Analyst Articles

In a recent article, I wrote about a discovery I learned from Dr. Len Zacks, founder of Zacks Investment Research. He is the one who taught me that positive changes in earnings estimates are the single most influential factor affecting stock prices over the near term. Earnings estimates are changed in one of two ways: The company itself comes out prior to or at their earnings announcement and says, “You know what, it looks like the current quarter is going better than we expected. Sales are so good, were going to have to up our estimates for what we will… Read More

In a recent article, I wrote about a discovery I learned from Dr. Len Zacks, founder of Zacks Investment Research. He is the one who taught me that positive changes in earnings estimates are the single most influential factor affecting stock prices over the near term. Earnings estimates are changed in one of two ways: The company itself comes out prior to or at their earnings announcement and says, “You know what, it looks like the current quarter is going better than we expected. Sales are so good, were going to have to up our estimates for what we will achieve by the end of it.” Or an analyst covering the company, presumably with access to current sales and profit figures, makes the same kind of announcement. —Recommended Link— The Market’s Most SECRETIVE Indicator… Pioneered by a Texas investing firm, with a PROVEN million-dollar track record, the little-known “MP Score” is something outsiders rarely hear about-until now… Get started HERE. When this happens, it creates what we can call a “valuation disconnect.” According to the Efficient Market Theory (EMT), the current price always reflects all current information regarding the company’s forward earning prospects. So when new information arises unexpectedly,… Read More

One of the hallmarks of a successful investor is to be able to change your bias when the data changes. We are on the cusp of the data possibly changing from bullish to bearish in the stock market. —Recommended Link— How Jim Cashed $13,784 In Daily Paychecks Experimenting With This Wildly Successful System Jim took a cool $13,784… Annie grabbed $2,194 in one month… and Curtis cashes $4,200 in daily payments every month. It’s all perfectly legal. Their fortunes have been documented. See for yourself how easy it will be for YOU to start collecting paychecks each and every… Read More

One of the hallmarks of a successful investor is to be able to change your bias when the data changes. We are on the cusp of the data possibly changing from bullish to bearish in the stock market. —Recommended Link— How Jim Cashed $13,784 In Daily Paychecks Experimenting With This Wildly Successful System Jim took a cool $13,784… Annie grabbed $2,194 in one month… and Curtis cashes $4,200 in daily payments every month. It’s all perfectly legal. Their fortunes have been documented. See for yourself how easy it will be for YOU to start collecting paychecks each and every day… Make no mistake, I remain solidly bullish as the overall picture has not changed much. But the recent market action proves there are cracks in the foundation. A major tenet of technical analysis is that all data is inherently baked into the price, therefore even heretofore unknown bearish information is being reflected in the market action. Regardless of your bias, now is the time to seriously consider taking steps to protect your gains from the possible further downside. #-ad_banner-#Here are three ways to protect your portfolio: 1. Buy Gold I will be the first to admit that I… Read More

Stocks in the S&P 500 plunged 9% through last week for the worst October since 2008, and both the broad index and the Dow closed into negative territory for the year. The sell-off is worse in individual sectors like industrials and materials, down 14% and 21% from their respective 52-week highs. —Recommended Link— Your Best Shot At Triple-Digit Winners In One Comprehensive Report If you ever want a shot at retiring with millions in your account, then you need BIG winners. That’s why THE LIST is our most anticipated report. It’s jam-packed with timely growth picks that likely have… Read More

Stocks in the S&P 500 plunged 9% through last week for the worst October since 2008, and both the broad index and the Dow closed into negative territory for the year. The sell-off is worse in individual sectors like industrials and materials, down 14% and 21% from their respective 52-week highs. —Recommended Link— Your Best Shot At Triple-Digit Winners In One Comprehensive Report If you ever want a shot at retiring with millions in your account, then you need BIG winners. That’s why THE LIST is our most anticipated report. It’s jam-packed with timely growth picks that likely have huge gains just on the horizon. Click here to see THE LIST now. The market’s fear gauge, the VIX Volatility Index, spiked just past 26 to highs not reached since the February correction. Before October, the VIX had not risen above 16 since April and has traded in a tight range for most of the year. While the very definition of volatility is moves to the upside as well as those red-days, the trend is clearly to a lower market. The economy continues on a fairly stable footing but negative forces have taken hold and the market rout is likely… Read More

It’s baaack. Market volatility, that is, and just in time for Halloween. Yes, the recent 8% haircut in the Dow Jones Industrial Average, 12% slide for the Nasdaq, and 16% tumble for the Russell 2000 were a bit unnerving for all of us, especially after a quiet, and relatively bullish summer. With last Wednesday’s 3% to 4% rout capping the pullback, the markets had officially given back all their gains for 2018. —Recommended Link— Nest Egg Cracked? Patch It With Our New Legacy Portfolio 401k looking lackluster? Is your pension or social security just not hacking it? Odds are… Read More

It’s baaack. Market volatility, that is, and just in time for Halloween. Yes, the recent 8% haircut in the Dow Jones Industrial Average, 12% slide for the Nasdaq, and 16% tumble for the Russell 2000 were a bit unnerving for all of us, especially after a quiet, and relatively bullish summer. With last Wednesday’s 3% to 4% rout capping the pullback, the markets had officially given back all their gains for 2018. —Recommended Link— Nest Egg Cracked? Patch It With Our New Legacy Portfolio 401k looking lackluster? Is your pension or social security just not hacking it? Odds are that skyrocketing healthcare costs and living expenses aren’t leaving much left over each month… and won’t leave you anything to pass on to your children.  Every investor needs a set of stocks so reliable that they can buy them today and hold them for the rest of their life… one that’s returned 45% gains to shareholders the past two years and turned every 100k into a HALF-MILLION dollars in the last decade. Click here to access your 7 “Set & Forget” Legacy Assets NOW. But guess what? This is GREAT NEWS! Yes, the markets are pricing in legitimate fears. Global… Read More

