Genia Turanova

Genia Turanova, Chief Investment Strategist for Game-Changing Stocks and Fast-Track Millionaire, is a financial writer and money manager whose experience includes serving for more than a decade as a portfolio manager and Investment Committee member for a New York-based money management firm.  Genia also researched, wrote and managed recommendations for several investment advisories. From 2011 to 2016, she served as Editor of the award-winning Leeb Income Performance newsletter. Genia also wrote for The Complete Investor, another award winner, from 2003 to 2016. During that time, Genia was responsible for several portfolios, including the "Income/Value" portfolio and the "FastTrack" portfolio. Genia's academic credentials include an MBA in Finance and Investments from the Zicklin School of Business, Baruch College in New York City. Genia is a CFA Charterholder.

Analyst Articles

One of the hallmarks of America is the near-universal belief that our nation is the land of opportunity. Despite the many problems in our country, we’ve always believed that our children would be better off than we were. #-ad_banner-#And for the better part of two centuries, that was true. But in the minds of many Americans today, that belief is dying… You see, more than 56% of Americans believe their children will be worse off financially than they are. Now, that’s an improvement from a similar survey in 2014, which found that 76% of parents feared for their children’s futures. Read More

One of the hallmarks of America is the near-universal belief that our nation is the land of opportunity. Despite the many problems in our country, we’ve always believed that our children would be better off than we were. #-ad_banner-#And for the better part of two centuries, that was true. But in the minds of many Americans today, that belief is dying… You see, more than 56% of Americans believe their children will be worse off financially than they are. Now, that’s an improvement from a similar survey in 2014, which found that 76% of parents feared for their children’s futures. But that still means that almost 60% of parents don’t think their children will achieve any lasting financial success. And that number is sure to grow as the United States edges ever closer to a financial abyss. This begs the question: Are these parents being overly pessimistic, or do their concerns have merit? Like many such questions, the truth lies somewhere in the middle. But being proactive against the threats to our kid’s futures is a sure-fire way to secure their financial well-being. Take Social Security for instance. Social Security was instituted by Franklin Roosevelt in 1935 as a tool… Read More

Back in September, I wrote an essay detailing my reasons for adding Twitter (Nasdaq: TWTR) to the portfolio of my premium newsletter, Game-Changing Stocks. If you’re familiar with my newsletter at all, then you probably know that we normally focus on lesser-known, smaller companies because these are usually most likely to be the stocks that have triple-digit return potential. My reasoning for adding the company was simple. While still a “game-changer,” Wall Street had soured on Twitter as the company continued to struggle to turn a profit more than three years after its initial public offering in 2013. —Sponsored Link—… Read More

Back in September, I wrote an essay detailing my reasons for adding Twitter (Nasdaq: TWTR) to the portfolio of my premium newsletter, Game-Changing Stocks. If you’re familiar with my newsletter at all, then you probably know that we normally focus on lesser-known, smaller companies because these are usually most likely to be the stocks that have triple-digit return potential. My reasoning for adding the company was simple. While still a “game-changer,” Wall Street had soured on Twitter as the company continued to struggle to turn a profit more than three years after its initial public offering in 2013. —Sponsored Link— Former Google Exec Quits Dream Job To Launch Marijuana Empire Last year, Alan Gertner was in charge of a $100 million Asia-Pacific division for this internet titan. But he gave it all up. And soon he could become wealthier than he ever imagined from the United States’ “green” gold rush. $200 billion could be at stake. And you could get a big piece of it. Full story… But I’m optimistic in a turnaround. For one, as I discussed previously, Twitter is actively taking steps to monetize its huge user base through… Read More

Investors are gearing up for an exciting 2017. The new White House has exciting and lucrative plans for our nation. Stocks have already performed extremely enthusiastically to the pending changes. #-ad_banner-#Many investors are particularly excited about the ramp-up in infrastructure spending about to be released on America’s aging bridges, roads, and waterways. There is little question that the pending increase in spending will create a plethora of jobs and greatly benefit the population across the board. At the same time, there is a quiet revolution taking place in the infrastructure space. I am not talking about traditional infrastructure like most… Read More

Investors are gearing up for an exciting 2017. The new White House has exciting and lucrative plans for our nation. Stocks have already performed extremely enthusiastically to the pending changes. #-ad_banner-#Many investors are particularly excited about the ramp-up in infrastructure spending about to be released on America’s aging bridges, roads, and waterways. There is little question that the pending increase in spending will create a plethora of jobs and greatly benefit the population across the board. At the same time, there is a quiet revolution taking place in the infrastructure space. I am not talking about traditional infrastructure like most others. You can’t as easily see, touch, or feel this critical American infrastructure; but it is every bit as important to our economy as the traditional infrastructure. This is internet infrastructure, also known as the “backbone” of the web. Companies involved in this sector are poised for substantial gains in 2017 and beyond. I have identified three such companies that are poised to ride the wave higher. The way I see it, there are three main factors that will be driving this boom. First, the pending statutory corporate tax rate reduction will encourage U.S. Internet infrastructure firms to use… Read More

Inflation. It’s something that investors haven’t had to contend with for a long time. If anything, deflation has been the bigger concern. But that all changed on November 8. Since then, inflation fears have been roaring back in a big way. Just look at some of the headlines. “Dollar Strength will continue as Trump Policies Fuel Inflation” — CNBC “Fed May Have to Raise Rates Faster to Keep Up With Inflation” — Morningstar “US Inflation Expectations Gathering Steam” — Financial Times Higher Inflation Under President Trump — Business Insider GDP, Inflation and Interest Rates Forecast to… Read More

