Genia Turanova

Genia Turanova, Chief Investment Strategist for Game-Changing Stocks and Fast-Track Millionaire, is a financial writer and money manager whose experience includes serving for more than a decade as a portfolio manager and Investment Committee member for a New York-based money management firm.  Genia also researched, wrote and managed recommendations for several investment advisories. From 2011 to 2016, she served as Editor of the award-winning Leeb Income Performance newsletter. Genia also wrote for The Complete Investor, another award winner, from 2003 to 2016. During that time, Genia was responsible for several portfolios, including the "Income/Value" portfolio and the "FastTrack" portfolio. Genia's academic credentials include an MBA in Finance and Investments from the Zicklin School of Business, Baruch College in New York City. Genia is a CFA Charterholder.

Analyst Articles

With all the talk about value stocks coming back any time now, I believe investors — bargain-seekers and traders alike — should remain cognizant about the dangers of value-traps. —Recommended Link— ATTENTION: Are You Ready To Join The 7-Digit Club? Bold investors struggling to join the 7-digit club who want to take their portfolio from mediocre to millionaire status. I’d like to introduce you to Fast-Track Millionaire — an investment strategy designed to deliver 1,000% gains and take you from “average investor” to multi-millionaire in 7 years or less. Learn more here… Just as you wouldn’t buy just anything… Read More

With all the talk about value stocks coming back any time now, I believe investors — bargain-seekers and traders alike — should remain cognizant about the dangers of value-traps. —Recommended Link— ATTENTION: Are You Ready To Join The 7-Digit Club? Bold investors struggling to join the 7-digit club who want to take their portfolio from mediocre to millionaire status. I’d like to introduce you to Fast-Track Millionaire — an investment strategy designed to deliver 1,000% gains and take you from “average investor” to multi-millionaire in 7 years or less. Learn more here… Just as you wouldn’t buy just anything you found in a clearance bin, you should never buy a stock solely because it’s cheap. Many stocks are cheap for a reason, and the market keeps these stocks at an almost-permanent mark-down because it knows, or senses, trouble. The numbers might say the stock is a bargain, but if no one else starts buying shares (pushing the stock’s price higher), you’ll never realize a profit on your “value” investment. Hence, the term “value trap.” Most of the time, there’s a good reason why everyone is avoiding these seemingly attractive stocks. The company might be in a declining industry… or… Read More

One of my favorite investing quotes ever, credited to John Maynard Keynes, is: “The market can stay irrational longer than you can stay solvent.” In addition to being the father of a widely used school of economic thought (Keynesian economics), Keynes was an accomplished investor. There’s little doubt that he knew a thing or two about the consequences of being wrong and/or stubborn. —Recommended Link— THE LIST — The Only Growth Stocks You’ll Ever Need If you’re ready to start bagging triple-digit winners like it’s no big deal, then you have to see this… Last year’s picks are beating… Read More

One of my favorite investing quotes ever, credited to John Maynard Keynes, is: “The market can stay irrational longer than you can stay solvent.” In addition to being the father of a widely used school of economic thought (Keynesian economics), Keynes was an accomplished investor. There’s little doubt that he knew a thing or two about the consequences of being wrong and/or stubborn. —Recommended Link— THE LIST — The Only Growth Stocks You’ll Ever Need If you’re ready to start bagging triple-digit winners like it’s no big deal, then you have to see this… Last year’s picks are beating the S&P 500 3 -to-1 , and we ‘ve recommended dozens of multi-baggers to our readers over the years. THE LIST is jam packed timely picks including: Our #1 Biotech Stock, Takeover Stock, Pharmaceutical Stock, and many others. Click here to see them now. As investors, we hate being wrong. We probably hate admitting that we were wrong more than just actually being wrong. In this article, I will discuss what to do about losses. #-ad_banner-#When crafting a sell discipline strategy for losses, you must first determine how much you are comfortable losing on a percentage basis. Professionally, my threshold… Read More

