includes serving for more than a decade as a portfolio manager and Investment Committee member for a New York-based money management firm.  Genia also researched, wrote and managed recommendations for several investment advisories. From 2011 to 2016, she served as Editor of the award-winning Leeb Income Performance newsletter. Genia also wrote for The Complete Investor, another award winner, from 2003 to 2016. During that time, Genia was responsible for several portfolios, including the "Income/Value" portfolio and the "FastTrack" portfolio. Genia's academic credentials include an MBA in Finance and Investments from the Zicklin School of Business, Baruch College in New York City. Genia is a CFA Charterholder.

Analyst Articles

In a recent issue of Fast-Track Millionaire, I introduced my subscribers to a feature our portfolios have not seen until now: a market hedge. And not just any hedge. A high-quality bond might protect you from stock volatility, but it’s not likely to make you a lot of money if the market tanks. —Recommended Link— “It’s like getting 26 paychecks advanced to you in ONE LUMP SUM!” Executive Dividends are one of Wall Street’s best-kept secrets, paying out a small fortune in unannounced cash seemingly at random–and today, Nathan Slaughter shows you where to find them. Read more here. Read More

In a recent issue of Fast-Track Millionaire, I introduced my subscribers to a feature our portfolios have not seen until now: a market hedge. And not just any hedge. A high-quality bond might protect you from stock volatility, but it’s not likely to make you a lot of money if the market tanks. —Recommended Link— “It’s like getting 26 paychecks advanced to you in ONE LUMP SUM!” Executive Dividends are one of Wall Street’s best-kept secrets, paying out a small fortune in unannounced cash seemingly at random–and today, Nathan Slaughter shows you where to find them. Read more here. Today, I’d like to tell you a little about it — and why you might want to consider implementing this tool yourself. #-ad_banner-#While I think abandoning the market is not the answer to recent volatility, this does not mean I want my readers to stand idly by and watch the value of their portfolios decline. One solution is to start building a portfolio hedge. A hedge, by definition, is something that would make you money in case your main investment won’t. And I believe one such hedge exists. Of course, it’s not fool-proof — there is no guarantee, just as… Read More

Retirement is a personal endeavor. Everyone is different when it comes to wants and needs in retirement. There really is no “one size fits all” when it comes to designing a comfortable retirement.  Those of you who are planning a relaxing, low-cost retirement in an extremely low cost of living region, like Costa Rica, have far different requirements than those retirees wanting a whirlwind jet-setter lifestyle in their golden years. Only you know you and your partner’s dreams, hopes, and needs once your employment or business income winds down. —Recommended Link— The 9 Biggest Things To Happen To Investing In… Read More

Retirement is a personal endeavor. Everyone is different when it comes to wants and needs in retirement. There really is no “one size fits all” when it comes to designing a comfortable retirement.  Those of you who are planning a relaxing, low-cost retirement in an extremely low cost of living region, like Costa Rica, have far different requirements than those retirees wanting a whirlwind jet-setter lifestyle in their golden years. Only you know you and your partner’s dreams, hopes, and needs once your employment or business income winds down. —Recommended Link— The 9 Biggest Things To Happen To Investing In 2019 — Revealed: Your 2019 investment “cheat sheet” is ready… Our annual Game-Changing Stocks Predictions have left many readers stunned. Some wondered if we had some kind of crystal ball on the market… others asked if we were getting away with insider trading. And this year… could hold our biggest reveal yet… Click here to see what 2019 has in store for you. Make the right choices and your retirement will be everything you ever dreamed. Choose wrong and your time after employment will be nothing but stress and heartache. #-ad_banner-#One way to ensure your dreams don’t turn into… Read More

The guns have gone quiet on the Eastern Front…for now. The U.S. and China agreed to a temporary truce in the developing trade war after a meeting at the G-20 conference last month. The agreement is light on details but at least keeps the two sides from escalating tensions with new tariffs. —Recommended Link— New Retirement Solution: ‘Executive Dividends’ Issued by some of the biggest corporations in America but unreported by the press, these “Executive Dividends” can be worth a fortune–if you know where to look… See how to cash in HERE, starting at $3,080 per month. That’s not… Read More

