Amber Hestla

Amber Hestla is Lead Investment Strategist behind Profitable Trading's Income Trader, Profit Amplifier and Maximum Income. She specializes in generating income using options strategies that minimize risk by applying skills she learned on military deployments and intelligence training to the markets.

While deployed overseas with the military, Amber learned the importance of analyzing data to forecast what is likely to happen in the future, a skill she now applies to financial markets. Prior to that, Amber studied risk management working undercover. While risk management is no longer a matter of life and death, she believes it is the most important factor in long-term trading success.

And although she makes her living in the markets, she continues to study the markets and trading daily. Her writing has been featured in trading magazines including the Market Technicians Association newsletter, Technical Analysis of Stocks & Commodities and Stocks, Futures and Options in the United States, and Shares, a weekly trading magazine published in the United Kingdom.

Analyst Articles

I’m sure many of you are familiar with the “desert island” game. You know… the one where someone asks things like: “If you were stranded on a desert island and could only have one book, what book would that be?” Or maybe… “If you were stranded on a desert island and could only have one album to listen to, what would it be?” —Sponsored Link— New Device Could Soon Be In Up To 74% Of Households Right now, the world’s biggest appliance and electronic manufacturers — including Dell, Sony, Panasonic, Samsung, and Bose — have… Read More

I’m sure many of you are familiar with the “desert island” game. You know… the one where someone asks things like: “If you were stranded on a desert island and could only have one book, what book would that be?” Or maybe… “If you were stranded on a desert island and could only have one album to listen to, what would it be?” —Sponsored Link— New Device Could Soon Be In Up To 74% Of Households Right now, the world’s biggest appliance and electronic manufacturers — including Dell, Sony, Panasonic, Samsung, and Bose — have joined forces in an unprecedented alliance to push a revolutionary new technology into the mainstream that will eliminate cords and plugs forever… One small tech firm has created the key to this revolution and this game-changing device has already been greenlighted by the FCC. Inevitably, this is going to create the biggest wealth grab in history. Get in on the ground floor now. Of course, there are hundreds of variations involving that one thing you would want if you were stranded on a desert island. (Sunscreen.) #-ad_banner-# I was recently asked, “What’s your desert island… Read More

One of my favorite TV shows of the ’80s was “The A-Team.” While short on being highbrow entertainment, the show was long on stuff blowing up and catchphrases. While Mr. T’s “Fool!” was the fan favorite, I was always partial to the cigar chomping Colonel Hannibal Smith’s “I love it when a plan comes together.” If he had been long in oil in mid-March, he’d be breaking out the stogies. Two months ago, I published an article profiling oil and where it was going. It came in right on target. #-ad_banner-#After a big move in a short time is the… Read More

One of my favorite TV shows of the ’80s was “The A-Team.” While short on being highbrow entertainment, the show was long on stuff blowing up and catchphrases. While Mr. T’s “Fool!” was the fan favorite, I was always partial to the cigar chomping Colonel Hannibal Smith’s “I love it when a plan comes together.” If he had been long in oil in mid-March, he’d be breaking out the stogies. Two months ago, I published an article profiling oil and where it was going. It came in right on target. #-ad_banner-#After a big move in a short time is the run done? Not yet. Let me add a caveat to that. While the upside in the actual black, dead dinosaur and plant matter stuff may be limited, a lot of oil-related stocks have not participated in the move for one reason or another. Here are some that make sense and are trading at attractive levels. Enbridge Energy Partners LP (NYSE: EEP) — Focusing on petroleum liquids gathering, transportation and storage.While the unit price took a painful 27% hit after the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission’s tax policy ruling regarding master limited partnerships (MLP’s), analysts are confident that Enbridge can cover its… Read More

This week, I told my Maximum Income readers that I’m optimistic after seeing the earnings reports so far this quarter. There is room for upside in the current stock market, although there are also risks. I laid out my reasoning for this in detail to my subscribers, but what’s important to know is that all this indicates to me that our focus needs to remain in safety. —Sponsored Link— Collect A Colossal Payday Thanks To California’s Legal Cannabis We’ve already seen people accumulate massive gains from previous marijuana legalization announcements, but this recent event is… Read More

This week, I told my Maximum Income readers that I’m optimistic after seeing the earnings reports so far this quarter. There is room for upside in the current stock market, although there are also risks. I laid out my reasoning for this in detail to my subscribers, but what’s important to know is that all this indicates to me that our focus needs to remain in safety. —Sponsored Link— Collect A Colossal Payday Thanks To California’s Legal Cannabis We’ve already seen people accumulate massive gains from previous marijuana legalization announcements, but this recent event is about to blow the lid off of anything we’ve seen so far. Are you positioned to profit? One penny pot stock expert has narrowed his focus to three tiny California pot stocks expected to explode following legalization. With billions of dollars in revenue projected to flow into this industry, learning how to get in on the ground floor — before these tiny stocks shoot up — is your best shot at life-altering gains. Go here now. This is why I recommended a trade that is designed to generate high income with safety. If everything goes according… Read More

