Analyst Articles

Making money over the last three years meant holding just five stocks, icons of the new internet revolution. Those five stocks — Facebook, Amazon, Apple, Netflix, and Google — drove gains that averaged 177% over the three years through June compared to a modest return of 33% on the S&P 500. —Recommended Link— Most Investors Flunk This Quiz Big blue chips like these almost NEVER raise their dividend more than 5% or 6%. But one of these four shot it up 383%… turning a $1 dividend into $4.83. What’s really crazy is how much higher it has to go. Read More

Making money over the last three years meant holding just five stocks, icons of the new internet revolution. Those five stocks — Facebook, Amazon, Apple, Netflix, and Google — drove gains that averaged 177% over the three years through June compared to a modest return of 33% on the S&P 500. —Recommended Link— Most Investors Flunk This Quiz Big blue chips like these almost NEVER raise their dividend more than 5% or 6%. But one of these four shot it up 383%… turning a $1 dividend into $4.83. What’s really crazy is how much higher it has to go. You need to see this. But the thing about momentum trades is that investors rush en masse to the exits when that momentum slows. Nobody wants to be the last one holding terrifically-overpriced shares of a company that is no longer the darling of Wall Street and Main Street. #-ad_banner-#Over the past month, the FAANG portfolio has returned just 0.3% with heart-stopping, double-digit losses for both Netflix and Facebook. All this is as the S&P 500 bounced 3.7% in anticipation of Q2 earnings and solid economic growth. None of this means the second internet revolution isn’t alive and well. Sales… Read More

Have you noticed how investors — if not President Trump — have largely shrugged off recent interest rate hikes?At its latest meeting in June, the U.S. Federal Reserve, as expected, hiked its benchmark short-term rate by a quarter point, to a range of 1.75% to 2%. It was the second quarter-point rate increase this year. —Recommended Link— You May Not Like Hearing This… Everyone knows that Social Security is in bad shape. But most people don’t realize just how desperate the situation is… to fix Social Security benefits have to be cut by 22% immediately. Or payroll taxes have… Read More

Have you noticed how investors — if not President Trump — have largely shrugged off recent interest rate hikes?At its latest meeting in June, the U.S. Federal Reserve, as expected, hiked its benchmark short-term rate by a quarter point, to a range of 1.75% to 2%. It was the second quarter-point rate increase this year. —Recommended Link— You May Not Like Hearing This… Everyone knows that Social Security is in bad shape. But most people don’t realize just how desperate the situation is… to fix Social Security benefits have to be cut by 22% immediately. Or payroll taxes have to jump by 32%. So you’re facing pain whether you’re working OR retired. But there’s a way out. A program that can pay you $40,653 per year for the rest of your life. And it has nothing to do with the government. Check it out here. And the markets barely budged. No, scratch that: the markets have moved decisively higher. Large-cap stocks, represented by the S&P 500 index, are up more than 5% year-to-date. The Dow Jones Industrial Average, a blue-chip index, is up 2% year-to-date, having recovered the losses it suffered early in the year. And the tech-heavy Nasdaq… Read More

There is a bomb waiting to go off in the global economy. The potential aftermath is potentially far more damaging than any other economic debacle in history. —Recommended Link— BIG Gains 310%…452%…569% — The Growth Your Portfolio Needs If you ever want a shot at retiring with millions in your account, then you need BIG winners. That’s why THE LIST is our most anticipated report. It’s jam-packed with timely growth picks that likely have huge gains just on the horizon. Click here to see THE LIST now. Fortunately, there are some stocks that are well-suited to weather, and even… Read More

