Analyst Articles

Finding hidden gems in the stock market is every investor’s dream.  Those stocks with massive upside potential that no one is paying attention to yet are like needles in the market’s haystack of investible names. Many times these diamonds in the rough are found in the small-cap market.   #-ad_banner-#Small-caps are public companies with a market cap of roughly $300 million to $4 billion.  Above $4 billion, a company moves into the mid-cap category. Below $300 million, a company is considered to be part of the micro-cap or even penny stock segments. Read More

Finding hidden gems in the stock market is every investor’s dream.  Those stocks with massive upside potential that no one is paying attention to yet are like needles in the market’s haystack of investible names. Many times these diamonds in the rough are found in the small-cap market.   #-ad_banner-#Small-caps are public companies with a market cap of roughly $300 million to $4 billion.  Above $4 billion, a company moves into the mid-cap category. Below $300 million, a company is considered to be part of the micro-cap or even penny stock segments. The small-cap sector is indeed the sweet spot of the stock market.  While penny stocks and micro-caps have greater volatility, and therefore more potential, the risk factor is just too high for most conservative investors.  Despite recently lagging, the small-cap market is well known for outperforming the overall market in the long term.   I have identified three under-the-radar small-cap stocks boasting colossal upside potential: 1. Albany International (NYSE: AIN) Sitting on a $2 billion market capitalization, Albany is solidly in the small-cap category. Launched in 1895, the company’s primary focus is… Read More

Note From the Editor: Veteran investment analyst Andy Obermueller just made an urgent announcement: A medical company that he’s tracking has made a startling discovery that may change medicine as we know it. He expects the stock to take off as word spreads across the news outlets. That’s why he’s released the full details about the situation this morning. So if you haven’t reserved your Fast-Track Millionaire membership — now is your last chance to do so. Watch the Fast-Track Millionaire Summit Here. Volatility has increased this year. And now that we have some data… Read More

Note From the Editor: Veteran investment analyst Andy Obermueller just made an urgent announcement: A medical company that he’s tracking has made a startling discovery that may change medicine as we know it. He expects the stock to take off as word spreads across the news outlets. That’s why he’s released the full details about the situation this morning. So if you haven’t reserved your Fast-Track Millionaire membership — now is your last chance to do so. Watch the Fast-Track Millionaire Summit Here. Volatility has increased this year. And now that we have some data on earnings, so we can gauge the probable direction of future volatility. Earnings were generally strong in the most recent quarter, but they were also largely distorted by the new tax rules. You see, companies are required to account for changes as soon as they can understand the impact those changes will have on their financials. This is one of the principles contained in the accounting standards known as GAAP, or generally accepted accounting principles. —Recommended Link— Fast-Track Millionaire Membership Closes Today We just released a new stock pick from the system that is proven… Read More

One of the signs of a healthy market is the number and the overall quality of new companies going public. This is how investors get a wider array of choices, as well as a chance to learn more about new ideas. It’s also how… Read More

I had a front-row seat when I got into the investing business in the mid-1990s. I clearly remember recommending dividend stocks as investor appetite increased for growth stocks, primarily in the exploding technology sector. That tech-fueled bull market was born in the mid-1980s as the U.S. economy struggled with inflation, high interest rates and the desire to break free of a stagnant business cycle. That was the pessimism phase. The skepticism phase was inspired by Reagan-era tax cuts and the worry over the federal deficits they would create. As the business cycle improved, stocks led the march toward optimism after… Read More

I had a front-row seat when I got into the investing business in the mid-1990s. I clearly remember recommending dividend stocks as investor appetite increased for growth stocks, primarily in the exploding technology sector. That tech-fueled bull market was born in the mid-1980s as the U.S. economy struggled with inflation, high interest rates and the desire to break free of a stagnant business cycle. That was the pessimism phase. The skepticism phase was inspired by Reagan-era tax cuts and the worry over the federal deficits they would create. As the business cycle improved, stocks led the march toward optimism after a brief but violent tumble in 1987. That led to the euphoria stage a decade later as all things tech became the everything and the ONLY thing. #-ad_banner-#The bull market was 18 years old at the turn of the century with the S&P 500 climbing from 117.30 in 1982 to 1,425.59, turning in a staggering annual return of 62% exclusive of dividends. Nine years later — after the bursting of the tech bubble, 9/11, and the financial crisis of 2008 — the bull was dead, having shed 40% of its value. The S&P began 2009 under the 1,000 mark at… Read More

If you’ve been keeping score for the past six months or so, oil (in its various forms) and some other commodities (such as corn, gold, silver and soybeans) have all been in major bullish trends. Now, I know it’s been a cold winter and crude oil inventories have come down, but oil prices have already jumped nearly 50% from their 2017 lows just eight months ago. And that winter period of high consumption is ending soon, giving way to low energy usage in the spring. In sync with the booming stock market and rocketing crude market, metals… Read More

