Analyst Articles

2018 has been an incredible year for stocks. Here are the five top-performing sectors of this year, and the top exchange-traded fund (ETF) in each industry. —Recommended Link— The Only Pot Stock Worth Owning This summer, Canada will completely legalize cannabis for medical and recreational use — sparking an $8 BILLION industry.  Our experts have their sights on a company that’s been granted a virtual monopoly by the Canadian government – a moat that would make Warren Buffett jealous. Get in early on this exceptional triple-digit opportunity before the law goes into effect. Click here to learn more. 1. Read More

2018 has been an incredible year for stocks. Here are the five top-performing sectors of this year, and the top exchange-traded fund (ETF) in each industry. —Recommended Link— The Only Pot Stock Worth Owning This summer, Canada will completely legalize cannabis for medical and recreational use — sparking an $8 BILLION industry.  Our experts have their sights on a company that’s been granted a virtual monopoly by the Canadian government – a moat that would make Warren Buffett jealous. Get in early on this exceptional triple-digit opportunity before the law goes into effect. Click here to learn more. 1. Small Cap Health Care The top ETF of the small-cap health care sector is Invesco S&P SmallCap Health Care ETF (Nasdaq: PSCH), which is up an astounding 43% in 2018. The fund follows the S&P SmallCap 600 Capped HealthCare Index and has 80% of its assets deployed into common stocks of small-cap healthcare companies. The ETFs top three holdings are Ligand Pharmaceuticals, Neogen Corp, and HealthEquity.     #-ad_banner-#I love the small-cap health care sector for several reasons. First, the aging population creates a never-ending pipeline of users of these innovative companies’ end products. Second, small health care companies are… Read More

Remember when all of your work data would fit on a single diskette? Or when you needed only a few floppy disks to back up your entire computer? Those times are long gone. Always the innovator, Steve Jobs left the diskette behind as far back as 1998: The iMac G3 — an innovative, plastic, bright, egg-shaped, all-in-one personal computer that was Steve Jobs’ first-ever consumer product as CEO of Apple (Nasdaq: AAPL) — didn’t contain a floppy disk drive. On non-Apple computers, built-in floppy disk drives all but disappeared on new computers by 2006. —Recommended Link— Can You Live On… Read More

Remember when all of your work data would fit on a single diskette? Or when you needed only a few floppy disks to back up your entire computer? Those times are long gone. Always the innovator, Steve Jobs left the diskette behind as far back as 1998: The iMac G3 — an innovative, plastic, bright, egg-shaped, all-in-one personal computer that was Steve Jobs’ first-ever consumer product as CEO of Apple (Nasdaq: AAPL) — didn’t contain a floppy disk drive. On non-Apple computers, built-in floppy disk drives all but disappeared on new computers by 2006. —Recommended Link— Can You Live On $1,400 A Month? You Might Have To That’s the average monthly benefit that most retirees see when they cash their Social Security check. To put that in perspective, the average living expenses of a retiree can be as much as twice that amount. But one group of investors is adding another $1,916 to that monthly payout. They’re not using a scheme or accounting trick. It’s a simple, powerful trading strategy known as The Dividend Trifecta. Click here to see how they are padding their retirement accounts while Social Security sinks further and further underwater. The death — or near-death… Read More

It was July 1990 and tensions rose between Iraq and Kuwait. Iraq’s president, Saddam Hussein, accused Kuwait of stealing oil and threatened military action. Iraq deployed troops to the Iraqi-Kuwaiti border, and on August 2, 1990, roughly 100,000 Iraqi troops invaded Kuwait. This is what kicked… Read More

Have you ever noticed that some people seem to have a fulfilling and enjoyable retirement while others are stressed and struggling?   The difference between the two often comes down to planning. Like most things in life, those who plan reap the rewards and those who don’t suffer the consequences. —Recommended Link— Better Than Social Security? This alternative retirement system keeps on paying you no matter what happens to the government program. You can collect “Social Security Insurance” even if you’ve never worked a day in your life. And you can start tomorrow. Check it out here. The good… Read More

Have you ever noticed that some people seem to have a fulfilling and enjoyable retirement while others are stressed and struggling?   The difference between the two often comes down to planning. Like most things in life, those who plan reap the rewards and those who don’t suffer the consequences. —Recommended Link— Better Than Social Security? This alternative retirement system keeps on paying you no matter what happens to the government program. You can collect “Social Security Insurance” even if you’ve never worked a day in your life. And you can start tomorrow. Check it out here. The good news is that it is never too early or too late to take steps to help ensure a happy retirement. #-ad_banner-#The following five hacks are simple tricks that can be easily implemented to improve your retirement. Hack #1: Avoid Mutual Funds Many long-term investors approaching retirement age are heavily invested in mutual funds. Now may be a good time to take a closer look at your holdings. Not only can mutual funds have a massive front-end load, but they can also be costly to maintain due to high annual fees. Generally, funds that end with A, B, or C… Read More

