Genia Turanova

Genia Turanova, Chief Investment Strategist for Game-Changing Stocks and Fast-Track Millionaire, is a financial writer and money manager whose experience includes serving for more than a decade as a portfolio manager and Investment Committee member for a New York-based money management firm.  Genia also researched, wrote and managed recommendations for several investment advisories. From 2011 to 2016, she served as Editor of the award-winning Leeb Income Performance newsletter. Genia also wrote for The Complete Investor, another award winner, from 2003 to 2016. During that time, Genia was responsible for several portfolios, including the "Income/Value" portfolio and the "FastTrack" portfolio. Genia's academic credentials include an MBA in Finance and Investments from the Zicklin School of Business, Baruch College in New York City. Genia is a CFA Charterholder.

Analyst Articles

Behind each trade or investment, they are there… lurking, waiting to reveal themselves during a moment of weakness. —Recommended Link— Put An Extra $23,000 In Your Pocket Every Year… There’s a simple investing system that regular investors are using to collect extra paychecks every month… totaling as much as $23,000 per year. It’s called The Dividend Trifecta, and they are telling us that this $23,000 number is the real thing. They don’t have special resources or connections… they just have The Dividend Trifecta… and 10 spare minutes a month to use it. Now it’s your turn: click here to… Read More

Behind each trade or investment, they are there… lurking, waiting to reveal themselves during a moment of weakness. —Recommended Link— Put An Extra $23,000 In Your Pocket Every Year… There’s a simple investing system that regular investors are using to collect extra paychecks every month… totaling as much as $23,000 per year. It’s called The Dividend Trifecta, and they are telling us that this $23,000 number is the real thing. They don’t have special resources or connections… they just have The Dividend Trifecta… and 10 spare minutes a month to use it. Now it’s your turn: click here to learn how it works. They are the four fears of investing. I learned about these early into my trading career, and I’ve been a victim of each one over time. All drama aside, they affect every investor or trader who actively manages his or her own money.  In no particular order, the four fears are as follows: 1. Fear Of Loss 2. Fear Of Missing Out 3. Fear Of Letting A Profit Turn Into A Loss 4. Fear Of Being Wrong #-ad_banner-#Despite their prevalence, there are fortunately many methods to help conquer each of these fears. One… Read More

Imagine earning an average of 106% over each of the last 20 years. I’m not talking about one lucky year of outsized returns like those experienced by many hedge funds and money managers. These are breathtaking returns, no matter what the benchmark.  —Recommended Link— Best 33-Year Old Stock In The S&P 500 If you like companies that buy back their own stock, then this is probably the best buy in the S&P 500. It’s in the middle of a massive share buyback, spending $97 billion to retire 57% of its shares. But what’s fascinating is WHY the company is… Read More

Imagine earning an average of 106% over each of the last 20 years. I’m not talking about one lucky year of outsized returns like those experienced by many hedge funds and money managers. These are breathtaking returns, no matter what the benchmark.  —Recommended Link— Best 33-Year Old Stock In The S&P 500 If you like companies that buy back their own stock, then this is probably the best buy in the S&P 500. It’s in the middle of a massive share buyback, spending $97 billion to retire 57% of its shares. But what’s fascinating is WHY the company is doing this. It’s leading an advance that’s changing our world more than smartphones. Get the name and ticker symbol here. Nothing Illegal Or Unethical One of the first things we learn as investors is that if it seems too good to be true, it probably is.   #-ad_banner-#The truth is that there is nothing illicit or wrong about these huge profits, and they are in fact, 100% legitimate. The aforemetioned 106% represents the returns of the venture capital investments of the large and respected Yale University Endowment‘s 20-year asset class. The most exciting thing is that it is possible… Read More

The Battle of Waterloo on June 18, 1815 not only marked the end of Napoleon Bonaparte’s storied military career, but it also gave birth to the fabled story of Baron Rothschild making a fortune from the deadly battle. —Recommended Link— This Social Security Insurance Could Save Your Retirement This alternative retirement system keeps on paying you no matter what happens to the government program. You can collect “Social Security Insurance” even if you’ve never worked a day in your life. And you can start tomorrow. Check it out here. Some versions of the events claim that Rothschild witnessed the… Read More

The Battle of Waterloo on June 18, 1815 not only marked the end of Napoleon Bonaparte’s storied military career, but it also gave birth to the fabled story of Baron Rothschild making a fortune from the deadly battle. —Recommended Link— This Social Security Insurance Could Save Your Retirement This alternative retirement system keeps on paying you no matter what happens to the government program. You can collect “Social Security Insurance” even if you’ve never worked a day in your life. And you can start tomorrow. Check it out here. Some versions of the events claim that Rothschild witnessed the battle in person then quickly rode to the coast where he bullied and bribed a fisherman into ferrying him to England through a terrible storm. He reached London 24 hours before official news of the outcome of the Battle of Waterloo, where he spread rumors that Wellington had been defeated by Napoleon, causing a panic in the stock market. #-ad_banner-#When prices reached rock bottom, it’s believed that Rothschild bought up large swaths of shares, and once news reached that Napoleon had been defeated, the stock market soared and he quickly doubled his money. The legend goes on to say that… Read More

Below you’ll find the Maximum Profit scores for the stocks you requested in response to my invitation last week. Thanks to each of you who participated — once again, the response was overwhelming (in a good way). Now, before we get into the details,… Read More

Honestly, with the seemingly infinite universe of accessible video entertainment available, every now and then I kind of miss the days of three or four channels from a television that was made to look like furniture. Then again, if that were still the case, we’d probably complain about nothing being on TV. There’s absolutely NO excuse for that complaint today. —Recommended Link— Just Released… THE LIST: Top 7 Growth Stocks To Buy Now Our annual research has produced winners of 310%, 452%, and even 569% in years past. Last year’s picks are beating the S&P 500 3-to-1. And this… Read More

