Amber Hestla

Amber Hestla is Lead Investment Strategist behind Profitable Trading's Income Trader, Profit Amplifier and Maximum Income. She specializes in generating income using options strategies that minimize risk by applying skills she learned on military deployments and intelligence training to the markets.

While deployed overseas with the military, Amber learned the importance of analyzing data to forecast what is likely to happen in the future, a skill she now applies to financial markets. Prior to that, Amber studied risk management working undercover. While risk management is no longer a matter of life and death, she believes it is the most important factor in long-term trading success.

And although she makes her living in the markets, she continues to study the markets and trading daily. Her writing has been featured in trading magazines including the Market Technicians Association newsletter, Technical Analysis of Stocks & Commodities and Stocks, Futures and Options in the United States, and Shares, a weekly trading magazine published in the United Kingdom.

Analyst Articles

It looks like we are in a bear market. There are a few indicators that point to that conclusion but I’m going to look at just two of them today. The first indicator is a chart showing the percentage change in the prices of the Dow Jones components over the past four weeks. Notice that IBM (NYSE: IBM) and Apple (NASDAQ: AAPL) are near the bottom. Procter & Gamble (NYSE: PG) and McDonald’s (NYSE: MCD) are at the top. In bear markets, investors tend to like McDonald’s. At the worst point of the 2008 bear market, MCD was… Read More

It looks like we are in a bear market. There are a few indicators that point to that conclusion but I’m going to look at just two of them today. The first indicator is a chart showing the percentage change in the prices of the Dow Jones components over the past four weeks. Notice that IBM (NYSE: IBM) and Apple (NASDAQ: AAPL) are near the bottom. Procter & Gamble (NYSE: PG) and McDonald’s (NYSE: MCD) are at the top. In bear markets, investors tend to like McDonald’s. At the worst point of the 2008 bear market, MCD was only down about half as much as the S&P 500. Over the full course of that bear market, the stock lost just 7%. This chart shows investors are shifting to defensive stocks. That can be seen in the next chart, which looks at the changes in different sectors over the past three months. Consumer staples, healthcare and utilities are the classic defensive sectors. These include companies like Procter & Gamble in the consumer staples sector, drug companies in the healthcare sector and your local power company in the utilities sector. These are the kind of businesses that offer… Read More

I’m not a technical trader, so using charts to identify longer-term stock trends is fraught with danger. However, that doesn’t mean stock charts aren’t useful — even for long-term fundamental investors. —Recommended Link— 72% OFF. No Black Friday Lines. We’re kicking off our biggest Black Friday Sale yet! Today you can SAVE over 72% on the service that delivers $11,200 in extra income each year.  Every month you’ll get a surprisingly safe investment that yields between 10% and 15% like clockwork. Grab your Black Friday Savings today and give yourself the gift of life-changing income! Look at the chart… Read More

I’m not a technical trader, so using charts to identify longer-term stock trends is fraught with danger. However, that doesn’t mean stock charts aren’t useful — even for long-term fundamental investors. —Recommended Link— 72% OFF. No Black Friday Lines. We’re kicking off our biggest Black Friday Sale yet! Today you can SAVE over 72% on the service that delivers $11,200 in extra income each year.  Every month you’ll get a surprisingly safe investment that yields between 10% and 15% like clockwork. Grab your Black Friday Savings today and give yourself the gift of life-changing income! Look at the chart of Kellogg (NASDAQ: K) below. The long-term stock trend has an obvious head & shoulders pattern. This pattern is a relatively strong bearish pattern that indicates a trend reversal has occurred — meaning the stock will likely decline going forward. Of course, most fundamental investors don’t make investment decisions on charts. So let’s take a deep dive into Kellogg’s fundamentals in an effort to determine if the chart could foretell the future of Kellogg stock. Changing Consumer Trends Like many food companies, Kellogg is trying to stay relevant in an era of changing consumer food trends —… Read More

Last month, I ran a stock screen to see which companies seemed attractive to insiders in the month of September, with the market trading near its all-time highs. One stock from that screen has already made it to our portfolio — after doing further research, I added it in the latest issue of Game-Changing Stocks. —Recommended Link— Are you missing the mark when it comes to beating the market? Our newly released report “Top 10 stocks for 2019” is your definitive guide to beating the market in the coming year. Complete with 10 heavily researched stock picks… from multiple… Read More

Last month, I ran a stock screen to see which companies seemed attractive to insiders in the month of September, with the market trading near its all-time highs. One stock from that screen has already made it to our portfolio — after doing further research, I added it in the latest issue of Game-Changing Stocks. —Recommended Link— Are you missing the mark when it comes to beating the market? Our newly released report “Top 10 stocks for 2019” is your definitive guide to beating the market in the coming year. Complete with 10 heavily researched stock picks… from multiple sectors, this report could bring in hefty double-digit gains in 2019. Click here to discover the picks now. But as you know, in barely a month the market changed. October brought us nearly a 7% decline in the S&P 500, a 5% decline in the Dow Industrials, and a better than 9% decline in the Nasdaq Composite Index. #-ad_banner-#Last month’s screen showed us which stocks were considered bargains by insiders in a strong, climbing market. The same or similar methods should work with a weaker market, too. Therefore, I recently set out to determine which stocks are considered bargains by… Read More

Benjamin Graham, Warren Buffett, Peter Lynch, and George Soros. I would guess that there are at least one or two names on this list that the average Joe would recognize. These moguls are fixtures in the investment world. And for good reason, these notorious investors have amassed a tremendous amount of wealth through investing. —Recommended Link— Your Best Shot At Triple-Digit Winners In One Comprehensive Report If you ever want a shot at retiring with millions in your account, then you need BIG winners. That’s why THE LIST is our most anticipated report. It’s jam -packed with timely growth… Read More

