Jimmy Butts is the Chief Investment Strategist for Maximum Profit and Capital Wealth Letter, and a regular contributor to StreetAuthority Insider. Prior to joining StreetAuthority, Jimmy came from the financial services and banking industry where he worked as a Financial Advisor. There he specialized in providing customized retirement solutions for individuals. Jimmy graduated from Boise State University with a degree in business administration and finance. He also spent multiple years studying language, international business and finance in both Germany and Buenos Aires, Argentina. At one point he held his series 6, 63, 65 and 26 securities licenses. When he's not combing through financial statements or reading about finance, Jimmy enjoys being outdoors.

Analyst Articles

I’ve avoided the topic and industry for a while now. But there’s no denying that it’s a burgeoning space with considerable momentum. One that I get plenty of questions about… I’m talking about the cannabis market, or pot stocks. —Recommended Link— Old Doesn’t Mean Outdated — 7 Assets To Own Forever If a firm can power through the Civil War, two World Wars, the Great Depression and Recession… you’d assume it was a top performer and could generate wealth for decades to come… right? WRONG! Today there are thirteen Fortune 500 companies that are at least 150 years old…… Read More

I’ve avoided the topic and industry for a while now. But there’s no denying that it’s a burgeoning space with considerable momentum. One that I get plenty of questions about… I’m talking about the cannabis market, or pot stocks. —Recommended Link— Old Doesn’t Mean Outdated — 7 Assets To Own Forever If a firm can power through the Civil War, two World Wars, the Great Depression and Recession… you’d assume it was a top performer and could generate wealth for decades to come… right? WRONG! Today there are thirteen Fortune 500 companies that are at least 150 years old… And not one of them was good enough to make our Legacy Assets list. This is a portfolio that’s given investors back $480,000 for every 100k they put in a decade ago. But what makes these Assets different? What enables them to perform under ANY market condition? They all have three simple connections… our Secret Legacy Asset Traits. To discover the seven stocks with these traits–stocks that have doubled the S&P in the past year and almost tripled it in the last decade — click here now. Pot stocks have been a hot topic for years now, but investing in… Read More

More bloodletting. After yesterday’s 800-point free fall, the Dow surrendered another 500 points today. If there was a silver lining, it’s that stocks bounced from their lows on renewed hopes that the United States and China are meeting to reconcile their… Read More

Back in March, I outlined my reasons for loving Macy’s (NYSE: M) stock for a long-term portfolio. Entering on a break out of $30.00 per share, the original call panned out to be a solid winner with shares surging to just a smidge below our March 2018 price target of $42.00 per share.  Next, I confidently upped the price target to $50.00 per share. —Recommended Link— There Are 6,568 Investors On “The List…” Will YOU Be Next? Introducing the exclusive system guarantees you get a paycheck delivered to your mailbox an average of every single day. Sometimes more. Full… Read More

Back in March, I outlined my reasons for loving Macy’s (NYSE: M) stock for a long-term portfolio. Entering on a break out of $30.00 per share, the original call panned out to be a solid winner with shares surging to just a smidge below our March 2018 price target of $42.00 per share.  Next, I confidently upped the price target to $50.00 per share. —Recommended Link— There Are 6,568 Investors On “The List…” Will YOU Be Next? Introducing the exclusive system guarantees you get a paycheck delivered to your mailbox an average of every single day. Sometimes more. Full story here… On Aug. 16, that forecast was proven wrong as the bottom fell out of the stock. The entire retail sector was rocked, and Macy’s was no exception! The shares plunged from near $42.00 into the $34.00 zone as investors panicked. Investors who judicially utilize trailing stops booked handsome profits from the initial entry, but those who entered closer to the top tick took a hit so far in the stock. The Good News Price remains above the technically critical 200-day simple moving average and shares have returned to the value zone. Getting long now right now makes… Read More

As I began writing this Sunday evening, I’m still feeling confident about a few more weeks of upside here… with a few expected bumps along the way (as I’ve stated before). While the few pullback days we’ve seen lately are unnerving to some, they’re still extremely moderate in the grand scheme of things. They are also a needed test to see just how “worried” investors feel about rising rates, slowing earnings growth, and the upcoming mid-term elections. (Of all the potential headwinds investors could be concerned with, I believe the mid-terms could be the biggest binary catalyst.) —Recommended Link— THE… Read More