Honestly, with the seemingly infinite universe of accessible video entertainment available, every now and then I kind of miss the days of three or four channels from a television that was made to look like furniture. Then again, if that were still the case, we’d probably complain about nothing being on TV. There’s absolutely NO excuse for that complaint today. —Recommended Link— Just Released… THE LIST: Top 7 Growth Stocks To Buy Now Our annual research has produced winners of 310%, 452%, and even 569% in years past. Last year’s picks are beating the S&P 500 3-to-1. And this year’s report could be the most profitable yet… If you’re tired of paltry gains, then this could be the most important thing you read all year. Click here to see it. Of course, the fastest growing segment for video content delivery is streaming delivery with Netflix (NASDAQ: NFLX) — the perceived 800-pound gorilla in that category. After all, they are the “N” in the FAANG stocks. It’s a crowded field where at times the competition resembles a Viking bar fight. But I’ve found one company that’s quietly gaining momentum, and the market has yet to notice it. Dish Network Corp. Read More

If you read any news, you probably know we live in very partisan times. According to many, the level of the divide in our country is higher than ever. But if you’re a history buff, you know better. The country has always been divided on major issues. —Recommended Link— THE LIST — The Only Growth Stocks You’ll Ever Need If you’re ready to start bagging triple-digit winners like it’s no big deal, then you have to see this… Last year’s picks are beating the S&P 500 3-to-1 , and we ‘ve recommended dozens of multi-baggers to our readers over… Read More

If you read any news, you probably know we live in very partisan times. According to many, the level of the divide in our country is higher than ever. But if you’re a history buff, you know better. The country has always been divided on major issues. —Recommended Link— THE LIST — The Only Growth Stocks You’ll Ever Need If you’re ready to start bagging triple-digit winners like it’s no big deal, then you have to see this… Last year’s picks are beating the S&P 500 3-to-1 , and we ‘ve recommended dozens of multi-baggers to our readers over the years. THE LIST is jam packed timely picks including: Our #1 Biotech Stock, Takeover Stock, Pharmaceutical Stock, and many others. Click here to see them now. Immigration is a hot topic. Just like it was in the 1980s, the early 1900s and late 1800s. Politicians have hurled personal insults at each since the election of 1796 when John Adams and Thomas Jefferson turned from friend to enemy. What is different this time around is the visibility of these debates (and thus our awareness of and participation in them). Many of us don’t study history as closely as we should,… Read More

Investors have been waiting for a selloff in U.S. stocks for years — anything to bring prices back into some semblance of value-territory. The 10% correction in January was an opportunity, albeit a short-lived one, with the S&P 500 regaining nearly 8% in less than three weeks. —Recommended Link— LEAKED: Secret List Reveals Top Growth Stocks To Buy Now Private clients have been getting this secretive research for years, using it to make gains of 310%, 452%, 569%, and more… Now, a small research outfit is leaking THE LIST to the public. Take a peek at it here… While… Read More

Investors have been waiting for a selloff in U.S. stocks for years — anything to bring prices back into some semblance of value-territory. The 10% correction in January was an opportunity, albeit a short-lived one, with the S&P 500 regaining nearly 8% in less than three weeks. —Recommended Link— LEAKED: Secret List Reveals Top Growth Stocks To Buy Now Private clients have been getting this secretive research for years, using it to make gains of 310%, 452%, 569%, and more… Now, a small research outfit is leaking THE LIST to the public. Take a peek at it here… While most analysts aren’t calling for a U.S. recession until late next year or 2020, a bear market has quietly presented an opportunity somewhere else…in one of the world’s fastest-growing economies. Shares trading on the Shanghai Stock Exchange have plunged 20% since the late-January peak on slowing economic growth and the escalating trade war with the United States. It may be the opportunity and wake-up call U.S. investors need. Snapping up shares of companies primed to benefit as China takes its place as an economic powerhouse and build a portfolio from almost no exposure to the space. The Selloff Opportunity On… Read More

Last Friday, the tariff war started in earnest: the U.S. imposed $34 billion worth of tariffs on China and, in response, China said it applied its own tariffs on U.S. goods. —Recommended Link— How To Build A ‘Battle-Hardened’ Portfolio Did you know that no matter how big your nest egg is today…the odds of your grandchildren seeing a dime of inheritance is less than 10%? We’ve uncovered the solution to the 3rd generation curse–introducing our new Legacy Assets Portfolio. This collection of battle-hardened stocks is proven to generate income hand over fist… no matter what the market throws at… Read More

Last Friday, the tariff war started in earnest: the U.S. imposed $34 billion worth of tariffs on China and, in response, China said it applied its own tariffs on U.S. goods. —Recommended Link— How To Build A ‘Battle-Hardened’ Portfolio Did you know that no matter how big your nest egg is today…the odds of your grandchildren seeing a dime of inheritance is less than 10%? We’ve uncovered the solution to the 3rd generation curse–introducing our new Legacy Assets Portfolio. This collection of battle-hardened stocks is proven to generate income hand over fist… no matter what the market throws at it. It’s returned 45% gains to investors in just the past two years and turned every 50k into better than $100,000 in the last five. Click here to discover the recession-proof Legacy Assets your grandkids will thank you for. A ship laden with U.S. soybeans raced to arrive at its port of destination in northern China before the deadline, but it got there too late. Because the shipment reached Dalian hours after the deadline, the soybeans were subject to a 25% tariff. Other U.S.-made products subject to tariffs include agricultural products such as beef and pork, cars and “aquatic products”… Read More