Below you’ll find the Maximum Profit scores for the stocks you requested in response to my invitation last week. Thank you to each of you who participated. Now, before we get into the details, let me quickly cover how these scores should be interpreted. Read More

It has finally happened! Once again, October proved itself to be the witching month for stocks. The market barometer of the Dow Jones Industrial Average plunged below its 200-day simple moving average (SMA). After falling over 600 points on Wednesday, Oct. 25 without an intraday bounce, fear swept the financial markets. Volatility spiked with the VIX hitting 26 as investors raced to protect their positions with derivatives. —Recommended Link— “It’s like getting 26 paychecks advanced to you in ONE LUMP SUM!” Executive Dividends are one of Wall Street’s best-kept secrets, paying out a small fortune in unannounced cash seemingly… Read More

It has finally happened! Once again, October proved itself to be the witching month for stocks. The market barometer of the Dow Jones Industrial Average plunged below its 200-day simple moving average (SMA). After falling over 600 points on Wednesday, Oct. 25 without an intraday bounce, fear swept the financial markets. Volatility spiked with the VIX hitting 26 as investors raced to protect their positions with derivatives. —Recommended Link— “It’s like getting 26 paychecks advanced to you in ONE LUMP SUM!” Executive Dividends are one of Wall Street’s best-kept secrets, paying out a small fortune in unannounced cash seemingly at random–and today, Nathan Slaughter shows you where to find them. Read more here. I am not afraid, yet… As regular readers know, I am a strong proponent of the 200-day SMA as THE major price support line. Not only is the 200-day SMA used by leading institutions, but it is also the only technical indicator with academic research indicating its worth. #-ad_banner-#While the 200-day SMA support was violated, the market still needs to trade below the indicator for several sessions before I start questioning my bullish stance. Often the 200-day SMA gets violated for a session or two then… Read More

Fear seems to have taken hold of the stock market right now. —Recommended Link— Larry Claims He Makes $213,000 A Year Using This System On average, a handful of investors quietly make $1,543 a month with this simple, 3-step system. Some, like Larry from Washington, will bank 6-figures this year. To find out what you’re missing, click here NOW… In the past few weeks, volatility has picked up. Applying technical analysis to the broader stock market, the tenor of trading has shifted. This can be seen in the chart below, which shows the S&P 500 index and its 200-day… Read More

Fear seems to have taken hold of the stock market right now. —Recommended Link— Larry Claims He Makes $213,000 A Year Using This System On average, a handful of investors quietly make $1,543 a month with this simple, 3-step system. Some, like Larry from Washington, will bank 6-figures this year. To find out what you’re missing, click here NOW… In the past few weeks, volatility has picked up. Applying technical analysis to the broader stock market, the tenor of trading has shifted. This can be seen in the chart below, which shows the S&P 500 index and its 200-day moving average (MA). The 200-day MA can be used to define the direction of the long-term trend. Notice that the index collapsed in the recent selloff and is now testing the MA. A decisive break below that MA indicates a downtrend in the market, which in this case would most likely lead to a bear market. The reason I believe a breakdown in the S&P 500 will lead to a bear market is because small-cap stocks have already broken down. Small caps are the most speculative group of stocks in the market because they generally have the weakest… Read More

This market action has not been gentle to our trade on Zynga (Nasdaq: ZNGA), a veteran mobile-game maker. Or, perhaps, traders are nervous in anticipation of the company’s next earnings report, due out in just two days, on October 31. Whatever the reason, our… Read More

(Note: This is the second in a serious of exclusive monthly stock screens for Fast-Track Millionaire subscribers) Stock screens are a powerful tool. While they won’t serve as a substitute for full-fledged stock research, often they can provide a promising idea or two for… Read More

After a spectacular, virtually volatility-free bull run, equity markets are a little jittery these days. The excuses, like in the classic film by the same title, are the usual suspects. The Fed is raising rates too fast. The trade war. The jobs reports are too good, and the result will be wage inflation. George Soros. —Recommended Link— Firm With 1,588% Gains Worthy Of Legacy Portfolio? We’ve come across a 167-year-old materials developer that’s been part of everything from Edison’s first incandescent bulb… to optics in the Hubble Telescope… to the iPhone’s Gorilla Glass. It’s been making fortunes for investors… Read More

After a spectacular, virtually volatility-free bull run, equity markets are a little jittery these days. The excuses, like in the classic film by the same title, are the usual suspects. The Fed is raising rates too fast. The trade war. The jobs reports are too good, and the result will be wage inflation. George Soros. —Recommended Link— Firm With 1,588% Gains Worthy Of Legacy Portfolio? We’ve come across a 167-year-old materials developer that’s been part of everything from Edison’s first incandescent bulb… to optics in the Hubble Telescope… to the iPhone’s Gorilla Glass. It’s been making fortunes for investors for generations and has seen its stock rise 1,588% since 2002. That’s a full 1,350% more than the S&P–and a return of $170,000 for investors who were smart enough to put 10k into it 16 years ago. But here’s the thing… even this success wasn’t enough to earn it a spot in our Legacy Assets Portfolio. Click here now to discover the seven companies that did make the list. I could go on. But I won’t. The market has been knocked around a little. The falling leaves, cooler temperatures and the re-emergence of Starbucks (NASDAQ: SBUX) pumpkin spice… Read More