Jimmy Butts is the Chief Investment Strategist for Maximum Profit and Capital Wealth Letter, and a regular contributor to StreetAuthority Insider. Prior to joining StreetAuthority, Jimmy came from the financial services and banking industry where he worked as a Financial Advisor. There he specialized in providing customized retirement solutions for individuals. Jimmy graduated from Boise State University with a degree in business administration and finance. He also spent multiple years studying language, international business and finance in both Germany and Buenos Aires, Argentina. At one point he held his series 6, 63, 65 and 26 securities licenses. When he's not combing through financial statements or reading about finance, Jimmy enjoys being outdoors.

Analyst Articles

I’m always baffled when I read an article that’s negative about the practice of technical analysis. I probably shouldn’t be surprised — not because I don’t think it works (it clearly does), but because it seems folks these days have strong opinions on the extreme ends of nearly every issue or topic. —Sponsored Link— Elites DON’T Collect Social Security — They Collect This Nixon: $2196/mo… Rep. Cunningham: $14,667/mo… Nearing or in retirement? This could be the most important message you’ll see in 2018. In the investing world, there are basically two… Read More

I’m always baffled when I read an article that’s negative about the practice of technical analysis. I probably shouldn’t be surprised — not because I don’t think it works (it clearly does), but because it seems folks these days have strong opinions on the extreme ends of nearly every issue or topic. —Sponsored Link— Elites DON’T Collect Social Security — They Collect This Nixon: $2196/mo… Rep. Cunningham: $14,667/mo… Nearing or in retirement? This could be the most important message you’ll see in 2018. In the investing world, there are basically two schools of thought: fundamental analysis and technical analysis. And to a vast majority of investors, there’s no middle ground. Here at my premium service, Maximum Profit, we disagree. We take what we believe is the best of both worlds and combine them to create our proprietary “MP Score.” But I digress. #-ad_banner-#When I come across an article that’s dismissing technical analysis, I usually read it — even though I usually know what it’s going to say, as most of the nay-sayers usually spout the same myths. That’s because, at one point in my career, I espoused the same beliefs. You… Read More

President Trump’s $1.5 trillion infrastructure plan introduced in February disappointed policymakers on both sides of the aisle. The headline price tag was too much for fiscal hawks and the paltry $200 billion in direct federal spending wasn’t enough from the perspective of state and local governments. It may not have mattered because enthusiasm for new fiscal spending had already become extremely light after the $1.5 trillion tax cut package. #-ad_banner-#However, signs are pointing to a change in the environment, and infrastructure stocks could get a big boost very soon. Not only is crumbling infrastructure making headlines, but rare bipartisan support… Read More

President Trump’s $1.5 trillion infrastructure plan introduced in February disappointed policymakers on both sides of the aisle. The headline price tag was too much for fiscal hawks and the paltry $200 billion in direct federal spending wasn’t enough from the perspective of state and local governments. It may not have mattered because enthusiasm for new fiscal spending had already become extremely light after the $1.5 trillion tax cut package. #-ad_banner-#However, signs are pointing to a change in the environment, and infrastructure stocks could get a big boost very soon. Not only is crumbling infrastructure making headlines, but rare bipartisan support is coming together to drive enthusiasm for a spending package. The group has largely missed the run-up in prices seen in the broader market over the last five years as infrastructure spending stagnated. Leaders are trading at discounts to long-term price multiples and could play catch-up on any new spending plan. Infrastructure Spending Is Shovel-Ready And Could Be Back On The Agenda Infrastructure spending has long been lower than replacement needs, but the last five years have lagged even further. Annual federal spending for major public infrastructure has fallen 17% over the five years through 2017 to $38.4 billion. Read More

Picking stocks in a bull market is so easy the GEICO caveman could do it. After all, when the broader market indices, like the S&P 500, trade at average price-to-earnings (P/E) and price-to-sales ratios (P/S) of 24.4 and 2.2, respectively, just about every stock in the index is rising. #-ad_banner-#Of course, buying a market with such high multiples is fraught with danger. Both ratios are at extreme levels. In fact, the sales-to-price ratio is at its all-time high. What’s An Investor To Do? Investors really have two options to deal with an overpriced and volatile market. First is to… Read More

Picking stocks in a bull market is so easy the GEICO caveman could do it. After all, when the broader market indices, like the S&P 500, trade at average price-to-earnings (P/E) and price-to-sales ratios (P/S) of 24.4 and 2.2, respectively, just about every stock in the index is rising. #-ad_banner-#Of course, buying a market with such high multiples is fraught with danger. Both ratios are at extreme levels. In fact, the sales-to-price ratio is at its all-time high. What’s An Investor To Do? Investors really have two options to deal with an overpriced and volatile market. First is to sell their positions and move to interest-bearing securities. And while this may have worked in the past, moving money into bonds and preferred stock is actually more dangerous than the stock market right now. You see, the Fed intends to raise interest rates at least two more times — possibly three — in 2018. And because bond prices are inverse to interest rates, when interest rates go up, bond prices go down. It’s the opposite of what happened in 1983 when interest rates started falling. It fueled a bond rally that lasted more than three decades. But that rally created… Read More

