Analyst Articles

Like a lot of you, I expected to have the Mr. Fusion gizmo from the “Back to the Future” pictures powering my car and house by now — something cheap, clean, sustainable and renewable to provide the juice that keeps life moving in the 21st Century. —Recommended Link— The Only Pot Stock Worth Owning This summer, Canada will completely legalize cannabis for medical and recreational use — sparking an $8 BILLION industry.  Our experts have their sights on a company that’s been granted a virtual monopoly by the Canadian government – a moat that would make Warren Buffett jealous. Read More

Like a lot of you, I expected to have the Mr. Fusion gizmo from the “Back to the Future” pictures powering my car and house by now — something cheap, clean, sustainable and renewable to provide the juice that keeps life moving in the 21st Century. —Recommended Link— The Only Pot Stock Worth Owning This summer, Canada will completely legalize cannabis for medical and recreational use — sparking an $8 BILLION industry.  Our experts have their sights on a company that’s been granted a virtual monopoly by the Canadian government – a moat that would make Warren Buffett jealous. Get in early on this exceptional triple-digit opportunity before the law goes into effect. Click here to learn more. Alas, it has not come to pass: All the touted miracle energy breakthroughs, from unlimited electricity from tidal power to hydrogen fuel cells, haven’t amounted to a hill of kumquats. But others — wind, solar, biomass, geothermal — have added significant capacity to the national power grid as the country has begun to embrace green power. Total installed renewable energy capacity — at utility scale — has grown about 80% in the past decade. #-ad_banner-#Why not more? Well, frankly, as good… Read More

Would you ever consider putting your hard-earned investment dollars in a place like Nigeria or Kenya? It’s a question that strikes at the heart of an investor’s risk tolerance. —Recommended Link— Better Than Social Security? This alternative retirement system keeps on paying you no matter what happens to the government program. You can collect “Social Security Insurance” even if you’ve never worked a day in your life. And you can start tomorrow. Check it out here. But how you answer it may be a key factor in determining whether you have “what it takes” to capture truly outsized gains… Read More

Would you ever consider putting your hard-earned investment dollars in a place like Nigeria or Kenya? It’s a question that strikes at the heart of an investor’s risk tolerance. —Recommended Link— Better Than Social Security? This alternative retirement system keeps on paying you no matter what happens to the government program. You can collect “Social Security Insurance” even if you’ve never worked a day in your life. And you can start tomorrow. Check it out here. But how you answer it may be a key factor in determining whether you have “what it takes” to capture truly outsized gains in the stock market. While many people would stay up at night worrying about that kind of an investment, others look at opportunities in far-flung places and see vast and seemingly limitless potential. #-ad_banner-#These up-and-coming countries, or “frontier markets,” tend to be smaller and less developed than emerging markets like China and India. And while they don’t get the same kind of media coverage as these countries, their growth potential is staggering. Many frontier markets are posting astonishing economic growth of 6% to 9% per year. As these economies grow and consumers become wealthier, these markets will present incredible opportunities… Read More

When the calendar year ticked over into 2018, I warned my subscribers that we shouldn’t expect another banner year like we had in 2017. I also mentioned that we should expect some volatility to return the market… little did I know that it would strike so quickly in the first few months of the year. —Recommended Link— This Tiny Biotech Is Set To Disrupt A $133  Billion Market It’s like something straight out of science-fiction… According to our research, the U.S. Army has invested in a small biotech company with a breakthrough technology using the DNA of spiders. We’re… Read More

When the calendar year ticked over into 2018, I warned my subscribers that we shouldn’t expect another banner year like we had in 2017. I also mentioned that we should expect some volatility to return the market… little did I know that it would strike so quickly in the first few months of the year. —Recommended Link— This Tiny Biotech Is Set To Disrupt A $133  Billion Market It’s like something straight out of science-fiction… According to our research, the U.S. Army has invested in a small biotech company with a breakthrough technology using the DNA of spiders. We’re not kidding. Not only could it change the future of warfare — it has a host of unique properties that could lead to a range of applications, allowing early investors to strike it rich. To get all the fascinating details, go here. But as the markets continue to gyrate, keep in mind the bigger picture. After rallying 7% to kick off the year, the market dipped all the way back into negative territory in March #-ad_banner-#(posting a total loss of 3.2% for the year at that point), and has now swung back to a gain of about 3.5% year-to-date. Right… Read More

