Brad Briggs

Brad Briggs is the Editorial Director of StreetAuthority. A veteran of the financial publishing industry, Brad manages the team of writers and editors responsible for our premium newsletters, free newsletters, and website. He formerly co-wrote our Maximum Profit premium newsletter and manages our premium subscribers-only newsletter, StreetAuthority Insider. 

Brad bought his first stock in high school and has been hooked ever since. After graduating early from college, success in the market enabled him to pay off his student loans and buy his first house. And although he has experience in everything from momentum investing to options, one of his proudest investing accomplishments has been buying and holding on to Apple since 2014.

Brad believes that successful investing doesn't have to be complicated and that anyone can achieve financial independence regardless of background. As Editorial Director, Brad makes it his mission to demystify the world of investing for a wide audience. His writing has been featured in outlets like Yahoo Finance,, and MSN Money, among others. 

An experienced powerlifter, Brad spends his time renovating and working on his property in Texas and tending to cattle when not following the market.

Analyst Articles

Folks, I want to address something as we look at the market so far at the beginning this year.  You may be asking yourself whether you should be weary of the continuous run-up in stock prices. After all, bull markets can’t last forever — and this one is the second-longest on record. —Sponsored Link— The Only 5 Stocks To Buy And Hold For 2018 It may be one of the most controversial stories gripping the U.S. at the moment. But it’s already turned smart investors into millionaires. The best part — stocks that once returned… Read More

Folks, I want to address something as we look at the market so far at the beginning this year.  You may be asking yourself whether you should be weary of the continuous run-up in stock prices. After all, bull markets can’t last forever — and this one is the second-longest on record. —Sponsored Link— The Only 5 Stocks To Buy And Hold For 2018 It may be one of the most controversial stories gripping the U.S. at the moment. But it’s already turned smart investors into millionaires. The best part — stocks that once returned 200%, 300%, even 500% are offering us another ground floor opportunity to double, if not triple our returns this year. To learn more about these stocks, check out the full story here. On the other hand, you may be experiencing FOMO — that is, fear of missing out. And that may be leading to you questioning whether you should be actively putting new money to work right now. And while I don’t know your specific situation, generally speaking, my answer to both questions would be “yes” — you should be weary, but you should probably be putting money to… Read More

We are standing on the precipice of an entirely new world. In almost all recorded history only the elite have been able to participate and benefit from the major economic changes.  Today, things are radically different. The internet has created a democratization of those who can capture the upside of economic shifts. Nowhere is this fact more evident than in the volatile arena of cryptocurrencies. Nearly everyone, regardless of economic status, family pedigree, or connections, can take advantage of the opportunities in this nascent field.  Not only has the concept of money started to change, but we are also seeing… Read More

We are standing on the precipice of an entirely new world. In almost all recorded history only the elite have been able to participate and benefit from the major economic changes.  Today, things are radically different. The internet has created a democratization of those who can capture the upside of economic shifts. Nowhere is this fact more evident than in the volatile arena of cryptocurrencies. Nearly everyone, regardless of economic status, family pedigree, or connections, can take advantage of the opportunities in this nascent field.  Not only has the concept of money started to change, but we are also seeing the first steps of a completely new way of carrying out transactions and contracts.  A Brief History Of Monetary Change The first major shift in the history of human transaction was from the physical trading of commodities and services to the use of commodities (precious metals or other valuable items) to represent and exchange value from one person to another.  #-ad_banner-#Next, coins and paper money, backed by precious metals, made it easier to transfer value back and forth among users.  Fiat currency, money that is not backed by precious metals — but only by faith in government, soon arose,… Read More

Mid-term elections may be a non-event for many Americans, but this year’s could be a major market-mover. All 435 seats in the House of Representatives are up for election and 33 of the 100 Senate seats will be in play.  As politics have become more partisan, it seems the effect of legislative control has increased on specific sectors and industries. As party policies and agenda have aligned with particular industries, companies in those industries benefit from improvement in investor sentiment when the current of control changes in Washington. And if history is any guide, the change in Washington may not… Read More

Mid-term elections may be a non-event for many Americans, but this year’s could be a major market-mover. All 435 seats in the House of Representatives are up for election and 33 of the 100 Senate seats will be in play.  As politics have become more partisan, it seems the effect of legislative control has increased on specific sectors and industries. As party policies and agenda have aligned with particular industries, companies in those industries benefit from improvement in investor sentiment when the current of control changes in Washington. And if history is any guide, the change in Washington may not be a change in the current but a massive tidal wave. #-ad_banner-#​History Has Not Been Kind To The Controlling Party Mid-term elections almost always go badly for the party that holds White House, especially when it controls Congress as well.  In the last 18 midterm elections since World War II, the party that held the White House lost an average of 25 House seats and 4 Senate seats. Losses tend to increase when the same party controls Congress and the Presidency, with an average loss of 33 House seats and 5 Senate seats. Public mistrust… Read More