How much is a business worth? Answer that question competently, and you are miles ahead of most investors. Unfortunately, there is no easy definition or formula. Entire books have been devoted to this topic, most of which delve into some rather complex math. But it’s worth learning some of the basics. After all, how can you know whether a stock is overpriced or underpriced without first estimating the value of the company? —Recommended Link— You’ll Want to Grab These Buy Details ASAP While most companies have to start each day at $0 in sales… my favorite monthly payer generates… Read More

How much is a business worth? Answer that question competently, and you are miles ahead of most investors. Unfortunately, there is no easy definition or formula. Entire books have been devoted to this topic, most of which delve into some rather complex math. But it’s worth learning some of the basics. After all, how can you know whether a stock is overpriced or underpriced without first estimating the value of the company? —Recommended Link— You’ll Want to Grab These Buy Details ASAP While most companies have to start each day at $0 in sales… my favorite monthly payer generates daily profits rain or shine-and regardless of what’s going on in the economy. Plus…its revenue has risen more than 60% over the past four years. That’s why I’m urging you to grab this company right now. Don’t wait…Get the buy details here ASAP. The value of any asset (from a bond to a rental property) is a function of the cash flows it earns each year. So to value a business, I forecast future operating cash flows as precisely as possible and then discount them back into today’s dollars. This calculation can be quite technical, involving other variables such as… Read More

Another recession is inevitable. It is not a question of if, but when it will happen. It is critical that investors prepare themselves for the recession. The stock market rally of the last decade has created apathy and laziness among many investors. These “bull market crazy” unprepared investors will learn a hard lesson when the recession hits. —Recommended Link— Put An Extra $23,000 In Your Pocket Every Year… There’s a simple investing system that regular investors are using to collect extra paychecks every month… totaling as much as $23,000 per year. It’s called The Dividend Trifecta, and they are… Read More

Another recession is inevitable. It is not a question of if, but when it will happen. It is critical that investors prepare themselves for the recession. The stock market rally of the last decade has created apathy and laziness among many investors. These “bull market crazy” unprepared investors will learn a hard lesson when the recession hits. —Recommended Link— Put An Extra $23,000 In Your Pocket Every Year… There’s a simple investing system that regular investors are using to collect extra paychecks every month… totaling as much as $23,000 per year. It’s called The Dividend Trifecta, and they are telling us that this $23,000 number is the real thing. They don’t have special resources or connections… they just have The Dividend Trifecta… and 10 spare minutes a month to use it. Now it’s your turn: click here to learn how it works. To be sure, no one knows when the recession will strike. I am not saying that the stock market rally will end tomorrow, or to sell all your stocks now to prepare for the coming hard times.  I am saying that the rally will eventually end, probably sooner rather than later, and there are things you can… Read More

Editor’s Note: Missed The Extreme Tech Profits Summit? Watch The Rebroadcast! We hope you had the chance to tune in to the Extreme Tech Profits summit last week. The event was chock-full of incredibly valuable (and actionable) information. Due to overwhelming demand for the summit, we’ve decided to rebroadcast the summit to those who missed out last Wednesday. The video is still available, but it won’t be up for long. Click here to watch it now. If you’ve used Google Maps, you’ve experienced artificial intelligence (AI) firsthand. It’s a prime example… Read More

Editor’s Note: Missed The Extreme Tech Profits Summit? Watch The Rebroadcast! We hope you had the chance to tune in to the Extreme Tech Profits summit last week. The event was chock-full of incredibly valuable (and actionable) information. Due to overwhelming demand for the summit, we’ve decided to rebroadcast the summit to those who missed out last Wednesday. The video is still available, but it won’t be up for long. Click here to watch it now. If you’ve used Google Maps, you’ve experienced artificial intelligence (AI) firsthand. It’s a prime example of how AI technology today enables computers to take on tasks formerly reserved solely for humans — such as reading a map. In this case, Google uses historical and real-time data to visualize current traffic patterns and then applies AI to predict future traffic flow, with the objective to plot the quickest route to a destination. Three important trends have made recent advancements in AI possible: big data collection, reduced computing costs, and improvements in algorithms. —Recommended Link— How Jim Cashed $13,784 In Daily Paychecks Experimenting With This Wildly Successful System Jim took a cool $13,784… Annie grabbed $2,194… Read More

