Genia Turanova

Genia Turanova, Chief Investment Strategist for Game-Changing Stocks and Fast-Track Millionaire, is a financial writer and money manager whose experience includes serving for more than a decade as a portfolio manager and Investment Committee member for a New York-based money management firm.  Genia also researched, wrote and managed recommendations for several investment advisories. From 2011 to 2016, she served as Editor of the award-winning Leeb Income Performance newsletter. Genia also wrote for The Complete Investor, another award winner, from 2003 to 2016. During that time, Genia was responsible for several portfolios, including the "Income/Value" portfolio and the "FastTrack" portfolio. Genia's academic credentials include an MBA in Finance and Investments from the Zicklin School of Business, Baruch College in New York City. Genia is a CFA Charterholder.

Analyst Articles

Among the many records set by the markets this year, one, in particular, stood out for me — the CBOE Volatility Index, also called the VIX. On July 28, while the decision-making arm of the U.S. Federal Reserve was meeting, this indicator of market volatility hit 9.04, a record low.  It’s not just a large-cap phenomenon. A variety of markets are calmer than normal. The VIX’s small-cap counterpart, called the CBOE Russell 2000 Volatility Index or RVX, is presenting the same picture. As you can see from the chart below, the RVX is also trading at record-low levels these days. … Read More

Among the many records set by the markets this year, one, in particular, stood out for me — the CBOE Volatility Index, also called the VIX. On July 28, while the decision-making arm of the U.S. Federal Reserve was meeting, this indicator of market volatility hit 9.04, a record low.  It’s not just a large-cap phenomenon. A variety of markets are calmer than normal. The VIX’s small-cap counterpart, called the CBOE Russell 2000 Volatility Index or RVX, is presenting the same picture. As you can see from the chart below, the RVX is also trading at record-low levels these days.  —Sponsored Link— The Top Cannabis Stock For 2018 If you thought American pot stocks handed investors big gains… Then you should see what’s about to happen in Canada. Canada is set to legalize recreational marijuana for the entire country… And one little-known Canadian pot stock could soon turn investors in to “marijuana millionaires”. Get the details now… Nobody likes chaos. But these record-beating readings of the VIX and the RVX have many investors scratching their heads. After all, with stocks trading at new highs and expensive valuations, shouldn’t the… Read More

As if the 800-fold increase in the value of one bitcoin from February 2011 to the beginning of 2017 were not enough, the 2,200% surge this year has everyone talking about the cryptocurrency.  Bitcoin could be one of the biggest bubbles in history. But should that stop you from booking outsized returns as the price skyrockets? Cryptocurrencies could very well be the future of digital payments and the blockchain technology has the potential to touch nearly every industry. Trying to time the Bitcoin market, buying in and selling before the inevitable crash, will leave a lot of investors penniless.  But… Read More

As if the 800-fold increase in the value of one bitcoin from February 2011 to the beginning of 2017 were not enough, the 2,200% surge this year has everyone talking about the cryptocurrency.  Bitcoin could be one of the biggest bubbles in history. But should that stop you from booking outsized returns as the price skyrockets? Cryptocurrencies could very well be the future of digital payments and the blockchain technology has the potential to touch nearly every industry. Trying to time the Bitcoin market, buying in and selling before the inevitable crash, will leave a lot of investors penniless.  But there are ways to profit from the bitcoin revolution, a way to ride the wave all the way to the top without having to worry about the crash when it comes. #-ad_banner-#I’ve found three strategies that are benefiting from the herd’s stampede to bitcoin, three industries that could book record revenue and earnings. Each of the industries has other sources of revenue, protecting companies from a disastrous end if sentiment for cryptocurrencies crashes. It’s the long-term way to play one of the fastest bubbles in history. Is Bitcoin A Bubble? Opinions on a fair price for bitcoin and whether… Read More

Last month, we revealed our Top 10 Stocks for 2018.  As you may know, this is one of our most successful annual research reports. It’s also perhaps the most important… this list lays out what we think are the most important traits to look for in a stock in order to be a successful investor over the long run.  —Sponsored Link— Collect A Colossal Payday Thanks To California’s Legal Cannabis We’ve already seen people accumulate massive gains from previous marijuana legalization announcements, but this event is about to blow the lid off of anything we’ve seen so… Read More

