Analyst Articles

Few events destroy as much shareholder value as when a company cuts its dividend. Management plans years ahead when setting the dividend payment because of the disastrous signal it sends when cash comes up short. —Recommended Link— Can You Say This About Your Investment Strategy? One simple strategy is helping folks enjoy retirement more. In fact, the $2,194 Annie from Nevada makes with this method covers all her monthly expenses. The $1,100 that Gordon from California earns makes life easier each month. And Curtis of Washington State puts the $4,200 he collects monthly toward home improvements. Discover the strategy… Read More

Few events destroy as much shareholder value as when a company cuts its dividend. Management plans years ahead when setting the dividend payment because of the disastrous signal it sends when cash comes up short. —Recommended Link— Can You Say This About Your Investment Strategy? One simple strategy is helping folks enjoy retirement more. In fact, the $2,194 Annie from Nevada makes with this method covers all her monthly expenses. The $1,100 that Gordon from California earns makes life easier each month. And Curtis of Washington State puts the $4,200 he collects monthly toward home improvements. Discover the strategy that can enrich your life, too… Sometimes though, a cut in cash return is inevitable. Shares of General Electric (NYSE: GE) were already down 37% to its November 2017 earnings announcement when management halved the dividend. The iconic industrial company had only cut its dividend twice before in 100 years. #-ad_banner-#The shares dropped more than 10% on the announcement and are down another 50% from before the dividend was cut. For Teva Pharmaceuticals (NYSE: TEVA), shares had been falling for a full year when rumors started circling that the dividend would have to be cut. The stock plunged on July… Read More

Price momentum and value investing are usually on opposite ends of the spectrum. Traditionally, value investors look for stocks whose share price has been beaten down, while momentum investors generally seek to buy new highs. —Recommended Link— Life Saving Drug In Phase 3 Trials — FDA Fast Track Our experts have uncovered a small pharmaceutical company with a life-saving drug that virtually cures the deadliest food allergy on the planet. It’s so important that the FDA has given it Fast Track Designation to speed up the review process. We’re talking about a triple-digit opportunity — but only if you… Read More

Price momentum and value investing are usually on opposite ends of the spectrum. Traditionally, value investors look for stocks whose share price has been beaten down, while momentum investors generally seek to buy new highs. —Recommended Link— Life Saving Drug In Phase 3 Trials — FDA Fast Track Our experts have uncovered a small pharmaceutical company with a life-saving drug that virtually cures the deadliest food allergy on the planet. It’s so important that the FDA has given it Fast Track Designation to speed up the review process. We’re talking about a triple-digit opportunity — but only if you act quickly.  Good news could break any day and send the stock soaring!  Click here to see why this is the best chance at triple digit gains we’ve seen in a long time. However, the traditional way of doing things is usually not the optimal strategy in the stock market. Consistently winning investors understand that value and momentum are not mutually exclusive. Momentum does not mean new highs, and value stocks are not always trading at their lows. Winning stocks often exhibit strong characteristics of both price momentum and value. In fact, this combination is a compelling way to locate… Read More

As the founder and publisher of StreetAuthority, it’s in my interest – not to mention yours – that I employ only the best stock market strategists across a variety of investment strategies. Whether it’s Nathan Slaughter on income stocks, Jimmy Butts on momentum investing,… Read More

A good company is a well-managed one, period. That’s really all you need to know. Examples of well-managed companies are legion. Berkshire Hathaway (NYSE: BRK-B) is among the best. JPMorgan Chase (NYSE: JPM) is another. IBM (NYSE: IBM) and 3M (NYSE:… Read More

They’re coming for your money… And whether you like it or not, they’re going to get it. Worse, there’s nothing you can do about it. The federal government is going after criminals that use large bills for illicit activities like selling drugs and funding global terrorism. To do this, they’re going to eliminate cash. And much sooner than anyone expects. —Recommended Link— Add $380,000 To Your Family’s Legacy… 401k looking lackluster? Is your pension or social security just not hacking it? Odds are that skyrocketing healthcare costs and living expenses aren’t leaving much left over each month… and won’t… Read More

They’re coming for your money… And whether you like it or not, they’re going to get it. Worse, there’s nothing you can do about it. The federal government is going after criminals that use large bills for illicit activities like selling drugs and funding global terrorism. To do this, they’re going to eliminate cash. And much sooner than anyone expects. —Recommended Link— Add $380,000 To Your Family’s Legacy… 401k looking lackluster? Is your pension or social security just not hacking it? Odds are that skyrocketing healthcare costs and living expenses aren’t leaving much left over each month… and won’t leave you anything to pass on to your children.  Every investor needs a set of stocks so reliable that they can buy them today and hold them for the rest of their life… one that’s returned 45% gains to shareholders the past two years and turned every 100k into a HALF-MILLION dollars in the last decade. Click here to access your 7 “Set & Forget” Legacy Assets NOW. But the big losers in this trend are private citizens. By forcing individuals to go cashless, the government gets unprecedented access to our personal affairs. Electronic purchases create a hard record of… Read More

We need to talk about China… —Recommended Link— Larry Claims He Makes $213,000 A Year Using This System On average, a handful of investors quietly make $1,543 a month with this simple, 3-step system. Some, like Larry from Washington, will bank 6-figures this year. To find out what you’re missing, click here NOW… The world’s second-largest economy (behind the United States) has seen its stock market tumble. Signs of slowing growth, compounded by the ongoing barbs over trade sanctions with the United States, have caused its market to shed roughly 21% year-to-date, as measured by the Deutsche X-trackers Harvest… Read More