The U.S. Dollar has appreciated more than 7% against a basket of currencies since the end of March. While that might not seem like a lot, it’s huge for a developed currency and can cause a lot of problems in a lot of different ways. —Recommended Link— Watch Your Safest Stocks SOAR 83% In 28 days! What if you could know at a glance which blue chips will move most in the next 90 days? Would you be ready to cash in? Read more here. Mostly positive second-quarter earnings were overshadowed by warnings of a stronger dollar and weaker… Read More

The U.S. Dollar has appreciated more than 7% against a basket of currencies since the end of March. While that might not seem like a lot, it’s huge for a developed currency and can cause a lot of problems in a lot of different ways. —Recommended Link— Watch Your Safest Stocks SOAR 83% In 28 days! What if you could know at a glance which blue chips will move most in the next 90 days? Would you be ready to cash in? Read more here. Mostly positive second-quarter earnings were overshadowed by warnings of a stronger dollar and weaker profits for U.S. companies with international exposure. From Netflix to Illinois Tool Works, management was downbeat as weaker foreign currencies meant lower sales in those markets when converted back to dollars. #-ad_banner-#One fortunate side effect of all this is that shares of foreign companies have become cheaper in dollar terms. When a company’s shares are primarily priced in another currency and that base weakens then it’s going to act as an artificial weight on the price of the American Depository Receipts (ADRs). The dollar isn’t likely to keep appreciating and could resume its long-term slide against other currencies. That means… Read More

Yesterday, I talked about Buffett’s strategies — and how you can use them yourself. But there’s one thing missing… the one thing that’s formed the foundation of his empire. —Recommended Link— The Only Pot Stock Worth Owning This summer, Canada will completely legalize cannabis for medical and recreational use — sparking an $8 BILLION industry.  Our experts have their sights on a company that’s been granted a virtual monopoly by the Canadian government — a moat that would make Warren Buffett jealous. Get in early on this exceptional triple-digit opportunity before the law goes into effect. Click here to… Read More

Yesterday, I talked about Buffett’s strategies — and how you can use them yourself. But there’s one thing missing… the one thing that’s formed the foundation of his empire. —Recommended Link— The Only Pot Stock Worth Owning This summer, Canada will completely legalize cannabis for medical and recreational use — sparking an $8 BILLION industry.  Our experts have their sights on a company that’s been granted a virtual monopoly by the Canadian government — a moat that would make Warren Buffett jealous. Get in early on this exceptional triple-digit opportunity before the law goes into effect. Click here to learn more. Or as Buffett himself refers to it: “…the engine that has propelled our growth since 1967.” I’m of course talking about insurance. In each shareholder letter, Buffett spends a lot of time explaining his insurance business, and why it has “been of great importance to Berkshire.” Namely, he talks about “float,” or money that belongs to others but is held by the insurer. While this float is held by the insurer, it can be invested — and any dividends, interest, and gains from those investments belong to the insurer. #-ad_banner-#Buffett first entered the insurance business in early 1967… Read More

Last weekend, I was driving through rural Georgia, probably faster than I should have been, listening to the Allman Brothers. It was a hot, sunny August afternoon. —Recommended Link— Create A 10%+ Income Stream For Life We’re sitting on a collection of the safest, most generous monthly payers available. And while $11,200 in dividend checks is a welcome addition to anyone’s income, investors also love racking up capital gains as high as 446%. Start generating a 10%+ income stream for life today from these consistent companies. When I entered Taylor County, I started noticing something different about the farmland. Read More

Last weekend, I was driving through rural Georgia, probably faster than I should have been, listening to the Allman Brothers. It was a hot, sunny August afternoon. —Recommended Link— Create A 10%+ Income Stream For Life We’re sitting on a collection of the safest, most generous monthly payers available. And while $11,200 in dividend checks is a welcome addition to anyone’s income, investors also love racking up capital gains as high as 446%. Start generating a 10%+ income stream for life today from these consistent companies. When I entered Taylor County, I started noticing something different about the farmland. For a significant stretch of the mostly deserted four-lane highway, the fields on either side weren’t planted with soybeans or cotton or peanuts or corn. #-ad_banner-#It was photovoltaic solar panels. And I’m not talking about a small cluster used to power some sort of sensor or county extension project. It was acres and acres of solar panels — the kind of scale capable of generating serious, civilization-powering electricity. Since I was in Georgia, there was only one company I thought of that was capable of a project that size: The Southern Company (NYSE: SO). I was right. Southern Company stock,… Read More