Love him or hate him, Trump has shown his formidable negotiation skills on the world stage. Keeping the press and his opponents off balance with an anti-aircraft, artillery fire-style tweet storm, our Commander-in-Chief has made positive inroads where past world leaders have failed miserably. —Recommended Link— The Only Pot Stock Worth Owning This summer, Canada will completely legalize cannabis for medical and recreational use — sparking an $8 BILLION industry. Our experts have their sights on a company that’s been granted a virtual monopoly by the Canadian government — a moat that would make Warren Buffett jealous. Get in… Read More

Love him or hate him, Trump has shown his formidable negotiation skills on the world stage. Keeping the press and his opponents off balance with an anti-aircraft, artillery fire-style tweet storm, our Commander-in-Chief has made positive inroads where past world leaders have failed miserably. —Recommended Link— The Only Pot Stock Worth Owning This summer, Canada will completely legalize cannabis for medical and recreational use — sparking an $8 BILLION industry. Our experts have their sights on a company that’s been granted a virtual monopoly by the Canadian government — a moat that would make Warren Buffett jealous. Get in early on this exceptional triple-digit opportunity before the law goes into effect. Click here to learn more. As unconventional — and, frankly, entertaining — as U.S. global relations have become, nothing beats the latest U.S. win for long-term peace and prosperity. Savvy speculators are already scrambling to capture profits based on the potential results of Trump’s diplomacy. #-ad_banner-#I am talking about the possible de-nuclearization and economic opening of North Korea. The on-again, off-again United States-North Korean summit could not have gone more positive — not to mention the fact that even fiction writers would struggle to create… Read More

As you might imagine, I devote quite a bit of my average daily work schedule to the study of corporate cash flow statements. Whenever I’m evaluating a potential new recommendation, I want to make sure there’s enough incoming cash flow to meet dividend obligations. —Recommended Link— Put An Extra $23,000 In Your Pocket Every Year… There’s a simple investing system that regular investors are using to collect extra paychecks every month… totaling as much as $23,000 per year. It’s called The Dividend Trifecta, and they are telling us that this $23,000 number is the real thing. They don’t have… Read More

As you might imagine, I devote quite a bit of my average daily work schedule to the study of corporate cash flow statements. Whenever I’m evaluating a potential new recommendation, I want to make sure there’s enough incoming cash flow to meet dividend obligations. —Recommended Link— Put An Extra $23,000 In Your Pocket Every Year… There’s a simple investing system that regular investors are using to collect extra paychecks every month… totaling as much as $23,000 per year. It’s called The Dividend Trifecta, and they are telling us that this $23,000 number is the real thing. They don’t have special resources or connections… they just have The Dividend Trifecta… and 10 spare minutes a month to use it. Now it’s your turn: click here to learn how it works. And if there isn’t, well, then I need to know that, too. But quite often, it’s not the lack of cash flow that leads to dividend cuts. It’s an overleveraged balance sheet. Debt can be a powerful tool when wielded properly. But many companies get in over their heads to the point where interest payments consume an unhealthy portion of the budget, leaving less for other needs. #-ad_banner-#Companies in this… Read More

Rumors have circulated for decades that Albert Einstein once said that compound interest is the “eighth wonder of the world.” While there is no real evidence the famed theoretical physicist ever made the quote, the idea that compound interest is the most powerful force in investing rings true. —Recommended Link— Generate $40,653 Per Year (Starting Tomorrow) Here’s a brief tip on making sure you never run out of spending money. It’s called “Social Security Insurance.” Once you’ve got it, Social Security could go belly-up and it wouldn’t affect your payout one bit. My clients are generating an average of… Read More