As I began writing this Sunday evening, I’m still feeling confident about a few more weeks of upside here… with a few expected bumps along the way (as I’ve stated before). While the few pullback days we’ve seen lately are unnerving to some, they’re still extremely moderate in the grand scheme of things. They are also a needed test to see just how “worried” investors feel about rising rates, slowing earnings growth, and the upcoming mid-term elections. (Of all the potential headwinds investors could be concerned with, I believe the mid-terms could be the biggest binary catalyst.) —Recommended Link— THE LIST — The Only Growth Stocks You’ll Ever Need If you’re ready to start bagging triple-digit winners like it’s no big deal, then you have to see this… Last year’s picks are beating the S&P 500 3 -to-1 , and we ‘ve recommended dozens of multi-baggers to our readers over the years. THE LIST is jam packed timely picks including: Our #1 Biotech Stock, Takeover Stock, Pharmaceutical Stock, and many others. Click here to see them now. The Kavanaugh mess really revealed the huge amount of pent-up energy on both sides of the aisle… and just how polarized we… Read More

Today’s market selloff didn’t leave our Opportunity Trades unscathed. Paratek (Nasdaq: PRTK) closed just above my suggested stop-loss level of $9.20. Even though I anticipated some heightened volatility (and thus had set up a tight stop-loss on this trade), I think the action in… Read More

Bill Gates, Microsoft (NASDAQ: MSFT) founder and internet godfather, penned an essay in 1996 that contained the now famous quote “content is king.” Gates’ thesis was that the internet would become a marketplace for content. —Recommended Link— “It’s like getting 26 paychecks advanced to you in ONE LUMP SUM!” Executive Dividends are one of Wall Street’s best-kept secrets, paying out a small fortune in unannounced cash seemingly at random–and today, Nathan Slaughter shows you where to find them. Read more here. Gates didn’t get rich by accident. Twenty-two years later, the Oklahoma-style land rush to produce and acquire the… Read More

Bill Gates, Microsoft (NASDAQ: MSFT) founder and internet godfather, penned an essay in 1996 that contained the now famous quote “content is king.” Gates’ thesis was that the internet would become a marketplace for content. —Recommended Link— “It’s like getting 26 paychecks advanced to you in ONE LUMP SUM!” Executive Dividends are one of Wall Street’s best-kept secrets, paying out a small fortune in unannounced cash seemingly at random–and today, Nathan Slaughter shows you where to find them. Read more here. Gates didn’t get rich by accident. Twenty-two years later, the Oklahoma-style land rush to produce and acquire the most and best content continues at a breakneck pace. AT&T (NYSE: T) acquired content powerhouse Time Warner (NYSE: TWX). Netflix (NASDAQ: NFLX) and Amazon (NASDAQ: AMZN) are throwing money at Hollywood, looking for the next hit. #-ad_banner-#Of course, these are the shiny objects. There are quieter, less capital-intensive, and, ultimately, much more profitable deals afoot. One completely overlooked space is the small market and regional newspaper segment. One company is doing that. Formed in 2007, New Media Investment Group (NYSE: NEWM) has spent over $1 billion building its portfolio — acquiring 145 daily newspapers and 340 weekly newspapers across 37… Read More

In the language of economics, there are two terms used to describe events that bring great changes to the economy. “Megatrend” is a term used to describe major structural changes that transform the global economy over the long-term. And “revolution,” as in “the industrial revolution,” is a megatrend so massive, so pervasive, and so long-lasting, it changes the very fabric of culture and society. —Recommended Link— Larry Claims He Makes $213,000 A Year Using This System On average, a handful of investors quietly make $1,543 a month with this simple, 3-step system. Some, like Larry from Washington, will bank… Read More

In the language of economics, there are two terms used to describe events that bring great changes to the economy. “Megatrend” is a term used to describe major structural changes that transform the global economy over the long-term. And “revolution,” as in “the industrial revolution,” is a megatrend so massive, so pervasive, and so long-lasting, it changes the very fabric of culture and society. —Recommended Link— Larry Claims He Makes $213,000 A Year Using This System On average, a handful of investors quietly make $1,543 a month with this simple, 3-step system. Some, like Larry from Washington, will bank 6-figures this year. To find out what you’re missing, click here NOW… Artificial intelligence (AI) clearly represents a “megatrend;” but I believe it is much more than that. I believe economic historians will be writing up the 2020’s as a decade that witnessed a new industrial revolution, and quite possibly the most impactful such revolution we’ve ever seen. #-ad_banner-#In the first industrial revolution, the birth of steam locomotion revolutionized transportation. Since then, we’ve seen how the assembly line enabled modern rates of production, how digital electronics radically changed the ways we communicate and entertain ourselves, and how the internet revolutionized…… Read More