Jimmy Butts is the Chief Investment Strategist for Maximum Profit and Capital Wealth Letter, and a regular contributor to StreetAuthority Insider. Prior to joining StreetAuthority, Jimmy came from the financial services and banking industry where he worked as a Financial Advisor. There he specialized in providing customized retirement solutions for individuals. Jimmy graduated from Boise State University with a degree in business administration and finance. He also spent multiple years studying language, international business and finance in both Germany and Buenos Aires, Argentina. At one point he held his series 6, 63, 65 and 26 securities licenses. When he's not combing through financial statements or reading about finance, Jimmy enjoys being outdoors.

Analyst Articles

The pain in her legs was so unbearable that she couldn’t muster one more step… let alone the dozen or so needed to make it to her sorority just down the street. She had to call a friend to pick her up. —Sponsored Link— 10 Keys To Forex Success — Get Your Free Copy Now This e-book covers the foundations of Forex trading that every market expert must know. Fast-track your path to trading success — get your free copy now. Nicole Labonte didn’t know what was happening. But this was… Read More

The pain in her legs was so unbearable that she couldn’t muster one more step… let alone the dozen or so needed to make it to her sorority just down the street. She had to call a friend to pick her up. —Sponsored Link— 10 Keys To Forex Success — Get Your Free Copy Now This e-book covers the foundations of Forex trading that every market expert must know. Fast-track your path to trading success — get your free copy now. Nicole Labonte didn’t know what was happening. But this was the first sign that something was clearly wrong, and she needed to see a doctor immediately. A trip to the health center revealed that her blood pressure was astronomically high. After several tests, they finally diagnosed Nicole with a rare vascular disease called Takayasu arteritis, which causes inflammation of the largest blood vessel in the body, the aorta, and its branches. #-ad_banner-#Vascular diseases, like the one Nicole was diagnosed with, can be difficult to detect. Diseases can appear anywhere in the body in many different forms. In fact, John Hopkins Medical Center estimates that 78 million Americans have the most… Read More

It might feel worse than it really is… Granted, the near daily whipsaws that we’ve witnessed recently could cause motion sickness, but the fact of the matter is, despite all the red splattered across the markets, the S&P 500 is still down less than 10% from… Read More

In the upcoming issue, I will take a close look at the recent bout of market volatility and discuss whether this shift in market mood will influence the make-up of our Game-Changing Stocks portfolio. And, as usual, the upcoming issue will contain… Read More

We’re Urging You To Cancel Right Now… This may sound strange, but there’s a way for you to SAVE thousands of dollars… grab over $1,500 in bonuses… AND keep the daily checks rolling in for LIFE—simply by CANCELING your annual membership to The Daily Paycheck. Discover why we’re urging… Read More

You’ve probably never heard of Henrietta Howland “Hetty” Green. When she died in 1916, she was worth an estimated $100 million to $200 million (which would be equivalent to $2.25 billion to $4.5 billion today). She was most likely the richest woman in the world at the time, and she earned her fortune in finance. —Sponsored Link— You Can Capture Millions Thanks To California’s Historic Legislation (Here’s How) At the recent California Pot Stock Explosion Summit, marijuana stock expert, Michael Robinson, gave viewers his unmatched insight on The Golden State’s marijuana legalization. Let me be… Read More

You’ve probably never heard of Henrietta Howland “Hetty” Green. When she died in 1916, she was worth an estimated $100 million to $200 million (which would be equivalent to $2.25 billion to $4.5 billion today). She was most likely the richest woman in the world at the time, and she earned her fortune in finance. —Sponsored Link— You Can Capture Millions Thanks To California’s Historic Legislation (Here’s How) At the recent California Pot Stock Explosion Summit, marijuana stock expert, Michael Robinson, gave viewers his unmatched insight on The Golden State’s marijuana legalization. Let me be blunt: This is the single greatest event in U.S. market history. Michael has been tracking three small California cannabis companies currently trading for only a dollar or two apiece… but now these tiny stocks are expected to double, triple, or quadruple in value! By learning how to get in on the ground floor, you could turn some loose change into your next huge payday. Go here now for your own personal viewing. When a list of the richest Americans in history was published by American Heritage in 1998, Hetty Green was at No. 36. She was… Read More