The guns have gone quiet on the Eastern Front…for now. The U.S. and China agreed to a temporary truce in the developing trade war after a meeting at the G-20 conference last month. The agreement is light on details but at least keeps the two sides from escalating tensions with new tariffs. —Recommended Link— New Retirement Solution: ‘Executive Dividends’ Issued by some of the biggest corporations in America but unreported by the press, these “Executive Dividends” can be worth a fortune–if you know where to look… See how to cash in HERE, starting at $3,080 per month. That’s not necessarily a relief for investors as the two sides could fail to reach a longer-lasting détente, sending markets reeling once again early next year. However it all plays out, there’s no denying that China is becoming a dominant player both geopolitically and economically. Just as the 20th century belonged to American exceptionalism that saw the U.S. economy surge, the 21st century may belong to China. Investors may see the trade war as a headwind to returns now, but it could turn out to be one of the best opportunities for positioning in the Chinese century. A Temporary Truce In The… Read More

Generally, I believe, people are optimistic by nature. Many of us always look for that proverbial silver lining. That is especially true when it comes to investing. Optimism explains the popularity of buy-and-hold investing. Individuals following this model say things like, “Prices always come back.” And, so far, prices in the U.S. stock market have always come back. —Recommended Link— Dear StreetAuthority Reader, I want you to be the FIRST to hear about this. A stock market “hack” we’ve been tweaking is actually working. I’m talking about gains like +20% in 14 days, +83% in 28 days, +64% in… Read More

Generally, I believe, people are optimistic by nature. Many of us always look for that proverbial silver lining. That is especially true when it comes to investing. Optimism explains the popularity of buy-and-hold investing. Individuals following this model say things like, “Prices always come back.” And, so far, prices in the U.S. stock market have always come back. —Recommended Link— Dear StreetAuthority Reader, I want you to be the FIRST to hear about this. A stock market “hack” we’ve been tweaking is actually working. I’m talking about gains like +20% in 14 days, +83% in 28 days, +64% in 48 days, +118% in 86 days…+266% in less than a year. Click here to learn more. But it took 13 years for the S&P 500 index to fully recover from the 2000 bear market. Prices did reach new highs in 2007 but then fell to new lows. It took 11 years to recover after prices peaked in 1968 and 25 years to recover from the 1929 peak. #-ad_banner-#In global markets, the track record is worse. Japanese stocks still remain more than 40% below their 1989 highs. That’s an extreme example but it’s been almost 30 years since Japanese stocks peaked. Read More

If 2018’s stock market behavior was an amusement park ride, potential riders would probably be required to read a 60-page warning booklet and sign a release. “All Over The Road” would probably be a good name for it. Unfortunately, investors can’t exit through the gift shop. —Recommended Link— Just Released To The Public: 10 Stocks You MUST Own If You Want To Beat The Market Discover the 10 stocks with the most potential to crush the market in 2019. This is your chance to gain access to the definitive guide to beating the market for FREE ($99.00… Read More

If 2018’s stock market behavior was an amusement park ride, potential riders would probably be required to read a 60-page warning booklet and sign a release. “All Over The Road” would probably be a good name for it. Unfortunately, investors can’t exit through the gift shop. —Recommended Link— Just Released To The Public: 10 Stocks You MUST Own If You Want To Beat The Market Discover the 10 stocks with the most potential to crush the market in 2019. This is your chance to gain access to the definitive guide to beating the market for FREE ($99.00 value). Click here for the full details. It’s been a brutal year. And anyone who says they aren’t sitting on losses is either a liar or a genius. #-ad_banner-#But what if you still believe in your idea longer term? The way markets can move you may sell and book a loss, only to wait 31 days and buy back the stock at a higher price. It’s what psychologists refer to as “fear of missing out” or “FOMO.” From a tax-loss standpoint, investors may sell a stock to realize a loss to offset the tax consequence of a gain. However, the… Read More

A buddy of mine once got a bit of a shocker a few days before his wedding, when his soon-to-be bride confided that she owed $40,000 or so in unpaid student loans. Fortunately, it wasn’t a deal-breaker and they are still happily married. But it took years to dig out from that deep financial hole. —Recommended Link— Investment Income That Crushes Dividends With the S&P 500 yielding just 1.9%, the average dividend stock will take 52 years to double your money. But one new income approach lets you collect $565 (or more) in cash every… Read More

