Adam Fischbaum brings more than 20 years of professional investment experience as financial advisor and portfolio manager. Affiliated with an NYSE-member firm, he specializes in value, income and macro thematic investing. Adam is also a contributing editor for and his work is published frequently on,, as well, Seeking Alpha and He currently holds a Series 7, 63, 65, and 31 license. Adam lives on the Gulf Coast with his wife and two sons. When he’s not running money or writing about it, he enjoys hunting and fishing.  

Analyst Articles

Value investors get a bad rap. Sometimes, value investing is referred to as “cigar butt” investing, in that picking up cheap, undervalued stocks is equivalent to picking up mostly smoked cigars off of the sidewalk. A good friend and colleague of mine used to call me a “dumpster diver”. Guilty. —Recommended Link— Nest Egg Cracked? Patch It With Our New Legacy Portfolio 401k looking lackluster? Is your pension or social security just not hacking it? Odds are that skyrocketing healthcare costs and living expenses aren’t leaving much left over each month… and won’t leave you anything to pass on… Read More

Value investors get a bad rap. Sometimes, value investing is referred to as “cigar butt” investing, in that picking up cheap, undervalued stocks is equivalent to picking up mostly smoked cigars off of the sidewalk. A good friend and colleague of mine used to call me a “dumpster diver”. Guilty. —Recommended Link— Nest Egg Cracked? Patch It With Our New Legacy Portfolio 401k looking lackluster? Is your pension or social security just not hacking it? Odds are that skyrocketing healthcare costs and living expenses aren’t leaving much left over each month… and won’t leave you anything to pass on to your children.  Every investor needs a set of stocks so reliable that they can buy them today and hold them for the rest of their life… one that’s returned 45% gains to shareholders the past two years and turned every 100k into a HALF-MILLION dollars in the last decade. Click here to access your 7 “Set & Forget” Legacy Assets NOW. Why value? Personally, I hate overpaying. The old Wall Street maxim “buy low, sell high” is in direct conflict with “buy high, sell higher”. Typically, value stocks are less volatile than growth stocks. That doesn’t mean they’re less… Read More

This year will likely go down in history as the year energy stocks broke out. Fueled by an upside explosion in oil prices, many energy stocks have pushed higher this year. It is not too late to grab a piece of the bullish action! In fact, right now is an ideal time to buy. —Recommended Link— This Company’s #1 Fan Is… Itself This company flat out loves itself. For the past five years, it’s been buying its own stock like crazy, spending $97 billion to retire 57% of its shares. Of course that means MUCH larger dividend checks for… Read More

This year will likely go down in history as the year energy stocks broke out. Fueled by an upside explosion in oil prices, many energy stocks have pushed higher this year. It is not too late to grab a piece of the bullish action! In fact, right now is an ideal time to buy. —Recommended Link— This Company’s #1 Fan Is… Itself This company flat out loves itself. For the past five years, it’s been buying its own stock like crazy, spending $97 billion to retire 57% of its shares. Of course that means MUCH larger dividend checks for the rest of us. But you need to see WHY this is happening. Hint: it’s doing something that’s changing our world more than smartphones did. Want the name and ticker symbol? Go here now. The recent pullback as reflected in the United States Oil Fund ETF (NYSE: USO) and the Energy Select Sector SPDR Fund ETF (NYSE: XLE) has set up an ideal buying opportunity in particular stocks. Let’s take a closer look at why energy stocks are moving higher. #-ad_banner-#First, energy stocks are tightly correlated with interest rates. As interest rates climb so do energy stocks. In fact, history… Read More

It’s hard to believe, but somehow the first half of 2018 is history. And the road to the S&P 500’s 4.9% return this year has been filled with twists, turns and potholes. —Recommended Link— $40K A Year For Life… (Takes 20 Minutes) Want an extra $40,653 a year in bonus income? You need to see this… and fast. It shows the five simple steps to take to start collecting this money. Your checks should start coming in within a month… and continue to roll in forever. You can even pass your payments on to your heirs… and they can… Read More

It’s hard to believe, but somehow the first half of 2018 is history. And the road to the S&P 500’s 4.9% return this year has been filled with twists, turns and potholes. —Recommended Link— $40K A Year For Life… (Takes 20 Minutes) Want an extra $40,653 a year in bonus income? You need to see this… and fast. It shows the five simple steps to take to start collecting this money. Your checks should start coming in within a month… and continue to roll in forever. You can even pass your payments on to your heirs… and they can collect the money after you’re gone. It’s all here. And you can get set up in 20 minutes. But despite the wild ride so far, my Maximum Profit subscribers and I have been able to find success in this market. To be sure, we’ve had some losers, but thanks to our time-tested, proven sell signals (an important part of any investment system that too many investors often ignore) we’ve been able to keep the red ink to a relative minimum. #-ad_banner-#As we wrap up the first half of 2018 and head into the depths of summer, it’s important to take… Read More

