Nathan Slaughter

Nathan Slaughter, Chief Investment Strategist of The Daily Paycheck and High-Yield Investing, has developed a long and successful track record over the years by finding profitable investments no matter where they hide. Nathan's previous experience includes a long tenure at AXA/Equitable Advisors, one of the world's largest financial planning firms. He also honed his research skills at Morgan Keegan, where he managed millions in portfolio assets and performed consultative retirement planning services. To reach more investors, Nathan switched gears in 2004 and began writing full-time. He has since published hundreds of articles for a variety of prominent online and print publications. Nathan has interviewed industry insiders like Paul Weisbruch and CEOs like Tom Evans of, and has been quoted in the Los Angeles Times for his expertise on economic moats. Nathan's educational background includes NASD Series 6, 7, 63, & 65 certifications, as well as a degree in Finance/Investment Management from Sam M. Walton School of Business, where he received a full academic scholarship. When not following the market, Nathan enjoys watching his favorite baseball team, the Cubs, and camping and fishing with his family.

Analyst Articles

Years ago, I wrote a newsletter called Total Yield whose core purpose was to find companies returning gobs of cash to stockholders through dividends and stock buybacks. Years of research suggests that companies returning capital through both channels deliver far superior returns to those that just utilize one (or none). —Recommended Link— Can You Say This About Your Investment Strategy? One simple strategy is helping folks enjoy retirement more. In fact, the $2,194 Annie from Nevada makes with this method covers all her monthly expenses. The $1,100 that Gordon from California earns makes life easier each month. And Curtis… Read More

Years ago, I wrote a newsletter called Total Yield whose core purpose was to find companies returning gobs of cash to stockholders through dividends and stock buybacks. Years of research suggests that companies returning capital through both channels deliver far superior returns to those that just utilize one (or none). —Recommended Link— Can You Say This About Your Investment Strategy? One simple strategy is helping folks enjoy retirement more. In fact, the $2,194 Annie from Nevada makes with this method covers all her monthly expenses. The $1,100 that Gordon from California earns makes life easier each month. And Curtis of Washington State puts the $4,200 he collects monthly toward home improvements. Discover the strategy that can enrich your life, too… Back-tested data going back to 1982 shows a clear-cut edge for these companies over the S&P 500, including an average outperformance of nine percentage points during the bear markets of 2002 and 2008. Of course, we are far more interested in the dividend side of the equation in my premium newsletter, High-Yield Investing. But that doesn’t mean I ignore the potential benefits of share repurchase activity. Even if I don’t specifically call attention to it, I monitor buyback expenditures… Read More

I’ve avoided the topic and industry for a while now. But there’s no denying that it’s a burgeoning space with considerable momentum. One that I get plenty of questions about… I’m… Read More

A New York Times (NYT) headline blared, “Too Little Too Late’: Bankruptcy Booms Among Older Americans”. They reference a Consumer Bankruptcy Project (CBP) study, “Graying of U.S. Bankruptcy: Fallout from Life in a Risk Society”: “For a rapidly growing share of older Americans, traditional ideas about life in retirement are being upended by a dismal reality: bankruptcy. Driving the surge …. is a three-decade shift of financial risk from government and employers to individuals, who are bearing an ever-greater responsibility for their own financial well-being as the social safety net shrinks.” —Recommended… Read More

A New York Times (NYT) headline blared, “Too Little Too Late’: Bankruptcy Booms Among Older Americans”. They reference a Consumer Bankruptcy Project (CBP) study, “Graying of U.S. Bankruptcy: Fallout from Life in a Risk Society”: “For a rapidly growing share of older Americans, traditional ideas about life in retirement are being upended by a dismal reality: bankruptcy. Driving the surge …. is a three-decade shift of financial risk from government and employers to individuals, who are bearing an ever-greater responsibility for their own financial well-being as the social safety net shrinks.” —Recommended Link— Life-Saving Drug In Phase 3 Trials — FDA Fast Track Our experts have uncovered a small pharmaceutical company with a life-saving drug that virtually cures the deadliest food allergy on the planet. It’s so important that the FDA has given it Fast Track Designation to speed up the review process. We’re talking about a triple-digit opportunity — but only if you act quickly.  Good news could break any day and send the stock soaring!  Click here to see why this is the best chance at triple-digit gains we’ve seen in a long time. While the NYT is noted… Read More