A buddy of mine once got a bit of a shocker a few days before his wedding, when his soon-to-be bride confided that she owed $40,000 or so in unpaid student loans. Fortunately, it wasn’t a deal-breaker and they are still happily married. But it took years to dig out from that deep financial hole. —Recommended Link— Investment Income That Crushes Dividends With the S&P 500 yielding just 1.9%, the average dividend stock will take 52 years to double your money. But one new income approach lets you collect $565 (or more) in cash every week — INSTANTLY. Over time, it’s amounted to a large pile of money — $140,490 since 2013. Learn about the “Guaranteed Income Strategy” that’s beating the pants off other income investments. Many companies come with the same kind of baggage. General Electric (NYSE: GE), for instance, has some attractive assets, including $62 billion in cash and $50 billion in property and equipment. But then hidden a little lower on the balance sheet is a whopping $115 billion debt load. Even for a global giant, meeting the principal and interest payments on these loans is a heavy… Read More

Successful investing requires discipline, focus, and a healthy skepticism of quarterly and annual reports. But it’s this last idea that counts the most. For if investors fail in their duty to look beneath the surface of corporate reports, they have nobody to blame but themselves for making poor investment decisions. —Recommended Link— URGENT NEWS: Experts Warn Your Pension Is ‘A Disaster Waiting to Happen’ Save your retirement from miserly interest rates and an overstretched stock market with our special “Executive Dividends” Program… Learn more inside. Take Target (NYSE: TGT), for example. Many investors looking for an entry point for… Read More

Successful investing requires discipline, focus, and a healthy skepticism of quarterly and annual reports. But it’s this last idea that counts the most. For if investors fail in their duty to look beneath the surface of corporate reports, they have nobody to blame but themselves for making poor investment decisions. —Recommended Link— URGENT NEWS: Experts Warn Your Pension Is ‘A Disaster Waiting to Happen’ Save your retirement from miserly interest rates and an overstretched stock market with our special “Executive Dividends” Program… Learn more inside. Take Target (NYSE: TGT), for example. Many investors looking for an entry point for the stock may have found it after the stock declined behind the company’s quarterly earnings announcement last month. As you can see from the chart, the stock took a nosedive on the report — wiping out an entire year’s gains. Now, it’s true the stock has since regained about 2% since the decline, but clearly, investors didn’t like what management had to report. The Catalyst Ostensibly, the catalyst for Target’s stock decline was lighter than expected growth for its third quarter. Analysts’ expectations were for the company to report same stores sales growth of 5.5%. Instead, the… Read More

How do you position yourself into the end of the year in order to maximize the potential for gains and while minimizing exposure to the least-promising stocks? With the markets taking wild swings on an almost daily basis for the past month, this question becomes more important than ever. —Recommended Link— 9 Investment Revelations For 2019 From toppling the titans of Monday night entertainment to robotic heart surgery… 2019 will be a very interesting year for investors. Want to know where the smart money will be in 2019? Discover 9 Game-Changing Predictions for 2019 NOW. The answer to the… Read More

How do you position yourself into the end of the year in order to maximize the potential for gains and while minimizing exposure to the least-promising stocks? With the markets taking wild swings on an almost daily basis for the past month, this question becomes more important than ever. —Recommended Link— 9 Investment Revelations For 2019 From toppling the titans of Monday night entertainment to robotic heart surgery… 2019 will be a very interesting year for investors. Want to know where the smart money will be in 2019? Discover 9 Game-Changing Predictions for 2019 NOW. The answer to the first part is relatively simple, albeit not easy: the best stocks are usually the ones that are positioned to grow in good times and bad. But it can be harder to determine stocks that are best to ignore (if you don’t own them) or to sell (if you do own them). It could be even harder to pull the trigger. #-ad_banner-#Even as the market, during periodic re-evaluation processes, inevitably creates new bargains, some stocks remain too dangerous. Their relative unattractiveness could stem from their deteriorating businesses, over-leveraged balance sheets, or inept management. So today, I want to concentrate on some… Read More