Have you noticed how investors — if not President Trump — have largely shrugged off recent interest rate hikes? At its latest meeting, in June, the U.S. Federal Reserve, as expected, hiked its benchmark short-term rate by a quarter point, to a… Read More

As readers know, I am a super bull when it comes to the stock market. However, I am not so naïve as to believe that the current bull market will last forever. It will end, and judging from the massive explosion in stock prices, the plunge may be the worst of our lifetimes. —Recommended Link— Life Saving Drug In Phase 3 Trials — FDA Fast Track Our experts have uncovered a small pharmaceutical company with a life-saving drug that virtually cures the deadliest food allergy on the planet. It’s so important that the FDA has given it Fast Track… Read More

As readers know, I am a super bull when it comes to the stock market. However, I am not so naïve as to believe that the current bull market will last forever. It will end, and judging from the massive explosion in stock prices, the plunge may be the worst of our lifetimes. —Recommended Link— Life Saving Drug In Phase 3 Trials — FDA Fast Track Our experts have uncovered a small pharmaceutical company with a life-saving drug that virtually cures the deadliest food allergy on the planet. It’s so important that the FDA has given it Fast Track Designation to speed up the review process. We’re talking about a triple-digit opportunity — but only if you act quickly. Good news could break any day and send the stock soaring! Click here to see why this is the best chance at triple digit gains we’ve seen in a long time. One of the most critical investment skills is the ability to see both sides of every situation. It is so easy to be blinded by bias when holding an investment. #-ad_banner-#The best investors remove themselves from their ingrained biases when making decisions. This skill is what separates the world’s… Read More

As some of you may know, I’ve been following developments in the legal cannabis space for some time now. And I keep my followers at Fast-Track Millionaire up to date with any news that I think warrants our attention. Not only do I have firsthand experience in the corporate marijuana space — I also know many of the players. I also know what it’s going to take to make this into a legitimate gold mine for investors. It won’t be an easy path, but it’s worth the effort to stay abreast of the developments. I do this not only because… Read More

As some of you may know, I’ve been following developments in the legal cannabis space for some time now. And I keep my followers at Fast-Track Millionaire up to date with any news that I think warrants our attention. Not only do I have firsthand experience in the corporate marijuana space — I also know many of the players. I also know what it’s going to take to make this into a legitimate gold mine for investors. It won’t be an easy path, but it’s worth the effort to stay abreast of the developments. I do this not only because it’s fascinating… but because this is one of the great new frontiers of innovation that could hold the next big, blue-chip names of tomorrow. I’m talking about the kinds of investments that could deliver the 1,000% gains over the long run that every investor dreams about. And that’s what we’re all about over at Fast-Track Millionaire. So with this in mind, I decided to compile some of the critical updates I’ve shared with Fast-Track Millionaire readers over the past few weeks. And while I can’t share our favorite pick in the cannabis business to you today, my goal is to… Read More

Utility companies aren’t usually fan favorites among investors, but these protected and counter-cyclical companies are my favorites for a long-term portfolio. Consistent cash flow means high dividend yields and sales don’t fluctuate like in other industries. —Recommended Link— This Tiny Biotech Is Set To Disrupt A $133  Billion Market It’s like something straight out of science-fiction… According to our research, the U.S. Army has invested in a small biotech company with a breakthrough technology using the DNA of spiders. We’re not kidding. Not only could it change the future of warfare — it has a host of unique properties… Read More

Utility companies aren’t usually fan favorites among investors, but these protected and counter-cyclical companies are my favorites for a long-term portfolio. Consistent cash flow means high dividend yields and sales don’t fluctuate like in other industries. —Recommended Link— This Tiny Biotech Is Set To Disrupt A $133  Billion Market It’s like something straight out of science-fiction… According to our research, the U.S. Army has invested in a small biotech company with a breakthrough technology using the DNA of spiders. We’re not kidding. Not only could it change the future of warfare — it has a host of unique properties that could lead to a range of applications, allowing early investors to strike it rich. To get all the fascinating details, go here. But rising rates are weighing on utilities and inflation could start to eat into profits for regulated producers. The Utilities Select Sector SPDR (NYSE: XLU) is up just 0.6% over the last year, lagging the broader market by nearly 13% over the 12 months. There is one industry, however, that shares some of the same characteristics but is less affected by rising interest rates. The industry is highly regulated, and business activity is about as consistent as… Read More

