Analyst Articles

The multi-thousand point decline in the Dow Jones Industrial Average shook many investors to the core. Unsophisticated market participants were dumping stocks and moving quickly into supposed safe asset classes as “end of the world” pundits stoked the flames of fear. At the same time, the radical plunge set up the best buying opportunity of the decade for those who understand how markets really work. #-ad_banner-#This article will lay out seven compelling reasons why right now is the buying opportunity of the decade. 1. The Stock Market Is Designed To Move… Read More

The multi-thousand point decline in the Dow Jones Industrial Average shook many investors to the core. Unsophisticated market participants were dumping stocks and moving quickly into supposed safe asset classes as “end of the world” pundits stoked the flames of fear. At the same time, the radical plunge set up the best buying opportunity of the decade for those who understand how markets really work. #-ad_banner-#This article will lay out seven compelling reasons why right now is the buying opportunity of the decade. 1. The Stock Market Is Designed To Move Higher The very design of the stock market creates a tremendous upward bias. Take a look at any significant index chart from the inception of the U.S. stock market. Every single long-term chart reveals an upward trending pattern punctuated by short pullbacks. All sell offs are bought, and the market ends higher than it was before the pullback. Now, to be sure, I am talking about the long term, not the short term price gyrations that appear random. No one can consistently time market moves successfully, therefore long-term investing is the only proven wealth-creating strategy. Read More

“I am so happy with the recommendation of GSL-PB from the October 2016 issue. Can you recommend some others with similar characteristics?” — Guido S. This email arrived last week. And the timing was fortuitous, since I already had my eye on other opportunities within the shipping sector. GSL-PB is a preferred stock issued by Global Ship Lease (NYSE: GSL), which owns a fleet of 18 mid-sized containerships. These vessels are leased to established shipping lines under fixed charter contracts. The fleet currently has a perfect utilization rate of 100%. And just to give you an idea of what these… Read More

“I am so happy with the recommendation of GSL-PB from the October 2016 issue. Can you recommend some others with similar characteristics?” — Guido S. This email arrived last week. And the timing was fortuitous, since I already had my eye on other opportunities within the shipping sector. GSL-PB is a preferred stock issued by Global Ship Lease (NYSE: GSL), which owns a fleet of 18 mid-sized containerships. These vessels are leased to established shipping lines under fixed charter contracts. The fleet currently has a perfect utilization rate of 100%. And just to give you an idea of what these vessels earn at sea, the flagship CMA-CGM Thalassa (a 1,137-foot leviathan equipped to carry more than 11,000 20-foot containers) was booked at a rate of $47,200 per day, while operating costs (mostly crew wages) total just $6,500 per vessel per day. In September 2016, I was able to scoop up GSL-PB at an attractive price nearly 25% below face value, a discount that has since narrowed to just 3% thanks to improving fundamentals in the mid-size containership industry. The supply/demand balance for shipping along many trade routes has tightened, driving rates upward. —Recommended Link— This Will… Read More

In the March issue of The Daily Paycheck, I will discuss the reasons why, in my opinion, rising bond yields don’t necessarily mean bad news for stocks. At the same time, though, rising yields mean more caution ahead for stocks. These growing… Read More

On February 28th, legendary growth-stock expert Andy Obermueller is joining Jared Levy live on stage to issue the most important stock recommendation of his career. We’ve never done anything like this before… but we’ve never seen a stock picker like Andy, either. Over his six years at StreetAuthority, 140… Read More

Just over a week ago, investors were shook from their bullish sleep. The major indexes inexplicably plunged lower as panicked investors scrambled to dump stocks. The fear-gauge, or VIX index, spiked to 50 — a level not seen in nearly a decade — signaling extreme financial terror in the equity markets. Now, a week later, things have stabilized with the VIX retreating to the 18 zone. However, it is still 100% above its lows of this month. The severe moves have refocused stock investors on this somewhat obscure index/indicator. Not since the financial crisis of 2008 have so many investors… Read More

Just over a week ago, investors were shook from their bullish sleep. The major indexes inexplicably plunged lower as panicked investors scrambled to dump stocks. The fear-gauge, or VIX index, spiked to 50 — a level not seen in nearly a decade — signaling extreme financial terror in the equity markets. Now, a week later, things have stabilized with the VIX retreating to the 18 zone. However, it is still 100% above its lows of this month. The severe moves have refocused stock investors on this somewhat obscure index/indicator. Not since the financial crisis of 2008 have so many investors needed to understand what the VIX is all about. #-ad_banner-# What Is The VIX? The VIX, short for CBOE Volatility Index, was derived in 1993 by Professor Robert Whatley. Initially, the VIX was based on the OEX 100 index, but now it uses the S&P 500 as the base index. The VIX is created via a weighted mix of prices for a variety of options on the S&P 500. The options are priced on the expected volatility or price change over the next month. Therefore, the VIX is designed to predict volatility over the next 30 days. An excellent… Read More

Note From Jared: Before we get to today’s issue, I want to tell you about something happening in just a few days that you won’t want to miss…  I’ve been working on an exciting project with legendary stock picker Andy Obermueller — the same analyst who’s delivered 90 triple-digit winners for readers, including some picks that are now up by 1,242%, 1,110%… and 1,050%..  So here’s the deal… For the first time ever, I’m going to sit down with Andy for a one-on-one, live discussion about the four-point strategy he uses to find triple and quadruple-digit gainers. Andy will… Read More