How the times have changed! Remember how many times Microsoft (Nasdaq: MSFT) was thought to be dead and buried? —Recommended Link— URGENT NEWS: Experts Warn Your Pension Is ‘A Disaster Waiting to Happen’ Save your retirement from miserly interest rates and an overstretched stock market with our special “Executive Dividends” Program… Learn more inside. The software giant — which, by the way, is a striking example of how far a true game-changer can go — is also a testimony to the power of reinvention. Microsoft was thought of as an outdated company 15 years ago, when it first started… Read More

How the times have changed! Remember how many times Microsoft (Nasdaq: MSFT) was thought to be dead and buried? —Recommended Link— URGENT NEWS: Experts Warn Your Pension Is ‘A Disaster Waiting to Happen’ Save your retirement from miserly interest rates and an overstretched stock market with our special “Executive Dividends” Program… Learn more inside. The software giant — which, by the way, is a striking example of how far a true game-changer can go — is also a testimony to the power of reinvention. Microsoft was thought of as an outdated company 15 years ago, when it first started to pay dividends to shareholders. The prevailing sentiment among many investors and analysts alike was that paying dividends is the first sign that growth is over. #-ad_banner-#Guess what? It wasn’t. Then, there was that time when open source — including open source software for PCs — was on the verge of replacing Windows, Microsoft’s bread and butter. That was more than a decade ago. Open source — software written and contributed to by the community of developers — is alive and quite well, but so is Microsoft. MSFT has not become what it is now — one of the largest… Read More

The stated aim of The Daily Paycheck has always been “to help you reach the goal of receiving a dividend check for every day of the year.” Dividend payments tend to be concentrated, of course, but I’m happy to report that the number of paychecks reinvested in The… Read More

Things have not been bullish for leading cryptocurrency names. Bitcoin, ethereum, and XRP are in the midst of an extended bear market from the highs. —Recommended Link— “$859.13… $494.54… $708.71… “ Imagine walking out to your mailbox and seeing a string of checks like these. These are real amounts that Judith M. of McHenry, Illinois, has been cashing. She doesn’t work an extra job for them. In fact, she only puts in about 10 minutes a month. And these checks keep rolling in, month after month, year after year. Once you start, you’ll see the checks starting to fill… Read More

Things have not been bullish for leading cryptocurrency names. Bitcoin, ethereum, and XRP are in the midst of an extended bear market from the highs. —Recommended Link— “$859.13… $494.54… $708.71… “ Imagine walking out to your mailbox and seeing a string of checks like these. These are real amounts that Judith M. of McHenry, Illinois, has been cashing. She doesn’t work an extra job for them. In fact, she only puts in about 10 minutes a month. And these checks keep rolling in, month after month, year after year. Once you start, you’ll see the checks starting to fill your own mailbox. Click here to learn how. While ethereum has posted over 40% losses and XRP is down close to 90%, bitcoin remains higher by nearly 53% this year. It is interesting to see the grandfather of crypto hold its ground despite the market collapsing around it. Despite the negativity sweeping the market, bullish progress is steadily being made. #-ad_banner-#It is critical to keep in mind that cryptocurrencies are a market in its infancy. Volatility and even price crashes are to be expected in new markets. This is particularly true after such a massive price explosion. What was once… Read More

After peaking August 29, the S&P 500 spent much of the following week sliding lower. While the drama in Washington may be partially to blame, I think the action we are seeing now is more of a normal ebb and flow than a bigger shift in market sentiment. In other words, this is healthy. —Recommended Link— What Does The #1 Legacy Asset Look Like? The company that took the top spot in our new Legacy Asset portfolio has a 148-year advantage over most of its rivals… and it rakes in HUGE returns for its shareholders year after year. Investors… Read More