There is a bomb waiting to go off in the global economy. The potential aftermath is potentially far more damaging than any other economic debacle in history. —Recommended Link— BIG Gains 310%…452%…569% — The Growth Your Portfolio Needs If you ever want a shot at retiring with millions in your account, then you need BIG winners. That’s why THE LIST is our most anticipated report. It’s jam-packed with timely growth picks that likely have huge gains just on the horizon. Click here to see THE LIST now. Fortunately, there are some stocks that are well-suited to weather, and even thrive, should the bomb trigger.   This article will reveal three of these “bomb-proof” stocks and provide a plan on how to best add them to your portfolio.   #-ad_banner-#First, let’s take a closer look at this impending crisis. If you haven’t already guessed it, I am referencing the $14 trillion of debt added to corporate balance sheets since the 2008 financial crisis. We are truly living in the age of the massive debt. Everyone from Elon Musk to the average consumer has funded their economic growth via debt.   Presently, the debt of non-financial companies makes up an astounding… Read More

In the late ’90s, my father worked for a rising tech software company started by two MIT graduates in 1989. By the time the tech bubble was in full swing, it was poised to take over the world. —Recommended Link— Can You Live On $1,400 A Month? You Might Have To That’s the average monthly benefit that most retirees see when they cash their Social Security check. To put that in perspective, the average living expenses of a retiree can be as much as twice that amount. But one group of investors is adding another $1,916 to that monthly… Read More

In the late ’90s, my father worked for a rising tech software company started by two MIT graduates in 1989. By the time the tech bubble was in full swing, it was poised to take over the world. —Recommended Link— Can You Live On $1,400 A Month? You Might Have To That’s the average monthly benefit that most retirees see when they cash their Social Security check. To put that in perspective, the average living expenses of a retiree can be as much as twice that amount. But one group of investors is adding another $1,916 to that monthly payout. They’re not using a scheme or accounting trick. It’s a simple, powerful trading strategy known as The Dividend Trifecta. Click here to see how they are padding their retirement accounts while Social Security sinks further and further underwater. The financial media lavished praise on this firm, calling it “the next Oracle.” Likewise, the CEO who was in his early 30s, was featured newspapers, financial magazines, and interviews on television. Dad was crushing it at work. He travelled nearly every week on business, Monday through Friday. He learned new programming languages, worked long hours… but it was all worth it. Read More

Ten years ago, individual investors could throw money at any mutual fund or ETF with the words “commodity” or “hard asset” in its name and collect outsized returns. That was then. This is now. —Recommended Link— Add $380,000 To Your Family’s Legacy… 401k looking lackluster? Is your pension or social security just not hacking it? Odds are that skyrocketing healthcare costs and living expenses aren’t leaving much left over each month… and won’t leave you anything to pass on to your children.  Every investor needs a set of stocks so reliable that they can buy them today and hold… Read More

Ten years ago, individual investors could throw money at any mutual fund or ETF with the words “commodity” or “hard asset” in its name and collect outsized returns. That was then. This is now. —Recommended Link— Add $380,000 To Your Family’s Legacy… 401k looking lackluster? Is your pension or social security just not hacking it? Odds are that skyrocketing healthcare costs and living expenses aren’t leaving much left over each month… and won’t leave you anything to pass on to your children.  Every investor needs a set of stocks so reliable that they can buy them today and hold them for the rest of their life… one that’s returned 45% gains to shareholders the past two years and turned every 100k into a HALF-MILLION dollars in the last decade. Click here to access your 7 “Set & Forget” Legacy Assets NOW. With the onset of the 2008 financial crisis, commodities entered a brutal deflationary spiral and subsequent decade-long bear market. And from the looks of it, that bear will continue to stumble around for a while. Investors hoping to make a buck on actually trading commodities — or seeing recovery in the blown-up assets they’re clinging to… Read More

Spurred by heavy drilling in the Permian Basin, demand for oil and gas fracking sand continues to explode. Between 2012 and 2014, annual consumption rose to 60 million tons from 34 million. Usage then trailed off for a couple years when crude prices crashed and drilling activity subsequently dried up. —Recommended Link— The Only Pot Stock Worth Owning This summer, Canada will completely legalize cannabis for medical and recreational use — sparking an $8 BILLION industry.  Our experts have their sights on a company that’s been granted a virtual monopoly by the Canadian government – a moat that would… Read More