We need to talk about China… —Recommended Link— Larry Claims He Makes $213,000 A Year Using This System On average, a handful of investors quietly make $1,543 a month with this simple, 3-step system. Some, like Larry from Washington, will bank 6-figures this year. To find out what you’re missing, click here NOW… The world’s second-largest economy (behind the United States) has seen its stock market tumble. Signs of slowing growth, compounded by the ongoing barbs over trade sanctions with the United States, have caused its market to shed roughly 21% year-to-date, as measured by the Deutsche X-trackers Harvest CSI 300 China A-Shares Exchange ETF (NYSE: ASHR). The concern over China and the threat of a trade war have also caused uncertainty in the stock market here in the United States. We’ve seen shares of tech stocks and commodity stocks swing double-digits in a day. And, of course, my Top Stock Advisor subscribers and I have seen our own Chinese holdings come under pressure along with China’s overall market. So, let’s address some of these problems and what we need to do with our direct exposure to China. #-ad_banner-#First, China’s economy is slowing… but it’s still… Read More

Few topics raise the ire of money managers more than the benefits of active versus passive investing. And while this war continues unabated, passive investing is gaining the upper hand. —Recommended Link— One Of These Blue Chips Is Raising Its Dividend 5x Faster Than The Rest Big blue chips like these almost NEVER raise their dividend more than 5% or 6%. But one of these four shot it up 383%… turning a $1 dividend into $4.83. What’s really crazy is how much higher it has to go. You need to see this. You see, roughly 20% of assets in… Read More

Few topics raise the ire of money managers more than the benefits of active versus passive investing. And while this war continues unabated, passive investing is gaining the upper hand. —Recommended Link— One Of These Blue Chips Is Raising Its Dividend 5x Faster Than The Rest Big blue chips like these almost NEVER raise their dividend more than 5% or 6%. But one of these four shot it up 383%… turning a $1 dividend into $4.83. What’s really crazy is how much higher it has to go. You need to see this. You see, roughly 20% of assets in the U.S. were in passive investments at the start of the financial crisis in 2007. That number grew to more than one-third by 2018. But in the next two years, passive investments will constitute more than half of all retail equity flows. Clearly, the trend is towards passive investing — which begs the question, what is passive investing? Passive Investing Passive investing is a strategy in which a mutual fund or exchange-traded fund (ETF) buys securities that mimic a benchmark. That benchmark might be the market as a whole, such as the S&P 500 Index. But it could just… Read More

There are very few figures in the financial markets that are universally loved and respected. Warren Buffett is one such luminary. His carefully crafted persona of humble wisdom resonates deeply within the American psyche. —Recommended Link— 11.2% Dividends Are Nice… But 446% Capital Gains Are NICER We’re sitting on a collection of the safest, most generous monthly payers available. And while $11,200 in dividend checks is a welcome addition to anyone’s income, investors also love racking up capital gains as high as 446%. Start generating a 10%+ income stream for life today from these consistent companies. His down-home style… Read More

There are very few figures in the financial markets that are universally loved and respected. Warren Buffett is one such luminary. His carefully crafted persona of humble wisdom resonates deeply within the American psyche. —Recommended Link— 11.2% Dividends Are Nice… But 446% Capital Gains Are NICER We’re sitting on a collection of the safest, most generous monthly payers available. And while $11,200 in dividend checks is a welcome addition to anyone’s income, investors also love racking up capital gains as high as 446%. Start generating a 10%+ income stream for life today from these consistent companies. His down-home style and otherworldly investment skills have earned him the respect of everyone from Joe Six Pack to the world’s wealthiest people. In this ultra-greedy age of tabloid sensationalism and ever-changing financial markets, it is incredibly impressive that his reputation and stock picking skills have remained solidly intact. #-ad_banner-#One of the things contributing to his stellar reputation is the fact that he does not believe in personal or family dynasties. His pledge to give away 99% of his wealth and join forces with Bill Gates, another universally loved philanthropist, endeared him to many. His stock picking skills are built upon the teachings… Read More

By and large, 2018 has so far been a successful year for Game-Changing Stocks investors and for our Game-Changing Stocks portfolio. Yes, some of our positions have lagged, but the majority have done quite well. We’ve seen double- and triple-digit returns on many of… Read More

It’s no secret that value and the traditional safety sectors have underperformed lately as the market reaches new highs. Besides investor sentiment to growth, macro headwinds seem to have conspired against a few sectors. —Recommended Link— “I Wish I’d Done This 20 Years Ago” That’s what a veteran investor and successful business owner told us… about a strategy called The Dividend Trifecta. He’s been using it for years, and for all the money he’s made in his life, this is the most consistent income stream he’s ever had. He’s not alone: investors in The Dividend Trifecta are telling us… Read More

It’s no secret that value and the traditional safety sectors have underperformed lately as the market reaches new highs. Besides investor sentiment to growth, macro headwinds seem to have conspired against a few sectors. —Recommended Link— “I Wish I’d Done This 20 Years Ago” That’s what a veteran investor and successful business owner told us… about a strategy called The Dividend Trifecta. He’s been using it for years, and for all the money he’s made in his life, this is the most consistent income stream he’s ever had. He’s not alone: investors in The Dividend Trifecta are telling us they’re making an extra $23,000 per year. Click here to see what they’re doing to make that kind of money. That could be about to change. Many expect earnings out in the first half of the year to be a peak in the cycle, meaning growth stocks could lose their appeal. Economic data also seems to point to a 180-degree turn in the fortune of some stocks hit by high producer prices. #-ad_banner-#This could be the headline when third-quarter earnings start coming out in October and now could be the time to start building a position. Strong Consumers But Weak… Read More