Note From Jared: Before we get to today’s issue, I want to tell you about something happening in just a few days that you won’t want to miss…  I’ve been working on an exciting project with legendary stock picker Andy Obermueller — the same analyst who’s delivered 90 triple-digit winners for readers, including some picks that are now up by 1,242%, 1,110%… and 1,050%..  So here’s the deal… For the first time ever, I’m going to sit down with Andy for a one-on-one, live discussion about the four-point strategy he uses to find triple and quadruple-digit gainers. Andy will also reveal what he’s calling the biggest investment opportunity he’s ever seen. It’s all happening on Wednesday, February 28th, at 1:00 pm, Eastern Time.  A limited number of readers interested in watching this live event can do so for FREE — but guaranteed spots will go fast. All you have to do is sign up now and reserve your spot right here.  Stay Tuned, Jared Levy Profit Amplifier Short sellers get a bad rap. They are often villainized by the media for “ganging up” on troubled companies or even causing market crashes. There is little… Read More

More that 30 million Americans woke up one day late last year to find they weren’t quite as healthy as when they went to sleep.  That’s because the American Heart Association changed the guidelines for what is considered high blood pressure (hypertension) for the first time in 14 years. The new guidelines are meant to improve treatment options and start people on therapies sooner rather than waiting too late. Hypertension is the second-leading cause of preventable deaths worldwide, second only to smoking, with a market that already tops $84 billion in the U.S. alone.  #-ad_banner-#And that was before the new… Read More

More that 30 million Americans woke up one day late last year to find they weren’t quite as healthy as when they went to sleep.  That’s because the American Heart Association changed the guidelines for what is considered high blood pressure (hypertension) for the first time in 14 years. The new guidelines are meant to improve treatment options and start people on therapies sooner rather than waiting too late. Hypertension is the second-leading cause of preventable deaths worldwide, second only to smoking, with a market that already tops $84 billion in the U.S. alone.  #-ad_banner-#And that was before the new guidelines were released, potentially driving the market for treatments even higher. Tens Of Millions Of Americans Need To Visit The Doctor Trying to head off the growing list of cardiovascular problems in the United States, the American Heart Association has lowered the cutoff determining who should be treated for high blood pressure. It’s now recommended that Americans with blood pressure of 130/80 or higher be treated versus the previous cutoff of 140/90 established in 2003.  That means 46% of the U.S. adult population, an estimated 103 million, is now considered at-risk of hypertension compared to an estimated 72 million… Read More

As I write this, U.S. equity markets have pulled themselves out of correction territory, with both the S&P 500 and the Dow Jones Industrial Average rising to a little better than 5% off their record highs. Only time will tell whether this is just a momentary pullback or the beginnings of something more sinister. What is certain is that market volatility has finally come out of hibernation, jangling the nerves of many investors who have become complacent during the recent rising tide. This isn’t always a bad thing. If anything, it reminds us to stay on our toes. #-ad_banner-#So, with… Read More

As I write this, U.S. equity markets have pulled themselves out of correction territory, with both the S&P 500 and the Dow Jones Industrial Average rising to a little better than 5% off their record highs. Only time will tell whether this is just a momentary pullback or the beginnings of something more sinister. What is certain is that market volatility has finally come out of hibernation, jangling the nerves of many investors who have become complacent during the recent rising tide. This isn’t always a bad thing. If anything, it reminds us to stay on our toes. #-ad_banner-#So, with the reminder that markets can and do go down, it makes sense to do a little portfolio housekeeping. Here are three things I recommend doing in the current market environment. 1. Review Your Objectives Are you approaching your goal? Whether it’s retirement or paying for college, if that’s the case it may be time to step back, look over your portfolio, and asses the amount of risk you’re taking. If you’re running a balanced portfolio (stocks and bonds), the stocks allocation has probably pulled ahead of the bonds portion. If your plan requires dialing back some of your risk,… Read More

Carl Icahn began his Wall Street career in 1961, about 57 years ago. That year, the Dow Jones Industrial Average closed at about 730… the S&P 500 was at 71… and the Nasdaq Composite Index wouldn’t even be created for another 20+ years. Throughout his career, Icahn has been involved in a number of takeovers and survived bull and bear markets. It seems as though he would have seen everything at this point, but recently he said he had never seen a market like the one we’ve seen this month. The problem, in his eyes, is volatility. —Sponsored Link—… Read More

Carl Icahn began his Wall Street career in 1961, about 57 years ago. That year, the Dow Jones Industrial Average closed at about 730… the S&P 500 was at 71… and the Nasdaq Composite Index wouldn’t even be created for another 20+ years. Throughout his career, Icahn has been involved in a number of takeovers and survived bull and bear markets. It seems as though he would have seen everything at this point, but recently he said he had never seen a market like the one we’ve seen this month. The problem, in his eyes, is volatility. —Sponsored Link— Fidelity’s Top 20 Favorite Stocks For 2018 Discover the top 20 most widely held stocks by Fidelity’s savviest fund managers and how this vital information can play a critical role to locking in 201% greater profits today.  With this information in hand, you’ll be in position to own the Fidelity funds that are due to skyrocket in the year ahead.  So, if you have any money at Fidelity or are thinking about investing there, please grab your copy of this special report now. Click here to immediately download this exclusive report —… Read More