Spurred by heavy drilling in the Permian Basin, demand for oil and gas fracking sand continues to explode. Between 2012 and 2014, annual consumption rose to 60 million tons from 34 million. Usage then trailed off for a couple years when crude prices crashed and drilling activity subsequently dried up. —Recommended Link— The Only Pot Stock Worth Owning This summer, Canada will completely legalize cannabis for medical and recreational use — sparking an $8 BILLION industry.  Our experts have their sights on a company that’s been granted a virtual monopoly by the Canadian government – a moat that would make Warren Buffett jealous. Get in early on this exceptional triple-digit opportunity before the law goes into effect. Click here to learn more. But the on-again, off-again rally is back on. #-ad_banner-#With benchmark WTI prices rebounding back to $70 per barrel, producers have stepped on the gas. And frac sand consumption has followed suit, setting a record high last year. If the latest reports are any indication, 2018 will bring even further growth. According to Bloomberg, 23 new frac sand mines are currently under development, just in West Texas — to say nothing of other fertile basins across the country… Read More

While the trend towards individual investors managing their own portfolios continues to expand thanks to low-cost methods such as exchange-traded funds (ETFs),”robo-advisors”, and discount online trading, there is still value in using a financial advisor. —Recommended Link— Have You Heard About ‘Social Security Insurance’? The average Social Security benefit is $1,236 per month. But this Social Security Insurance averages $3,628 per month. Two thousand bucks MORE. There’s no easier way to earn $40,653 a year on the side. And you can start tomorrow. Check it out here. A study commissioned by mutual fund manager Vanguard, the 9-million-pound gorilla of… Read More

While the trend towards individual investors managing their own portfolios continues to expand thanks to low-cost methods such as exchange-traded funds (ETFs),”robo-advisors”, and discount online trading, there is still value in using a financial advisor. —Recommended Link— Have You Heard About ‘Social Security Insurance’? The average Social Security benefit is $1,236 per month. But this Social Security Insurance averages $3,628 per month. Two thousand bucks MORE. There’s no easier way to earn $40,653 a year on the side. And you can start tomorrow. Check it out here. A study commissioned by mutual fund manager Vanguard, the 9-million-pound gorilla of low-cost investing, determined that investors who used a financial advisor typically outperformed their DIY peers by about 3% over a seven-year period. #-ad_banner-#Is this a gigantic margin? No. But it’s significant enough to notice and discuss.  While my discussion of the merits of using an advisor is blatantly biased (I’ve been in the trenches as an financial advisor for over 20 years), I would venture a guess that I am qualified to talk about relevant questions to ask during an initial meeting. I could list a thousand. However, for time’s sake, let’s stick with five solid ones. ​1. How long… Read More

Amid all the trade-related headlines these days, it’s easy to get caught up in the news and take your eye off the ball in terms of your overall investing strategy. —Recommended Link— Biggest Egomaniac On Wall Street? This CEO flat out loves himself. For the past five years, he’s been buying his own stock like crazy, spending $97 billion to retire 57% of his company’s shares. Of course, that means MUCH larger dividend checks for the rest of us. But you need to see why he’s doing this… and why there is so much more to come. Investors are… Read More

Amid all the trade-related headlines these days, it’s easy to get caught up in the news and take your eye off the ball in terms of your overall investing strategy. —Recommended Link— Biggest Egomaniac On Wall Street? This CEO flat out loves himself. For the past five years, he’s been buying his own stock like crazy, spending $97 billion to retire 57% of his company’s shares. Of course, that means MUCH larger dividend checks for the rest of us. But you need to see why he’s doing this… and why there is so much more to come. Investors are right to be concerned about this new threat. After all, when a trade war is allowed to continue unchecked, the most likely impact is negative for virtually all involved parties. #-ad_banner-#But I just recently told readers of my Game-Changing Stocks advisory that it’s still crucial for us to keep up with new developments — regulatory or scientific — that could define or impact the future of many industries. One important development that many investors likely missed is the new guidance on gene therapy (GT) that was released July 11. Coming from the U.S. Food and Drug Administration’s (FDA’s) Center for… Read More