Inflation. It’s something that investors haven’t had to contend with for a long time. If anything, deflation has been the bigger concern. But that all changed on November 8. Since then, inflation fears have been roaring back in a big way. Just look at some of the headlines. “Dollar Strength will continue as Trump Policies Fuel Inflation” — CNBC “Fed May Have to Raise Rates Faster to Keep Up With Inflation” — Morningstar “US Inflation Expectations Gathering Steam” — Financial Times Higher Inflation Under President Trump — Business Insider GDP, Inflation and Interest Rates Forecast to Rise Under Trump — Wall Street Journal “Trump Victory Prompts Fund Managers to Focus on Inflation” — Reuters Merrill Lynch recently surveyed the nation’s mutual fund managers and found that 85% — nearly nine in ten — see rising inflation on the horizon. That’s the highest conviction for inflation in 12 years. —Recommended Link— Act Before The New Year Find out how to get our list of the Top 10 Stocks for TrumpNation 2017 — completely FREE of charge! Check out the report here… The core thrust of their argument goes something like this… Trump’s tax cuts… Read More

Freedom, opportunity, rock ‘n’ roll, baseball, apple pie, and a cultural melting pot are commonly associated with American culture. #-ad_banner-#But perhaps even more ubiquitous are our mega-corporations. Giants like Coca-Cola (NYSE: KO), Ford (NYSE: F), and Microsoft (Nasdaq: MSFT) are on the forefront of American corporate identity. Digging deeper, names like McDonald’s (NYSE: MCD), Walt Disney (NYSE: DIS), and Goldman Sachs (NYSE: GS) come to mind. I cannot help but think of all the stock market fortunes these seven American icons have built over the years. It’s truly staggering to realize all the family fortunes that have been made with… Read More

Freedom, opportunity, rock ‘n’ roll, baseball, apple pie, and a cultural melting pot are commonly associated with American culture. #-ad_banner-#But perhaps even more ubiquitous are our mega-corporations. Giants like Coca-Cola (NYSE: KO), Ford (NYSE: F), and Microsoft (Nasdaq: MSFT) are on the forefront of American corporate identity. Digging deeper, names like McDonald’s (NYSE: MCD), Walt Disney (NYSE: DIS), and Goldman Sachs (NYSE: GS) come to mind. I cannot help but think of all the stock market fortunes these seven American icons have built over the years. It’s truly staggering to realize all the family fortunes that have been made with only one or two of these iconic American corporations as the core component. And there’s another one of these American icons that is a great buy right now. This company is 118 years old and has a logo that is globally recognizable by nearly everyone. Despite boasting a market cap of over $8 billion and revenue of more than $15 billion, this company has been widely disregarded by investors over the last several years. Shares are just below breaking even on the year, down 2.2% to date. That makes Goodyear Tire & Rubber (Nasdaq: GT) a great buy at its… Read More

In my role as Chief Investment Strategist for Pre-IPO Millionaire — StreetAuthority’s one-of-a-kind premium newsletter dedicated exclusively to identifying early-stage investment opportunities for individual investors — I spend a lot of time researching innovative companies that are at the cutting edge of their field. Once I find a promising pre-IPO investment opportunity, I then showcase my research in my newsletter as well as explain to readers how they can invest through equity crowdfunding platforms, which, thanks to the loosening of regulations prohibiting the average investor from participating, promise to be the next frontier for investors seeking to make outsized gains. Read More

In my role as Chief Investment Strategist for Pre-IPO Millionaire — StreetAuthority’s one-of-a-kind premium newsletter dedicated exclusively to identifying early-stage investment opportunities for individual investors — I spend a lot of time researching innovative companies that are at the cutting edge of their field. Once I find a promising pre-IPO investment opportunity, I then showcase my research in my newsletter as well as explain to readers how they can invest through equity crowdfunding platforms, which, thanks to the loosening of regulations prohibiting the average investor from participating, promise to be the next frontier for investors seeking to make outsized gains. While researching ideas for my subscribers, I came across one company that may have found a critical way to help solve the medical cost crisis. It has to do with combining the social media revolution with healthcare, and the result is a reduction in medical costs by more than two-thirds. Simply put: This company could change the way we get diagnosed and how we pay for healthcare in the future. —Recommended Link— Have You Heard About ‘Social Security Insurance’? The average Social Security benefit is $1,236 per month. But this Social Security Insurance averages $3,628 per month. Two thousand… Read More

Save for early punk rock and a few obscure power pop bands, I’m not a huge fan of ’70s rock-n-roll. Rooted as a blues band in the late ’60s, the Steve Miller Band grooved into the ’70s and managed to crank out a few catchy radio mega-hits that are still staples of classic rock radio to today. Ok. You know where I’m going with this, don’t you? When stocks rally big time, I can hear the “Hoo! Hoo!” vocal hook of the SMB’s “Take the Money and Run” in my head as valuations get pushed to what I consider silly… Read More

Save for early punk rock and a few obscure power pop bands, I’m not a huge fan of ’70s rock-n-roll. Rooted as a blues band in the late ’60s, the Steve Miller Band grooved into the ’70s and managed to crank out a few catchy radio mega-hits that are still staples of classic rock radio to today. Ok. You know where I’m going with this, don’t you? When stocks rally big time, I can hear the “Hoo! Hoo!” vocal hook of the SMB’s “Take the Money and Run” in my head as valuations get pushed to what I consider silly levels. I’m hearing it now as I look at a few stocks in the oil sector. Black gold has been on an absolute tear since the beginning of 2016. After a merciless pounding thanks to the one-two punch of a strong dollar and a global supply glut, oil has rallied 46% to nearly $54/bbl from its basement low of $37/bbl. Is there any room left in the oil rally? Maybe. OPEC members recently reached an agreement to curb production by 2% with the goal of creating price stability and curbing the surplus. On the domestic front, rig count… Read More