Last month, we revealed our Top 10 Stocks for 2018.  As you may know, this is one of our most successful annual research reports. It’s also perhaps the most important… this list lays out what we think are the most important traits to look for in a stock in order to be a successful investor over the long run.  —Sponsored Link— Collect A Colossal Payday Thanks To California’s Legal Cannabis We’ve already seen people accumulate massive gains from previous marijuana legalization announcements, but this event is about to blow the lid off of anything we’ve seen so far. Are you positioned to profit? One penny pot stock expert has narrowed his focus to three tiny California pot stocks expected to explode following legalization. With billions of dollars in revenue projected to flow into this industry, learning how to get in on the ground floor — before these tiny stocks shoot up — is your best shot at life-altering gains. Go here now. We’re confident that this year’s list is poised to perform just as our previous picks — which is no small feat. We’ve bagged winners like the 64.3% return from Mastercard (NYSE:… Read More

Similar to the last issue’s recommendation, my new game-changer is in the business of online security. But its focus is different: it works to enable, secure and protect the use of cloud-based email for corporations or small businesses. While safety is paramount,… Read More

  It was a game of Tetris, the tile-matching puzzle video game. Place one item wrong and it meant pulling everything out of the car and starting over. I was packing my wife’s Subaru Crosstrek, preparing for our 1,600 mile journey from Austin, Texas, to central Idaho to… Read More

Finding cheap stocks is all but impossible. Of course, that’s not uncommon when markets continue notching all-time highs. Unfortunately, overpriced markets pose significant risks for investors looking to deploy additional capital. But that doesn’t mean there aren’t any stocks trading at relatively attractive valuations. And that’s an important concept to keep in mind in this long-in-the-tooth bull market where most stocks are overvalued based on traditional metrics. That’s why the search for value is the single most important principle to employ right now. Simply put, should the market fall off the cliff, as many pundits expect, stocks bought at a… Read More

Finding cheap stocks is all but impossible. Of course, that’s not uncommon when markets continue notching all-time highs. Unfortunately, overpriced markets pose significant risks for investors looking to deploy additional capital. But that doesn’t mean there aren’t any stocks trading at relatively attractive valuations. And that’s an important concept to keep in mind in this long-in-the-tooth bull market where most stocks are overvalued based on traditional metrics. That’s why the search for value is the single most important principle to employ right now. Simply put, should the market fall off the cliff, as many pundits expect, stocks bought at a discount to their intrinsic value fare much better than other stocks trading at higher valuations. These so-called value stocks are often stocks that have fallen out of favor with the market — for any number of reasons. But oftentimes, the reasons a stock is trading below intrinsic value are transitory in nature, such as a bad quarter or two.  #-ad_banner-#But value investors are investors with long time horizons. It’s expected that a company will occasionally have a bad quarter every now and again — even Apple (Nasdaq: AAPL) does from time to time. But no sane long-term investor would ditch… Read More

When you think of all the major risks investors face, “the Federal Reserve” probably isn’t on the top of your list. But the Fed members hold a lot of power in their hands: For example, when the FOMC — the policy-making arm of the Federal Reserve — announces a policy decision, the market typically reacts with large price moves. —Sponsored Link— Top 10 Stocks For 2018 Hilary Kramer has just released her annual list of Top 10 Stocks for seven years running. The innovative companies named in this report are set to deliver knock out… Read More

When you think of all the major risks investors face, “the Federal Reserve” probably isn’t on the top of your list. But the Fed members hold a lot of power in their hands: For example, when the FOMC — the policy-making arm of the Federal Reserve — announces a policy decision, the market typically reacts with large price moves. —Sponsored Link— Top 10 Stocks For 2018 Hilary Kramer has just released her annual list of Top 10 Stocks for seven years running. The innovative companies named in this report are set to deliver knock out gains fueling the next leg a bull market rally we haven’t seen in the last 25 years. NOW is the time to load up on these 10 stock superstars before they run out of reach! Download your free copy today. This has been true since the Fed was created more than 100 years ago, and the committee recognizes this problem. Over the past 10 years, they have been trying to keep the market informed about policy changes with better communications and quarterly press conferences.  That’s why seemingly everyone — economists, analysts and investors alike — were… Read More

The stated aim of The Daily Paycheck has always been “to help you reach the goal of receiving a dividend check for every day of the year.” Dividend payments tend to be concentrated, of course, but I’m happy to report that the number of paychecks reinvested in The… Read More