I cannot believe the amount of bearish hype sweeping the stock market right now!  Everyone and their brother are calling for a substantial drop in stock prices, and some are even bracing for a crash. —Recommended Link— “It’s like getting 26 paychecks advanced to you in ONE LUMP SUM!” Executive Dividends are one of Wall Street’s best-kept secrets, paying out a small fortune in unannounced cash seemingly at random–and today, Nathan Slaughter shows you where to find them. Read more here. The primary reason for the bearishness is the fact that stocks have returned on average 20% per year… Read More

I cannot believe the amount of bearish hype sweeping the stock market right now!  Everyone and their brother are calling for a substantial drop in stock prices, and some are even bracing for a crash. —Recommended Link— “It’s like getting 26 paychecks advanced to you in ONE LUMP SUM!” Executive Dividends are one of Wall Street’s best-kept secrets, paying out a small fortune in unannounced cash seemingly at random–and today, Nathan Slaughter shows you where to find them. Read more here. The primary reason for the bearishness is the fact that stocks have returned on average 20% per year since the March 2009 price plunge bottom with nary a substantial pullback. Some metrics are even indicating that we are now in the longest bull market in history! Add in the seasonality factor of autumn historically being the time crashes occur, global economic stresses, as well as the chaotic leadership style of the White House and a near-term bearish case can be made. #-ad_banner-#However, this bull market is far stronger than these typically bearish occurrences. While a crash is inevitable, it will not be anytime soon. In fact, the valid evidence is signaling that the market has at least a… Read More

I recently spent a weekend back home in Philly for my birthday. Afterwards, I couldn’t stop thinking about Urban Outfitters (Nasdaq: URBN). This trendy clothing, furniture, decor and (now) makeup store — born in the city of brotherly love — is set for another breakout as it continues to fire on all cylinders. —Recommended Link— Your Personal Paycheck Plan One simple strategy is helping folks enjoy retirement more. In fact, the $2,194 Annie from Nevada makes with this method covers all her monthly expenses. The $1,100 that Gordon from California earns makes life easier each month. And Curtis of… Read More

I recently spent a weekend back home in Philly for my birthday. Afterwards, I couldn’t stop thinking about Urban Outfitters (Nasdaq: URBN). This trendy clothing, furniture, decor and (now) makeup store — born in the city of brotherly love — is set for another breakout as it continues to fire on all cylinders. —Recommended Link— Your Personal Paycheck Plan One simple strategy is helping folks enjoy retirement more. In fact, the $2,194 Annie from Nevada makes with this method covers all her monthly expenses. The $1,100 that Gordon from California earns makes life easier each month. And Curtis of Washington State puts the $4,200 he collects monthly toward home improvements. Discover the strategy that can enrich your life, too… Urban Outfitters has been a game-changer for most of its existence, riding the waves of fashion trends and making its own splash with its kitschy décor, gag t-shirts, throwback styles of clothing, and much more. #-ad_banner-#Urban has come a long way from its single-store location on a college campus in Philly back in the ’70s and has grown to include brands like Anthropologie, Free People and even The Vetri Family group of restaurants — a Philly fave. (I know it… Read More

Against a generally booming market, shares of carmakers have gone nowhere over the last five years. The First Trust Global Auto Fund (NYSE: CARZ) is down 8.9% over the period versus a 70% return on the S&P 500. —Recommended Link— Cutting-Edge Tech Firm… 1,600% Gains… Worthy Of The Legacy Portfolio? We’ve come across a 167-year-old materials developer that’s been part of everything from Edison’s first incandescent bulb… to optics in the Hubble Telescope… to the iPhone’s Gorilla Glass. It’s been making fortunes for investors for generations and has seen its stock rise 1,588% since 2002. That’s a full 1,350%… Read More

