Genia Turanova

Genia Turanova, Chief Investment Strategist for Game-Changing Stocks and Fast-Track Millionaire, is a financial writer and money manager whose experience includes serving for more than a decade as a portfolio manager and Investment Committee member for a New York-based money management firm.  Genia also researched, wrote and managed recommendations for several investment advisories. From 2011 to 2016, she served as Editor of the award-winning Leeb Income Performance newsletter. Genia also wrote for The Complete Investor, another award winner, from 2003 to 2016. During that time, Genia was responsible for several portfolios, including the "Income/Value" portfolio and the "FastTrack" portfolio. Genia's academic credentials include an MBA in Finance and Investments from the Zicklin School of Business, Baruch College in New York City. Genia is a CFA Charterholder.

Analyst Articles

Last Friday, the tariff war started in earnest: the U.S. imposed $34 billion worth of tariffs on China and, in response, China said it applied its own tariffs on U.S. goods. A ship laden with U.S. soybeans raced to arrive at its… Read More

In 1988, my father brought home a new LaserDisc player. It cost a good chunk of our savings, but he was convinced that this would be the next evolution in home theater to replace VHS. He had already bet wrong on Betamax earlier in the decade but was sure that this new format was the real deal. —Recommended Link— Just Released… THE LIST: Top 7 Growth Stocks To Buy Now Our annual research has produced winners of 310%, 452%, and even 569% in years past. Last year’s picks are beating the S&P 500 3-to-1. And this year’s report could… Read More

In 1988, my father brought home a new LaserDisc player. It cost a good chunk of our savings, but he was convinced that this would be the next evolution in home theater to replace VHS. He had already bet wrong on Betamax earlier in the decade but was sure that this new format was the real deal. —Recommended Link— Just Released… THE LIST: Top 7 Growth Stocks To Buy Now Our annual research has produced winners of 310%, 452%, and even 569% in years past. Last year’s picks are beating the S&P 500 3-to-1. And this year’s report could be the most profitable yet… If you’re tired of paltry gains, then this could be the most important thing you read all year. Click here to see it. Of course, the format never did find its market, and manufacturers stopped printing movies for it just a few years later. #-ad_banner-#While my family’s struggle with technological obsolescence is nothing new, it seems the problem has gotten more acute for investors over the past several decades. Once leading companies are being pushed aside and bankrupted as their industries die out or they fail to adapt. How can a long-term investor hope to… Read More

Just a few weeks ago, my Maximum Income readers saw three of our covered call trades expire worthless. —Recommended Link— Do You Have 7 Minutes To Spare This Friday? If you can spare just seven minutes this Friday, you could pocket your first $565 in fast cash… without investing a dime of your own money. This simple “Guaranteed Income Strategy” generates INSTANT cash every week and boasts a 90.5% win rate. Go here to see how it’s racked up $140,490 in extra cash for us… Now, that may sound like a… Read More

Just a few weeks ago, my Maximum Income readers saw three of our covered call trades expire worthless. —Recommended Link— Do You Have 7 Minutes To Spare This Friday? If you can spare just seven minutes this Friday, you could pocket your first $565 in fast cash… without investing a dime of your own money. This simple “Guaranteed Income Strategy” generates INSTANT cash every week and boasts a 90.5% win rate. Go here to see how it’s racked up $140,490 in extra cash for us… Now, that may sound like a bad thing, but it’s actually my favorite part of the strategy. You see, every time one of our options expires worthless, it gives us the chance to write another option on the stock, capturing another big income payment. Here’s a snapshot of our three positions that expired worthless on June 15. As you can see, we’ve already generated a significant amount of income from selling call options on these three positions. And because our June options expired worthless, we can now sell another round of covered calls. #-ad_banner-#On June 19, I sent my readers a trade alert with… Read More

Imagine being able to pay whatever you want for your favorite stock. How would you like to be able to pick the purchase price with very little regard to where the shares are currently trading? —Recommended Link— Only A Few Hours Left To Claim 75% OFF We’re down to the wire. At 11:59 tonight, the door slams shut.  And your chance to SAVE 75% on the stock-picking tool that flags fast double- and triple-digit moves. Don’t miss out on our top indicator that generates 15X MORE returns than the market. This is your FINAL chance to claim your 75%… Read More

Imagine being able to pay whatever you want for your favorite stock. How would you like to be able to pick the purchase price with very little regard to where the shares are currently trading? —Recommended Link— Only A Few Hours Left To Claim 75% OFF We’re down to the wire. At 11:59 tonight, the door slams shut.  And your chance to SAVE 75% on the stock-picking tool that flags fast double- and triple-digit moves. Don’t miss out on our top indicator that generates 15X MORE returns than the market. This is your FINAL chance to claim your 75% OFF. Grab it now. Sound too good to be true? Well, that’s what I thought when I first learned of this little-used method. And believe it or not, it gets even better. If this tactic fails and you can’t get the shares at your price, you’ll get paid for trying. The Market’s “Can’t-Lose” Strategy There’s a reason why some people regularly win in the stock market. It’s not that these people are any smarter, cleverer, or even have access to better information. While these things can provide an edge over other investors, it’s often the knowledge and application of… Read More

Every intelligent investor’s portfolio must devote assets to aggressive growth. No exceptions. —Recommended Link— THE LIST — Our Recent Picks Are Beating The S&P 500 3-to-1 When smart investors want to bag triple-digit gains, they turn to THE LIST. Our research team has produced gains of 310%…452%…569% along with dozens of other triple-digit winners. This year’s picks could be the most profitable yet. Get a glimpse of our groundbreaking research now. Because finding a winning aggressive growth stock isn’t easy, I want to share with you how I do it… I look for companies with products, technologies or other… Read More