Facebook is under siege. Personally, I think it’s unfair, in part. Facebook is in the news because the company does exactly what it said it would do. Like many of the largest companies in the world right now, Facebook is a data company. It collects information from users and packages billions of bits of random information into usable data files that customers then pay for. —Sponsored Link— BUY (I REPEAT BUY) THIS STOCK TODAY This little-known $15 company is currently cornering the market on a technology that’s crucial to the future success of not just… Read More

Facebook is under siege. Personally, I think it’s unfair, in part. Facebook is in the news because the company does exactly what it said it would do. Like many of the largest companies in the world right now, Facebook is a data company. It collects information from users and packages billions of bits of random information into usable data files that customers then pay for. —Sponsored Link— BUY (I REPEAT BUY) THIS STOCK TODAY This little-known $15 company is currently cornering the market on a technology that’s crucial to the future success of not just Google but also Apple, Amazon, Facebook, Microsoft, Samsung and many more. The best part? It trades for only $15 right now. Those who take action now could position themselves for gains of 12,000% or higher. To get the ticker symbol of this $15 company, click here. The current problem seems to be caused by the fact that the users who provided information somehow believed they were customers. Users don’t pay Facebook and they give away their information on the site. Facebook has long said they make money from all of that information. The real problem is… Read More

Many long-term investors are sitting on handsome winnings from the massive bull market of the last several years. Nearly everyone was riding high on bullish enthusiasm, and nothing seemed to go wrong. Investors were successfully buying dips as the stock market pushed to record high after record high. It was an actual golden age from the stock market to cryptocurrencies, as even beginners basked in sometimes steady and sometimes obscene profits. #-ad_banner-#Then the impossible happened — stocks started falling fast as investors scrambled to lock in profits by liquidating their holdings. While taking profits is always a smart move, it’s… Read More

Many long-term investors are sitting on handsome winnings from the massive bull market of the last several years. Nearly everyone was riding high on bullish enthusiasm, and nothing seemed to go wrong. Investors were successfully buying dips as the stock market pushed to record high after record high. It was an actual golden age from the stock market to cryptocurrencies, as even beginners basked in sometimes steady and sometimes obscene profits. #-ad_banner-#Then the impossible happened — stocks started falling fast as investors scrambled to lock in profits by liquidating their holdings. While taking profits is always a smart move, it’s hard to not think about what would have happened had you held your shares. The prevailing wisdom is that you can always buy back your stocks after taking profits. Of course, this makes sense, but it is tremendously challenging to execute. My hat is off to you should you not struggle to buy back at a lower price after selling. On the other hand, professional stock traders and investment firms often hedge their long positions rather than selling to protect their gains. A well-managed hedge can protect your profits while allowing for upside potential in the stock. Here are three… Read More

If I asked you what was going on in the markets in January 2017, I’d bet that most folks wouldn’t recall anything in particular that really stood out. After all, the S&P 500 was climbing to new highs on a near daily basis, and volatility was near all-time lows. Ho-hum. In other events, you’d probably recall that it had only been a couple of months since President Trump’s surprise election, and that January was the month of his inauguration. But something else happened during that period. Something that can be used as a valuable investing lesson. From Trump’s election in… Read More

If I asked you what was going on in the markets in January 2017, I’d bet that most folks wouldn’t recall anything in particular that really stood out. After all, the S&P 500 was climbing to new highs on a near daily basis, and volatility was near all-time lows. Ho-hum. In other events, you’d probably recall that it had only been a couple of months since President Trump’s surprise election, and that January was the month of his inauguration. But something else happened during that period. Something that can be used as a valuable investing lesson. From Trump’s election in November 2016 to the end of January in 2017, the S&P 500 was up more than 9%. Nearly every stock was climbing… that is, except for two of my Top Stock Advisor holdings: Perhaps seeing the names of these companies begins to spark some memories. In short, clothing retailer PVH (NYSE: PVH) and beverage company Constellation Brands (NYSE: STZ) were taking heat over the rhetoric of a possible “Border Tax” — a tax on goods made overseas and imported and sold in the United States. At the time, there was a lot of concern regarding these two companies…… Read More

Learning to listen to the market is a crucial investment skill. The stock market will tell you what to do if you know what to listen for. The following five things are what the market is saying right now. 1. Volatility Is Here To Stay Short-term traders rejoice! After years of ultra-low VIX readings, volatility is finally back. Spiking into the 50 zone during the February stock market chaos, the VIX has stayed above its 200-week simple moving average (SMA). #-ad_banner-#The surging VIX has resulted in more than a few hedge funds and other money managers throwing in the… Read More

Learning to listen to the market is a crucial investment skill. The stock market will tell you what to do if you know what to listen for. The following five things are what the market is saying right now. 1. Volatility Is Here To Stay Short-term traders rejoice! After years of ultra-low VIX readings, volatility is finally back. Spiking into the 50 zone during the February stock market chaos, the VIX has stayed above its 200-week simple moving average (SMA). #-ad_banner-#The surging VIX has resulted in more than a few hedge funds and other money managers throwing in the towel as their “bread & butter” short-trade volatility blew up in their faces. At the same time, long-suffering bullish volatility players are being rewarded handsomely for their patience. In fact, one Denver-based hedge fund, Ibex Investors, managed to turn a $200,000 trade into over $17 million during the explosive move. Although the VIX has dropped since the 2018 highs, I have little doubt that we can expect additional spikes and continual relatively high volatility over the next few years. The reason for my long volatility thesis is the fact that politically, economically, and socially, the global structure is being thrown… Read More