Against a generally booming market, shares of carmakers have gone nowhere over the last five years. The First Trust Global Auto Fund (NYSE: CARZ) is down 8.9% over the period versus a 70% return on the S&P 500. —Recommended Link— Cutting-Edge Tech Firm… 1,600% Gains… Worthy Of The Legacy Portfolio? We’ve come across a 167-year-old materials developer that’s been part of everything from Edison’s first incandescent bulb… to optics in the Hubble Telescope… to the iPhone’s Gorilla Glass. It’s been making fortunes for investors for generations and has seen its stock rise 1,588% since 2002. That’s a full 1,350% more than the S&P — and a return of $170,000 for investors who were smart enough to put 10k into it 16 years ago. But here’s the thing… even this success wasn’t enough to earn it a spot in our Legacy Assets Portfolio. Click here now to discover the seven companies that did make the list. Why have carmakers stalled even as stocks enjoy the longest bull market ever? The slow sell-off in traditional carmakers has left shares in value territory with the five largest publicly-traded companies, Toyota, Honda Motors, Daimler, General Motors and Ford, trading at an average of… Read More

First off, let me just say what an honor it is to be taking the reins of The Daily Paycheck. I certainly have some big shoes to fill, but I feel up to the challenge. —Recommended Link— BREAKING: TRUMP RESIGNS! What does your future hold in a “Post-Trump” America?  Click here for the full details. For those who don’t know me, I spent some time as a financial planner and wealth management advisor before coming to StreetAuthority full time in 2004. I’ve covered a lot of investment ground here over the… Read More

First off, let me just say what an honor it is to be taking the reins of The Daily Paycheck. I certainly have some big shoes to fill, but I feel up to the challenge. —Recommended Link— BREAKING: TRUMP RESIGNS! What does your future hold in a “Post-Trump” America?  Click here for the full details. For those who don’t know me, I spent some time as a financial planner and wealth management advisor before coming to StreetAuthority full time in 2004. I’ve covered a lot of investment ground here over the past 14 years, from commodities to micro-caps. But most of my time and energy have been spent in the pursuit of quality dividend payers and interest-bearing securities. More Of The Same I strongly believe that The Daily Paycheck has emerged as the best all-purpose income-oriented publication in the entire industry. (Not to take anything away from my other advisory, High-Yield Investing, which has a slightly different mission.) The Daily Paycheck‘s three distinct portfolios — High-Yield Opportunities, Fast Dividend Growers and Steady Income Generators — represent a well-rounded, diversified approach to income investing that has served readers well since its… Read More

Below you’ll find the Maximum Profit scores for the stocks you requested in response to my invitation last week. Once again, I would just like to say thank you to each of you who participated. Now, before we get into the details, let me… Read More

Shares of SunPower (Nasdaq: SPWR), one of the largest solar-panel companies in the world, jumped nearly 15% today on news that some of the solar panels and cells it produces overseas will be exempt from the Trump administration’s 30% import tariffs. This ruling by… Read More

On Saturday, Sept. 13, 2008, I should’ve been watching college football on television. I wasn’t. —Recommended Link— This Tiny Biotech Is Set To Disrupt A $133 Billion Market It’s like something straight out of science-fiction… According to our research, the U.S. Army has invested in a small biotech company with a breakthrough technology using the DNA of spiders. We’re not kidding. Not only could it change the future of warfare — it has a host of unique properties that could lead to a range of applications, allowing early investors to strike it rich. To get all the fascinating details,… Read More

On Saturday, Sept. 13, 2008, I should’ve been watching college football on television. I wasn’t. —Recommended Link— This Tiny Biotech Is Set To Disrupt A $133 Billion Market It’s like something straight out of science-fiction… According to our research, the U.S. Army has invested in a small biotech company with a breakthrough technology using the DNA of spiders. We’re not kidding. Not only could it change the future of warfare — it has a host of unique properties that could lead to a range of applications, allowing early investors to strike it rich. To get all the fascinating details, go here. I was glued to CNBC as the events unfolded surrounding whether or not Lehman Brothers, one of the nation’s largest and oldest investment banks, could be saved from failure. By Sunday, Sept. 14, all options were exhausted, and the news hit the tape that Lehman Brothers, after being in business for nearly 160 years, would file for bankruptcy and cease to exist as a viable entity. The markets braced for impact on the open Monday. “It’s gonna be bad.” I told my wife as I stared at the television. “Oh, you’ve said that before,” she replied. “No,” I… Read More