After peaking August 29, the S&P 500 spent much of the following week sliding lower. While the drama in Washington may be partially to blame, I think the action we are seeing now is more of a normal ebb and flow than a bigger shift in market sentiment. In other words, this is healthy. —Recommended Link— What Does The #1 Legacy Asset Look Like? The company that took the top spot in our new Legacy Asset portfolio has a 148-year advantage over most of its rivals… and it rakes in HUGE returns for its shareholders year after year. Investors who staked $10,000 on the firm in March of 2009 are now sitting on $58,000–enough to finally pay off a mortgage. And the company’s unshakeable brand loyalty and global expansion have led to gains of 47% in just the past year and 99% in the last five, making Caribbean cruises possible for more than a few investors. Don’t just dream of what your portfolio can do for you, make it your reality — click here now to see which company will be paying for your next vacation. From my perspective, there’s been little change in the overall picture, and I… Read More

First off, let me just say what an honor it is to be taking the reins here at The Daily Paycheck. I certainly have some big shoes to fill, but I feel up to the challenge. I strongly believe that The Daily… Read More

The super-rich are different from the rest of us. —Recommended Link— This “HIDDEN” Stock Score made us 266%! Developed by an independent advisory firm in Texas… proven through years of use by insiders — now it’s YOUR TURN to start cashing in! Click here to get started. First, many super-rich pay far less a percentage of their income to taxes. Secondly, many super-wealthy individuals pay less for things than regular consumers. Whether this is due to knowledge of the marketplace, inside connections, or simply designers and merchants wanting to get on their good side, these folks know the smart… Read More

The super-rich are different from the rest of us. —Recommended Link— This “HIDDEN” Stock Score made us 266%! Developed by an independent advisory firm in Texas… proven through years of use by insiders — now it’s YOUR TURN to start cashing in! Click here to get started. First, many super-rich pay far less a percentage of their income to taxes. Secondly, many super-wealthy individuals pay less for things than regular consumers. Whether this is due to knowledge of the marketplace, inside connections, or simply designers and merchants wanting to get on their good side, these folks know the smart way to buy.   #-ad_banner-#However, it is not just taxes and buying things that the super-rich approach differently. They also don’t buy stocks the same way ordinary investors do. Believe it or not, billionaire stock market investors often buy shares at a discount or get paid for trying.   In fact, these investors only pay what they have determined to be a discounted price for the stock. If they cannot snap up the share at the discounted price, the market will pay them for trying.   The method is even used by ultra-conservative investor Warren Buffett.  Although Buffett is famous… Read More

Dear friends, As some of you know, I recently accepted a new assignment as Chief Investment Strategist at StreetAuthority’s Fast-Track Millionaire advisory. Unfortunately for me, time constraints dictate that I sign off from the same role here at The Daily Paycheck. Before I tell… Read More

We are about to enter the most bearish time of the year. Historically, September and October bring downside and even earth-shaking crashes to the equity markets. —Recommended Link— Which Legacy Asset Will Allow You To Pay Off That Mortgage? Is it the stock that’s doubled a full 5 times since 2006… allowing some investors to happily take an early retirement? Or maybe it’s the company that’s paid dividends every year for 85 years running… giving its shareholders a way to pay for soaring healthcare costs? Or just maybe it’s the firm that’s capitalizing on its move into payment services…… Read More

We are about to enter the most bearish time of the year. Historically, September and October bring downside and even earth-shaking crashes to the equity markets. —Recommended Link— Which Legacy Asset Will Allow You To Pay Off That Mortgage? Is it the stock that’s doubled a full 5 times since 2006… allowing some investors to happily take an early retirement? Or maybe it’s the company that’s paid dividends every year for 85 years running… giving its shareholders a way to pay for soaring healthcare costs? Or just maybe it’s the firm that’s capitalizing on its move into payment services… and returning $86,000 to investors who started with just 10k a decade ago? Any one of these picks could make you a fortune… but only one was good enough to be #1. Click here to discover which pick took the top spot in the new Legacy Assets Portfolio. 2018 has seen every market pullback turn into new all-time highs in the U.S. stock market indexes. The “buy the dip” crowd is nearing ecstasy with the success of the strategy. It seems that everyone but the bears love this market. However, the years without a full-fledged bear market, chaos in Washington,… Read More