Rumors have circulated for decades that Albert Einstein once said that compound interest is the “eighth wonder of the world.” While there is no real evidence the famed theoretical physicist ever made the quote, the idea that compound interest is the most powerful force in investing rings true. —Recommended Link— Generate $40,653 Per Year (Starting Tomorrow) Here’s a brief tip on making sure you never run out of spending money. It’s called “Social Security Insurance.” Once you’ve got it, Social Security could go belly-up and it wouldn’t affect your payout one bit. My clients are generating an average of $40,653 per year this way… deposited directly into their account every month. Check it out here. For novice investors, compound interest is ‘interest on interest.’ It’s based on the idea that interest earned on a sum of money is reinvested back into the principal to earn additional interest in the future. Thus, if an investor were to leave their interest to earn additional interest over a long period, a sum of money will grow exponentially — especially in the latter years. The following chart illustrates the wonder of compound interest compared to simple interest. Here, an investor earning… Read More

I recently met with some human resources personnel — long story, I’ll skip the whys and wherefores. They walked me through their services with a snazzy presentation. Some of the slides had video; they showed an HR representative (“Sally”) meeting with a new hire (“Kyle”). In one segment, they were talking about the 401(k) plan. Sally explained that for each dollar Kyle contributed to his 401(k) he received a company match, up to 7.5% of his salary, to a limit set by the IRS. It showed an animation of a pencil calculation of a 10% contribution. —Recommended Link— Idiot-Proof Investing… Read More

I recently met with some human resources personnel — long story, I’ll skip the whys and wherefores. They walked me through their services with a snazzy presentation. Some of the slides had video; they showed an HR representative (“Sally”) meeting with a new hire (“Kyle”). In one segment, they were talking about the 401(k) plan. Sally explained that for each dollar Kyle contributed to his 401(k) he received a company match, up to 7.5% of his salary, to a limit set by the IRS. It showed an animation of a pencil calculation of a 10% contribution. —Recommended Link— Idiot-Proof Investing Hack Proves You CAN Beat Wall Street at Their Game If you want to grow your retirement portfolio fast, there’s an under-the-radar system quietly making daily returns for a handful of cunning investors. If the thought of an extra $1,543… $2,184… even $4,200 each month in cash sounds good to you, this special report shows you how to get it… Okay so far. Then: Kyle: How much money should I put in my 401(k)? Sally: That’s up to you. There are some calculators on the website that let you try different scenarios. Kyle: I’ll have to check them out… Read More

Retail is in trouble. With the ease of shopping on Amazon, endless choices available online, and the industry’s failure to keep up with the times, brick-and-mortar retail operations have been crushed. True tales of struggling chains, plunging stock prices and even bankruptcy have become commonplace in the once thriving retail sector. —Recommended Link— The SAFEST Way To Make Triple-Digit Gains In Blue-Chip Stocks… Forget options and penny stocks. The market’s BIGGEST profits come from its safest investments – you just have to know where to look. Find out how to cash in HERE. However, within this chaos and wealth… Read More

Retail is in trouble. With the ease of shopping on Amazon, endless choices available online, and the industry’s failure to keep up with the times, brick-and-mortar retail operations have been crushed. True tales of struggling chains, plunging stock prices and even bankruptcy have become commonplace in the once thriving retail sector. —Recommended Link— The SAFEST Way To Make Triple-Digit Gains In Blue-Chip Stocks… Forget options and penny stocks. The market’s BIGGEST profits come from its safest investments – you just have to know where to look. Find out how to cash in HERE. However, within this chaos and wealth destructions lies the opportunity. A few retailers are stepping up to the plate by revamping and providing today’s consumers what they demand. By doing so, the sinking ships are righted, ushering in the new era of retail. One way I like to identify investment opportunities is by boots-on-the-ground observation. Looking for investment opportunities has become so ingrained that it is second nature. In other words, I do it without even thinking about it and do it all the time, even on vacation! #-ad_banner-# The first firsthand observation is how I noticed this… Read More

Shares of our portfolio’s Sarepta (Nasdaq: SRPT), a gene therapy biotech with a gene-editing product addressing Duchenne muscular dystrophy (DMD), jumped more than 55% on the just-reported breakthrough results of its clinical study. Sarepta’s experimental gene therapy was shown to dramatically increase the production… Read More