If you’ve been keeping score for the past six months or so, oil (in its various forms) and some other commodities (such as corn, gold, silver and soybeans) have all been in major bullish trends. Now, I know it’s been a cold winter and crude oil inventories have come down, but oil prices have already jumped nearly 50% from their 2017 lows just eight months ago. And that winter period of high consumption is ending soon, giving way to low energy usage in the spring. In sync with the booming stock market and rocketing crude market, metals and several “soft commodities” (those which are grown, not mined) have been spiking as well. —Sponsored Link— Ending Now: The Proven Way To Pick 10-Baggers Two years ago this celebrity investor went AWOL. Now we’ve got him on tape explaining the biggest opportunity of his 20-year career. This is your last chance to see how he picked 46 stocks that quadrupled… 25 that gained over 500%… and six +900% winners. This recording goes offline tomorrow. See it now. Gold and silver — typically defensive and protective commodities — tend to rally… Read More

President Trump recently announced his plans for tariffs on both steel and aluminum imports into the United States, setting off a wave of threats from other countries and sending the S&P 500 nearly 1.5% on the day. Since the announcement, fear has been building that retaliatory tariffs could start a trade war of tit-for-tat increases in everything from agricultural products to designer jeans. #-ad_banner-#Beyond the economic effects of the tariffs, the damage to investor sentiment and enthusiasm could weigh on a market already near record highs. It’s setting up to be… Read More

President Trump recently announced his plans for tariffs on both steel and aluminum imports into the United States, setting off a wave of threats from other countries and sending the S&P 500 nearly 1.5% on the day. Since the announcement, fear has been building that retaliatory tariffs could start a trade war of tit-for-tat increases in everything from agricultural products to designer jeans. #-ad_banner-#Beyond the economic effects of the tariffs, the damage to investor sentiment and enthusiasm could weigh on a market already near record highs. It’s setting up to be a volatile year in stocks, with the VIX volatility measure already surging 180% in the February selloff. And it could mean yet another catalyst and a third year of gains for a traditional safety asset. Gold May Be The Only Asset Glittering This Year The price of gold increased 11% last year for its best performance since 2010 and building on a return of nearly 10% in 2016. Capital spending and acquisitions hit a multi-year low since the price sell-off in 2012, hitting production and supporting prices. Weak prices since the post-recession boom… Read More

When I was first asked to write a book about bitcoin, the price was hovering at about $3,000. As part of my research, I bought a little. By the time the book was finished, which was really only a matter of weeks, the price had risen to just a tad over $5,000. One of the rules Dad always told us was that no one ever went broke taking a profit. So I sold, inking a tidy gain that nearly doubled my stake in short order. —Sponsored Link— Be FIRST To Tech’s Next Big… Read More

When I was first asked to write a book about bitcoin, the price was hovering at about $3,000. As part of my research, I bought a little. By the time the book was finished, which was really only a matter of weeks, the price had risen to just a tad over $5,000. One of the rules Dad always told us was that no one ever went broke taking a profit. So I sold, inking a tidy gain that nearly doubled my stake in short order. —Sponsored Link— Be FIRST To Tech’s Next Big Breakout Stocks You can settle for 20% returns in Apple or seize 200% in fast-growing start-ups that haven’t been discovered by Wall Street yet! These stocks are sure to soar in the next 12 months, and the only question is who will get there first. Get their names TODAY before these tech stocks break out. As the fonts in the bitcoin headlines grew larger and the verbs punchier, something interesting happened. Everywhere I went, my friends and family members wanted to know about the odd little esoteric technology. About what it was and how it… Read More

The recent stock market volatility has many investors questioning the wisdom of being bullish on the stock market. Massive point swings and the soaring CBOE Volatility Index (VIX) have placed fear deep inside the hearts of long-term stock investors. Should you be concerned about the newfound bearish market action?  Is it time to sell and move into different asset classes? Or is every dip another buying opportunity? RELAX! My research discovered there is no reason to be concerned just yet. #-ad_banner-#I welcome the volatility and strongly think every… Read More

The recent stock market volatility has many investors questioning the wisdom of being bullish on the stock market. Massive point swings and the soaring CBOE Volatility Index (VIX) have placed fear deep inside the hearts of long-term stock investors. Should you be concerned about the newfound bearish market action?  Is it time to sell and move into different asset classes? Or is every dip another buying opportunity? RELAX! My research discovered there is no reason to be concerned just yet. #-ad_banner-#I welcome the volatility and strongly think every market dip is a new buying opportunity — at least until August 2018. Here’s why: 1. Monetary Easing Worked I don’t want to bore you with facts and figures so I will paint with a broad brush. The massive quantitative easing program implemented after the financial crisis of 2008 has worked its magic. The economy has been kick-started and is currently expanding under its power. In fact, growth has been so impressive the Federal Reserve has started to raise rates, which is one of the reasons for… Read More