The U.S. dollar has exploded, forcing stock investors to pay attention. The strength or weakness of the currency can have tremendous influence over stock prices, making it critical for investors to understand the correlation. Market prices are influenced — both positively and negatively — depending on the sector and direction of the U.S. dollar.  A strong dollar benefits some industries while hurting others. Right now, the USD is on its way back up. #-ad_banner-#After 2017 was spent in an aggressive downward trend, the greenback bottomed in January 2018, proceeding to build a technical price base for the next 12-plus weeks. Read More

The U.S. dollar has exploded, forcing stock investors to pay attention. The strength or weakness of the currency can have tremendous influence over stock prices, making it critical for investors to understand the correlation. Market prices are influenced — both positively and negatively — depending on the sector and direction of the U.S. dollar.  A strong dollar benefits some industries while hurting others. Right now, the USD is on its way back up. #-ad_banner-#After 2017 was spent in an aggressive downward trend, the greenback bottomed in January 2018, proceeding to build a technical price base for the next 12-plus weeks. At the start of April 2018, the currency started to tick higher until technical resistance at both the 50 and 200-day simple moving averages were broken on the upside. Now, with the support of both major moving averages, there is little doubt that a substantial uptrend has been established. I have little doubt that the greenback’s climb will continue for the rest of 2018 at a minimum. The combined factors of upside technical price momentum, advancing interest rates, and improving economy provide little choice for the U.S. currency to do anything but gain strength. Now that we have established that… Read More

If your investment time horizon is on the longer side — say, longer than a few years — you, as an investor, surely appreciate one of the strategies best-suited for generating growing income: selecting stocks of companies with strong dividend growth prospects. Read More

Finding high dividend yields has become difficult. Income investors are often forced into accepting low returns or taking on excessive risk in sketchy stocks and junk grade bonds. It seems every high-yielding investment has a corresponding unacceptable risk level in today’s low rate environment. Fortunately, there is a solution for income investors. #-ad_banner-#Earning 6%-plus yields in an investment considered to be safer than common stock is possible. Here’s how: If you have not already guessed it, I am referencing preferred stock. Many investors are not aware of the benefits of preferred stock or even what it is. This article will… Read More

Finding high dividend yields has become difficult. Income investors are often forced into accepting low returns or taking on excessive risk in sketchy stocks and junk grade bonds. It seems every high-yielding investment has a corresponding unacceptable risk level in today’s low rate environment. Fortunately, there is a solution for income investors. #-ad_banner-#Earning 6%-plus yields in an investment considered to be safer than common stock is possible. Here’s how: If you have not already guessed it, I am referencing preferred stock. Many investors are not aware of the benefits of preferred stock or even what it is. This article will explain preferred stock and reveal five stocks are creating 6% and more excellent dividend yields. The two classes of stock are common and preferred. Both categories carry an ownership interest in the company, but that is where the similarities end. The primary difference is that common stockholders usually have voting rights for the company’s decisions while preferred stockholders may or may not have the right to vote. An excellent way to think about the preferred stock is that it is similar to a bond. Preferred stockholders have a stronger right to the company’s assets, earnings, and dividends than common stockholders. Read More

I read a lot of research. It’s my job. I don’t mind. Comes with the territory. Most of it just involves gathering data and checking the pulse of what’s going on. There are only a handful of analysts, though, whose work I follow consistently. One of those is Stifel Nicolaus equity strategist Barry Bannister. #-ad_banner-#Bannister predicted the violent pullback the market enjoyed in February, and, in a recent report, the outlook is rather gloomy. “Our models for the S&P 500 point to minimal price upside in 2018 and a bear market (-20%) in the coming year,” Bannister writes. “What matters… Read More

I read a lot of research. It’s my job. I don’t mind. Comes with the territory. Most of it just involves gathering data and checking the pulse of what’s going on. There are only a handful of analysts, though, whose work I follow consistently. One of those is Stifel Nicolaus equity strategist Barry Bannister. #-ad_banner-#Bannister predicted the violent pullback the market enjoyed in February, and, in a recent report, the outlook is rather gloomy. “Our models for the S&P 500 point to minimal price upside in 2018 and a bear market (-20%) in the coming year,” Bannister writes. “What matters for investors,” he continues. “is that any decline is likely to be unusually rapid…” Gulp. The culprit, according to the analyst, was and will be the Fed and other central banks around the world. Bannister believes that central bankers are tightening monetary policy too aggressively and markets are reacting negatively to the action. He recommends that investors start moving to more defensive positions in consumer staples and utility stocks. His timing may be dead on. This chart is a good indicator. The thin line is the Dow Jones Industrial Average with the thicker line representing the Dow Utilities. Read More

A Note on Our Performance With the market largely treading water this year, you might be wondering how our Game-Changing Stocks portfolio is measuring up. You can judge for yourself. With the S&P 500 up less than 2% (as of May 10), this is what our game-changers have done so… Read More