Analyst Articles

After a rocky start, driverless cars are becoming a reality, from driver-assist features to fully automated driving. One report puts the number of autonomous cars on the road at 10 million over the next three years and the Honda Americas R&D chief has set a goal of zero crashes for… Read More

If you’re an investor looking for game-changing trends, your formula for success should include seeking out a growing business, trend, sector, or even country. Often, knowing what to look for is the most important step in your process. That’s why just this month, my Game-Changing Stocks subscribers and I went… Read More

Grab My New Book FREE! This Special Edition of Investing in the Next Big Thing tells you everything you need to know to get started in Pre-IPO Investing and includes an exclusive bonus chapter revealing 3 startups that I’m telling my clients to buy right now. They are 3 of the best bets for an explosive payoff that I’ve seen out of the 289 firms I’ve reviewed in the past three years. This Special Edition won’t be available on or anywhere else. It will only be available through StreetAuthority. Learn more.​ — Joseph Hogue, CFA Ask me ten years ago and I wouldn’t… Read More

Grab My New Book FREE! This Special Edition of Investing in the Next Big Thing tells you everything you need to know to get started in Pre-IPO Investing and includes an exclusive bonus chapter revealing 3 startups that I’m telling my clients to buy right now. They are 3 of the best bets for an explosive payoff that I’ve seen out of the 289 firms I’ve reviewed in the past three years. This Special Edition won’t be available on or anywhere else. It will only be available through StreetAuthority. Learn more.​ — Joseph Hogue, CFA Ask me ten years ago and I wouldn’t have believed it but social media is now an inescapable part of our daily lives. Nearly four-fifths (78%) of Americans reported having a social media profile in 2016 and users approach nearly two billion worldwide. Early investors in the major platforms booked massive returns on investments when the sites were small startup companies. #-ad_banner-#For example, hedge-fund manager and venture capitalist Peter Thiel was one of the first investors in Facebook (Nasdaq: FB) with a $500,000 investment in 2004. When the company went public just eight years later, Thiel’s investment was worth $1.67 billion. That works out to an annualized return… Read More

We are in the midst of the greatest technological revolution of all time. After years in its nascent stages, the internet has become a critical fixture in all aspects of our lives. High-tech turning high-touch, to borrow a phrase from futurist John Naisbitt, has become our reality. All one needs… Read More

The student threw his hands up in frustration. “Professor,” he said, “I just don’t get it.” He slumped in his chair totally defeated. #-ad_banner-#I understood the feeling. I had spent more than two hours explaining basic financial ideas to a college freshman. But try as I might, I couldn’t get… Read More

Advertising is timeless, which I find reassuring. Thousands of years ago, the ancient Egyptians painted sales notices on papyrus. In the middle ages, store proprietors employed town criers to help drum up business. And today’s store merchants are no different, doing whatever they can to showcase their wares and attract customers. #-ad_banner-#Why does that matter? Well, just ask anybody who invested in pocket pagers, answering machines or floppy disc drives. Technological advances can quickly render must-have products and services into obsolete relics. Even landline telephones, a revolutionary marvel in their day, are now facing slow extinction. But there will always… Read More

Advertising is timeless, which I find reassuring. Thousands of years ago, the ancient Egyptians painted sales notices on papyrus. In the middle ages, store proprietors employed town criers to help drum up business. And today’s store merchants are no different, doing whatever they can to showcase their wares and attract customers. #-ad_banner-#Why does that matter? Well, just ask anybody who invested in pocket pagers, answering machines or floppy disc drives. Technological advances can quickly render must-have products and services into obsolete relics. Even landline telephones, a revolutionary marvel in their day, are now facing slow extinction. But there will always be demand for advertising that helps connect buyers and sellers. Some of the biggest spenders include auto makers, wireless providers, drug companies and fast food chains. They are always communicating with consumers — and spending an extraordinary amount of money doing so.  This is a race — and taking your foot off the advertising pedal leaves many businesses at risk of being left in the dust by rivals.  That’s why so many spend a nickel or dime (or more) from every dollar of sales on marketing efforts. One of my favorites in the group collects steady income from big names… Read More

The casual dining sector has fallen on hard times. Hit by a triple whammy of consumer burnout, lack of innovation, and improving value and quality at fast food outlets, this once-thriving sector is in need of life support. #-ad_banner-#Despite a bustling economy, casual dining sales are forecasted to climb only… Read More

If you’re anything like me, you’re glad the holidays are over. Don’t get me wrong, taking a break from work and spending quality time with family is a good and necessary thing. But now it’s time to get back to business. Time to look forward. Time to plan for 2017 and beyond and navigate the challenges the market will likely bring. With this in mind, I recently came across an interesting trade that my colleague Jared Levy, Chief Investment Strategist of Profit Amplifier, shared with his readers… —Sponsored Link— BKIT Could Give… Read More

If you’re anything like me, you’re glad the holidays are over. Don’t get me wrong, taking a break from work and spending quality time with family is a good and necessary thing. But now it’s time to get back to business. Time to look forward. Time to plan for 2017 and beyond and navigate the challenges the market will likely bring. With this in mind, I recently came across an interesting trade that my colleague Jared Levy, Chief Investment Strategist of Profit Amplifier, shared with his readers… —Sponsored Link— BKIT Could Give You 200% Gains BEFORE February 1, 2017 With what could be the biggest breakthrough their industry has ever seen, little-known BKIT could have just supplanted the current king of sleep therapies, Ambien. Act now and you could see a fast 200% by February 1! See the proof HERE. Our Expert Is Starting The New Year With A Familiar Trade If you’ve been trading stocks for a while, then it’s very likely that you’ve developed certain “go-to” trades. These are the trades that, for some reason or other, you keep coming back to because they’re… Read More

Dow 20,000 is all anyone can talk about lately even though most people follow the S&P 500 more closely as a market proxy. And the milestone seems to be drawing closer; the market gave back some gains in the last few days of 2016 but investor enthusiasm for stocks is… Read More