Benjamin Graham, Warren Buffett, Peter Lynch, and George Soros. I would guess that there are at least one or two names on this list that the average Joe would recognize. These moguls are fixtures in the investment world. And for good reason, these notorious investors have amassed a tremendous amount of wealth through investing. —Recommended Link— Your Best Shot At Triple-Digit Winners In One Comprehensive Report If you ever want a shot at retiring with millions in your account, then you need BIG winners. That’s why THE LIST is our most anticipated report. It’s jam -packed with timely growth picks that likely have huge gains just on the horizon. Click here to see THE LIST now. However, keep in mind that there are hundreds, if not thousands, of folks who have made their mark in the investment world. And while some of these under-the-radar investors may not have the name recognition as Warren Buffett or George Soros, their contributions to the field are just as important. #-ad_banner-#Take Joesph Piotroski, for example. He earned an MBA in Finance from Indiana University and a Ph.D. in accounting from the University of Michigan. He’s an accounting professor at Stanford University, holds a… Read More

While pundits argue about where we are in the economic cycle, there’s no denying that a recession will come eventually. Bull markets don’t die of old age but many tell-tale signs of a recession are there. From rising rates to a tight labor market, the question in the market isn’t “if” but “when” will the next market crash occur. —Recommended Link— What Would YOU Do With An Extra $3,080 Every Month For The Rest Of Your Life? Never worry about cash again. Be free to live how YOU want… go on a lavish vacation… or build up a college… Read More

While pundits argue about where we are in the economic cycle, there’s no denying that a recession will come eventually. Bull markets don’t die of old age but many tell-tale signs of a recession are there. From rising rates to a tight labor market, the question in the market isn’t “if” but “when” will the next market crash occur. —Recommended Link— What Would YOU Do With An Extra $3,080 Every Month For The Rest Of Your Life? Never worry about cash again. Be free to live how YOU want… go on a lavish vacation… or build up a college fund for the grandkids–it’s up to you. Get your share here… But how many have been proven wrong on their calls for an end to the historic bull charge? How many analysts and pundits have called for the next crash over the last decade…and how many have been right? #-ad_banner-#As it turns out, the smarter strategy might not be trying to time the next recession but instead looking for companies that could benefit from the next downturn. In contrast to the herd mentality of rushing to safety sectors, some of these companies positioned as leaders in cyclical sectors may be… Read More

A couple weeks ago, I outlined a simple screen that filtered out stocks that were not only trading at low price-to-sales metrics but also had raised earnings guidance within the prior four weeks. —Recommended Link— What Would YOU Do With An Extra $3,080 Every Month For The Rest Of Your Life? Never worry about cash again. Be free to live how YOU want… go on a lavish vacation… or build up a college fund for the grandkids — it’s up to you. Get your share here… When we ran the screen, United Continental Holdings (Nasdaq: UAL) rose to the… Read More

A couple weeks ago, I outlined a simple screen that filtered out stocks that were not only trading at low price-to-sales metrics but also had raised earnings guidance within the prior four weeks. —Recommended Link— What Would YOU Do With An Extra $3,080 Every Month For The Rest Of Your Life? Never worry about cash again. Be free to live how YOU want… go on a lavish vacation… or build up a college fund for the grandkids — it’s up to you. Get your share here… When we ran the screen, United Continental Holdings (Nasdaq: UAL) rose to the top of the list. If you took advantage of that call, you soon found out just how powerful a scan that was. Shares of UAL traded up about 16% over the month. This time around, I have a scan to share with you that is even more powerful. (As always, I shared it with my Extreme Tech Profits members first, of course.) In a recent five-year backtest of the system, using a one-week rebalance period, and testing from October 18, 2013, to October 19, 2018, the system produced the following results (our system is the green line, the red line… Read More

In response to our recent article about investing offshore, many readers asked for more information. They expressed many concerns, particularly about safety. Jamie Virjhof, Relationship Manager of Weber Hartmann Virjhof & Partners Ltd., recently interviewed me and addressed those concerns. —Recommended Link— LEAKED: Secret List Reveals Top Growth Stocks To Buy Now Private clients have been getting this secretive research for years, using it to make gains of 310%, 452%, 569%, and more… Now, a small research outfit is leaking THE LIST to the public. Take a peek at it here… I have permission to… Read More

In response to our recent article about investing offshore, many readers asked for more information. They expressed many concerns, particularly about safety. Jamie Virjhof, Relationship Manager of Weber Hartmann Virjhof & Partners Ltd., recently interviewed me and addressed those concerns. —Recommended Link— LEAKED: Secret List Reveals Top Growth Stocks To Buy Now Private clients have been getting this secretive research for years, using it to make gains of 310%, 452%, 569%, and more… Now, a small research outfit is leaking THE LIST to the public. Take a peek at it here… I have permission to share it with our readers. Is International Diversification really necessary? Dennis Miller’s recent article, “Should Investors Have Money Offshore?” raised the ever-important question whether you can really trust the government. Dennis elaborated how the government does not always have the best interest of their people in mind. This was one of the reasons why he decided to bring some of his wealth offshore. #-ad_banner-#Dennis has been a good friend and client of WHVP for nearly a decade. We recently met at the Total Wealth Symposium in Las Vegas and felt his perspective and insight on offshore… Read More