Things aren’t going to script right now in the financial sector. It’s a widely established fact (based on years of historical evidence) that banks and other lenders typically prosper when interest rates are rising. In previous rate-tightening cycles, the financial sector was usually among the market’s top performers. —Recommended Link— Create A 10%+ Income Stream For Life We’re sitting on a collection of the safest, most generous monthly payers available. And while $11,200 in dividend checks is a welcome addition to anyone’s income, investors also love racking up capital gains as high as 446%. Start generating a 10%+ income… Read More

Things aren’t going to script right now in the financial sector. It’s a widely established fact (based on years of historical evidence) that banks and other lenders typically prosper when interest rates are rising. In previous rate-tightening cycles, the financial sector was usually among the market’s top performers. —Recommended Link— Create A 10%+ Income Stream For Life We’re sitting on a collection of the safest, most generous monthly payers available. And while $11,200 in dividend checks is a welcome addition to anyone’s income, investors also love racking up capital gains as high as 446%. Start generating a 10%+ income stream for life today from these consistent companies. As I’ve discussed before in my High-Yield Investing premium newsletter, banks can feast in these conditions because the rates they charge borrowers on loans usually rise faster than the rates they pay to depositors. That widens net interest margins (NIMs) and fattens the bottom line. #-ad_banner-#Yields on the benchmark 10-year Treasury bond have cooperated by edging toward 2.9% recently, up from 2.4% at the beginning of the year. Yet, the Financial Select Sector SPDR (NYSE: XLF) ETF has posted a negative return over the same time frame. What gives? Well, there’s no… Read More

The stock market has been climbing the wall of worry since the end of June when significant technical support at the 200-day simple moving average was violated on the downside. Since the plunge, the Dow Jones Industrial Average has rocketed above both the 50 and 200-day simple moving averages appearing to be on its way to test resistance in the 250 zone.   —Recommended Link— 20 Minutes To $40,653 Have you heard about “Social Security Insurance”? My clients are averaging $40,653 a year with this program. You can just copy them and make the same money they do. Why… Read More

The stock market has been climbing the wall of worry since the end of June when significant technical support at the 200-day simple moving average was violated on the downside. Since the plunge, the Dow Jones Industrial Average has rocketed above both the 50 and 200-day simple moving averages appearing to be on its way to test resistance in the 250 zone.   —Recommended Link— 20 Minutes To $40,653 Have you heard about “Social Security Insurance”? My clients are averaging $40,653 a year with this program. You can just copy them and make the same money they do. Why not? All it takes is 20 minutes. Click here to learn more. The craziest thing is the stock market is moving higher in the face of extraordinary bearish pressures.   A brewing trade war with China, daily shocks from the White House, and geopolitical tensions can’t seem to damper the bullish enthusiasm. How can this be possible? The reason is there are major macroeconomic trends that are crushing the day-to-day bearish economic chaos. These trends are so dominant that there is little that can interfere outside of an extreme, unexpected systematic shock. This article will explain the three major… Read More

Editor’s Note: The following is a guest column from our friend and retirement expert Dennis Miller. As a fellow retiree, Dennis believes in helping his readers make their money last for the rest of their lives so they can enjoy their golden years without worry. He offers practical advice and more commentary like what you’ll read below over at his website, Miller on the Money (be sure to check it out). Enjoy! StreetAuthority Staff Consumers love rewards programs, whether it’s cash back, free miles or a free dessert at their local eatery. They’re generally a tit-for-tat, you do… Read More

Editor’s Note: The following is a guest column from our friend and retirement expert Dennis Miller. As a fellow retiree, Dennis believes in helping his readers make their money last for the rest of their lives so they can enjoy their golden years without worry. He offers practical advice and more commentary like what you’ll read below over at his website, Miller on the Money (be sure to check it out). Enjoy! StreetAuthority Staff Consumers love rewards programs, whether it’s cash back, free miles or a free dessert at their local eatery. They’re generally a tit-for-tat, you do business with them and they reward you for doing so. —Recommended Link— There are 6,568 Investors on “The List…” Will YOU Be Next? Introducing the exclusive system guarantees you get a paycheck delivered to your mailbox an average of every single day. Sometimes more. Full story here… Our article, “Does Government Debt Really Matter?” generated interesting responses. Subscriber Bob O. lamented how our government is borrowing billions and wasting it. He sent a study titled, “Where’s The Pork?” It reports on the $583 billion in government grants during the fiscal year… Read More