Of all the basic tenets of modern financial theory, the Efficient Market Hypothesis (EMH) is one of the most controversial and disputed theories. For the uninitiated, the EMH posits that stock prices reflect all relevant price information, which means stocks always trade at fair value. But if EMH were always true, investors would be wasting their time searching for undervalued stocks or stocks with potential to benefit from some market trend. It would also mean that no investor could outperform the market consistently. Sure, an investor might beat the market occasionally, but never on a consistent basis. #-ad_banner-#Unfortunately, EMH fails… Read More

Of all the basic tenets of modern financial theory, the Efficient Market Hypothesis (EMH) is one of the most controversial and disputed theories. For the uninitiated, the EMH posits that stock prices reflect all relevant price information, which means stocks always trade at fair value. But if EMH were always true, investors would be wasting their time searching for undervalued stocks or stocks with potential to benefit from some market trend. It would also mean that no investor could outperform the market consistently. Sure, an investor might beat the market occasionally, but never on a consistent basis. #-ad_banner-#Unfortunately, EMH fails on this point. You see, Warren Buffet has beaten the market consistently over long periods. And Buffet isn’t the only investor achieving these “impossible” results. There is a long list of investors who outperform market benchmarks consistently. So while the hypothesis may not hold water, that doesn’t mean investors can’t benefit from EMH in a different way. You see, if a stock’s current price is based on all available known information, an investor could profit from front running future information about a company. In other words, identifying some future piece of information that isn’t currently priced into the stock. And… Read More

The bullishness that reigned supreme in 2017 and through late February is now gone. Market pundits, including myself, were riding the bullish wave, consciously ignoring high valuations, future growth challenges, geopolitical risks and more. —Sponsored Link— Vanguard’s 19 Most Powerful Funds A small group of Vanguard funds outperform Vanguard’s most popular funds by a whopping 226%. Hold just a few of these 19 funds in the proper mix and you could triple your Vanguard profits. Which few? Mixed how? It’s all in a new report, YOURS FREE! Discover the 19 high-powered wealth… Read More

The bullishness that reigned supreme in 2017 and through late February is now gone. Market pundits, including myself, were riding the bullish wave, consciously ignoring high valuations, future growth challenges, geopolitical risks and more. —Sponsored Link— Vanguard’s 19 Most Powerful Funds A small group of Vanguard funds outperform Vanguard’s most popular funds by a whopping 226%. Hold just a few of these 19 funds in the proper mix and you could triple your Vanguard profits. Which few? Mixed how? It’s all in a new report, YOURS FREE! Discover the 19 high-powered wealth builders that work together to give you 226% more profits. Details in your FREE report! Download here. I know that I personally capitulated and became a blind bull near the end of 2017 after several, very well researched and viable bearish trades didn’t pan out. Since logic wasn’t working, I had to join the “buy everything” crowd to stay profitable. #-ad_banner-#And that actually worked for a while. In November, my Profit Amplifier subscribers and I started almost exclusively buying call options. Things looked great until mid-February, when the market sold off 292 points (a 10.2% drop)… Read More

My friends, When my dad took me to Omaha for my first shareholder’s meeting, I was amazed. Warren Buffett stood in front of God and everyone in attendance and told us about every mistake that he had made that year. In detail. And he… Read More

Tech stocks have had a huge run throughout the bull market with the Technology Select Sector SPDR (NYSE: XLF) surging 280% since March 2009. That’s well above the 226% gain in the broader S&P 500 and helped lift the market to price multiples rarely seen in the past. Gains in the sector tracked the broader market closely until June 2016 when tech exploded, beating the index by 23% over nearly two years. #-ad_banner-#That outperformance has grown the sector to 27% of S&P 500, the highest it’s been since the final four months of the tech bubble. Read More

Tech stocks have had a huge run throughout the bull market with the Technology Select Sector SPDR (NYSE: XLF) surging 280% since March 2009. That’s well above the 226% gain in the broader S&P 500 and helped lift the market to price multiples rarely seen in the past. Gains in the sector tracked the broader market closely until June 2016 when tech exploded, beating the index by 23% over nearly two years. #-ad_banner-#That outperformance has grown the sector to 27% of S&P 500, the highest it’s been since the final four months of the tech bubble. Much of the explosive tech sentiment has been given to the largest players in the group, the FAANG stocks (Facebook, Apple, Amazon, Netflix, Google) which collectively surged an average of 51% last year. But the narrative has changed with some major problems at some of these tech leaders and that’s creating chaos for the broader market. The  Volatility Index (VIX) only broke 13 twice last year and averaged just 11.1 throughout 2017… it’s averaged 17.5 this year and hasn’t been below 13 since January. Does the tech selloff mean an end to the historic bull market? Are there still leaders… Read More