Every intelligent investor’s portfolio must devote assets to aggressive growth. No exceptions. —Recommended Link— THE LIST — Our Recent Picks Are Beating The S&P 500 3-to-1 When smart investors want to bag triple-digit gains, they turn to THE LIST. Our research team has produced gains of 310%…452%…569% along with dozens of other triple-digit winners. This year’s picks could be the most profitable yet. Get a glimpse of our groundbreaking research now. Because finding a winning aggressive growth stock isn’t easy, I want to share with you how I do it… I look for companies with products, technologies or other innovations that materially change the baseline assumptions for doing business in an industry. #-ad_banner-#These are the companies seeking to hit one out of the park by finding The Next Big Thing. You see, I have a knack for this. I don’t mean to brag, but in my years with StreetAuthority, I’ve picked more triple-digit gainers than just about any other analyst. A few years ago, for example, I recommended AuthenTec, a company beginning to dominate the market for biometric readers — fingerprint scanners on personal electronic devices. Not too long afterward, Apple agreed to buy the company. Readers who followed… Read More

Despite rising volatility and a slew of concerns about the world at large, the market has done well enough so far this year, especially given its exponential advance over the past few years. The Russell 2000 small-cap index is up 9.8%, while the S&P… Read More

In today’s online, computer-driven investing world, fundamental analysis often plays second fiddle to technical analysis when it comes to choosing stock market investments. —Recommended Link— Take 75% OFF And Celebrate Your (Financial) Independence One little-known indicator has generated 15 TIMES more money than the stock market over the last 83 years. It accurately identifies stocks poised to make fast double- and triple-digit moves. And today you can grab it at an incredible 75% OFF. Celebrate your (financial) Independence and claim your exclusive discount today. While technical analysis has its place in stock picking, it’s really only one piece of… Read More

In today’s online, computer-driven investing world, fundamental analysis often plays second fiddle to technical analysis when it comes to choosing stock market investments. —Recommended Link— Take 75% OFF And Celebrate Your (Financial) Independence One little-known indicator has generated 15 TIMES more money than the stock market over the last 83 years. It accurately identifies stocks poised to make fast double- and triple-digit moves. And today you can grab it at an incredible 75% OFF. Celebrate your (financial) Independence and claim your exclusive discount today. While technical analysis has its place in stock picking, it’s really only one piece of the puzzle. The most successful investors use a combination of both types of analysis to make investing decisions.  What Is Fundamental Analysis? Fundamental analysis can be defined as studying any stock market data other than a stock’s price movement. It can be applied to the entire market or broken down for individual companies. For the purposes of this article, I will focus on fundamental analysis as it is applied to corporations and not to the overall stock market. #-ad_banner-#Fundamental analysts sift through documents like balance sheets, financial statements, earnings reports, breaking news, management backgrounds, and financial data related to… Read More

While fear over a trade war between the U.S. and China has been growing for most of the year, its effects on the economy have yet to be seen. —Recommended Link— THE LIST — The Only Growth Stocks You’ll Ever Need If you’re ready to start bagging triple-digit winners like it’s no big deal, then you have to see this… Last year’s picks are beating the S&P 500 3 -to-1 , and we ‘ve recommended dozens of multi-baggers to our readers over the years. THE LIST is jam packed timely picks including: Our #1 Biotech Stock, Takeover Stock, Pharmaceutical… Read More

While fear over a trade war between the U.S. and China has been growing for most of the year, its effects on the economy have yet to be seen. —Recommended Link— THE LIST — The Only Growth Stocks You’ll Ever Need If you’re ready to start bagging triple-digit winners like it’s no big deal, then you have to see this… Last year’s picks are beating the S&P 500 3 -to-1 , and we ‘ve recommended dozens of multi-baggers to our readers over the years. THE LIST is jam packed timely picks including: Our #1 Biotech Stock, Takeover Stock, Pharmaceutical Stock, and many others. Click here to see them now. The U.S- imposed tariffs on imported steel (25%) and aluminum (10%) in March were promptly countered the following month by Chinese tariffs of up to 25% on 128 American products. Washington has since proposed tariffs on $34 billion in Chinese goods to take effect July 6, and China has said it will impose tariffs on $50 billion in U.S. goods on another 659 product categories. The potential effects of currently proposed trade actions appear relatively modest with a hit to the U.S. economy from 0.1% to 0.3% and a loss… Read More

I’ve read quite a bit about investment theory over the years. There have been thousands of papers written about how to value a stock. Thousands of other papers detail how to value the stock market. —Recommended Link— Just Released… THE LIST: Top 7 Growth Stocks To Buy Now Our annual research has produced winners of 310%, 452%, and even 569% in years past. Last year’s picks are beating the S&P 500 3-to-1. And this year’s report could be the most profitable yet… If you’re tired of paltry gains, then this could be the most important thing you read all… Read More

I’ve read quite a bit about investment theory over the years. There have been thousands of papers written about how to value a stock. Thousands of other papers detail how to value the stock market. —Recommended Link— Just Released… THE LIST: Top 7 Growth Stocks To Buy Now Our annual research has produced winners of 310%, 452%, and even 569% in years past. Last year’s picks are beating the S&P 500 3-to-1. And this year’s report could be the most profitable yet… If you’re tired of paltry gains, then this could be the most important thing you read all year. Click here to see it. And one of the biggest things I’ve learned from all my reading is that none of those papers provide everything an investor needs to know. #-ad_banner-#This research has led to the development of many models that can be used to determine a stock’s fair value. But the market price is usually above or below that value. Recently, there has been some interesting research into why the market price is different than the fair value. Economists are noticing that sentiment is a factor in the current market price. In other words, whether investors are bullish… Read More