Well, that didn’t take long.  With the Dow Jones Industrial Average closing at 24,719 on the last trading day of 2017, it seemed likely that 2018 would see the venerable market average pierce through 25,000 for the first time. Sure enough, it took only a few days to reach that milestone.  —Sponsored Link— Top 3 California Pot Stocks To Watch For The Biggest Gains On January 1, California completely legalized cannabis for medical and recreational use — promising to spark a $20.2 BILLION industry in the Golden State alone. By getting in on the ground… Read More

Well, that didn’t take long.  With the Dow Jones Industrial Average closing at 24,719 on the last trading day of 2017, it seemed likely that 2018 would see the venerable market average pierce through 25,000 for the first time. Sure enough, it took only a few days to reach that milestone.  —Sponsored Link— Top 3 California Pot Stocks To Watch For The Biggest Gains On January 1, California completely legalized cannabis for medical and recreational use — promising to spark a $20.2 BILLION industry in the Golden State alone. By getting in on the ground floor of this exceptional opportunity, you could have the chance to pocket life-changing windfalls thanks to this historic event. And one pot stock expert has his sights set on three stocks he expects to skyrocket following this crucial announcement. Get the details here. After cruising past five 1,000-point marks last year, we’ve already crossed through another in just the first week of 2018. Any bets on whether the Dow breaks the 30,000 level by the end of the year? A repeat of last year’s 25% return would be more than enough to push it over the… Read More

Have you ever wondered why some investors consistently profit from the financial markets while the majority barely break even or even lose money over time? It almost seems that these winning investors have some secret formula or magical ability to extract money from the markets year after year. —Recommended Link— New Dividend Program Lets You Pick Your Pay Date We call it “dividends on demand” because you can schedule a payment whenever you want. And they’re often bigger than a regular dividend. If you have $15k, it’s our favorite way to… Read More

Have you ever wondered why some investors consistently profit from the financial markets while the majority barely break even or even lose money over time? It almost seems that these winning investors have some secret formula or magical ability to extract money from the markets year after year. —Recommended Link— New Dividend Program Lets You Pick Your Pay Date We call it “dividends on demand” because you can schedule a payment whenever you want. And they’re often bigger than a regular dividend. If you have $15k, it’s our favorite way to pile up cash. I’ll admit, this question has bothered me. I knew there must be a simple reason why some investors are consistently lucky, and others are not. I knew it had little to do with intelligence or even education. I have known many highly educated and intelligent investors who have a tough time earning consistent money from the markets. At the same time, I know several “regular Joe” types with no more than a high school diploma who earn substantial income by investing in the stock market.  After much research and thought, I have determined that the difference between… Read More

I’m going to paraphrase a hippy-dippy poster I saw in a high school counselor’s office back in the early 1980s: “What if the Fed raised rates and yields did nothing?” That happened, so everyone bought stocks and held on to their bonds. The Federal Reserve hiked its benchmark federal funds rates three times during 2017, and it now stands in a range from 1.25% to 1.50%. This is a gigantic move in the short-term rate world seeing as the fed funds rate was more or less zero for a multi-year period. So how did bonds react? Here’s a chart of… Read More

I’m going to paraphrase a hippy-dippy poster I saw in a high school counselor’s office back in the early 1980s: “What if the Fed raised rates and yields did nothing?” That happened, so everyone bought stocks and held on to their bonds. The Federal Reserve hiked its benchmark federal funds rates three times during 2017, and it now stands in a range from 1.25% to 1.50%. This is a gigantic move in the short-term rate world seeing as the fed funds rate was more or less zero for a multi-year period. So how did bonds react? Here’s a chart of 10-year U.S. Treasury yields. While the Treasury yields did trade in a range that approached 100% from around 1.5% to nearly 3% over the last five years, the actual trend, based on its consistency, is a mere 50 basis point swing from 2% to 2.5%, for only 25%. This is probably the best indicator of where bond yields are going, or not going, in 2018. Here’s why… #-ad_banner-#1. It’s The Economy, Stupid!  Coined by Bill Clinton campaign strategist James Carville, this phrase is probably one of the best descriptors for explaining, well, just about anything, but especially… Read More

It’s the beginning of the year, the time when analysts publish forecasts for the year ahead. Of course, many of these forward-looking forecasts are based on data from the past. For example, one way to project a future price target for the S&P 500 uses the long-term average price-to-earnings (P/E)… Read More