Analyst Articles

The U.S. stock market posted its third consecutive weekly gain last week, led once again by the small-cap Russell 2000, which added 2.4% to bring its year-to-date gains to a whopping 18.6%. To put that in perspective, the next best performer is the Dow Jones Industrial Average with a 9.9% gain for the year. #-ad_banner-#Last week’s advance was broad-based with all sectors of the S&P 500 except for health care (-0.3%) finishing in positive territory. It was led by materials (2.6%) and industrials (2.3%). For the year, energy (20.6%) and industrials (18.3%) have been the best performers, while real estate… Read More

The U.S. stock market posted its third consecutive weekly gain last week, led once again by the small-cap Russell 2000, which added 2.4% to bring its year-to-date gains to a whopping 18.6%. To put that in perspective, the next best performer is the Dow Jones Industrial Average with a 9.9% gain for the year. #-ad_banner-#Last week’s advance was broad-based with all sectors of the S&P 500 except for health care (-0.3%) finishing in positive territory. It was led by materials (2.6%) and industrials (2.3%). For the year, energy (20.6%) and industrials (18.3%) have been the best performers, while real estate (-3.6%) and health care (-3.5%) are bringing up the rear. According to Asbury Research’s ETF-based metric, the biggest inflows on a percentage basis over the past week went into consumer discretionary, while the biggest outflows were from consumer staples. If this trend continues, it bodes well for upcoming relative outperformance of the consumer discretionary sector into early 2017. New Highs And Unmet Targets Are Intermediate-Term Bullish The benchmark S&P 500 broke overhead resistance at 2,194 last week, hitting new all-time highs. However, the bellwether Dow industrials, which rose 1.5% last week, are still 6.5% below my 20,400… Read More

Over the summer I had the opportunity to visit Newport, Rhode Island. Talk about an incredible place to visit! I was struck by the amazing mansions lining the Cliffside ocean vistas.  The over-the-top architecture combined with no-holds-barred luxury appointments were truly a sight to behold. This Disneyland of the Gilded… Read More

Shares of Cisco Systems (Nasdaq: CSCO) were under heavy selling pressure late last week, falling as much as 6.2% to a session low of $29.61 even though the company reported fiscal first-quarter results that beat Wall Street’s estimates on both the top and bottom lines. The problem? The network equipment giant spooked investors with weak guidance for the fiscal second quarter. #-ad_banner-#But does the guidance justify the punishment? If you recall, Cisco in July basically telegraphed the level of weakness within the telecom sector by issuing a combination of mixed fiscal fourth-quarter earnings and downbeat order metrics. Cisco hinted that… Read More

Shares of Cisco Systems (Nasdaq: CSCO) were under heavy selling pressure late last week, falling as much as 6.2% to a session low of $29.61 even though the company reported fiscal first-quarter results that beat Wall Street’s estimates on both the top and bottom lines. The problem? The network equipment giant spooked investors with weak guidance for the fiscal second quarter. #-ad_banner-#But does the guidance justify the punishment? If you recall, Cisco in July basically telegraphed the level of weakness within the telecom sector by issuing a combination of mixed fiscal fourth-quarter earnings and downbeat order metrics. Cisco hinted that telecommunication companies such as AT&T, Inc. (NYSE: T) and Comcast Communications (NYSE: CMCSA) were delaying purchases, and in some cases, not buying anything at all. These headwinds culminated on what Cisco announced on November 16. For the three months that ended October, the San Francisco-based company reported fiscal first quarter adjusted earnings per share of 61 cents, marking a 3% rise year over year, on revenue of $12.35 billion, which climbed about 1% year over year. Both measures surpassed analyst estimates of 59 cents per share on $12.33 billion in revenue, according to analysts polled by Thomson Reuters. The beat… Read More

We just experienced what seemed like the most contentious and intense Presidential election race in the history of the United States. At times, it was so crazy that it seemed very possible that the country would splinter into two or more pieces. There just couldn’t be an incumbent and same-party candidate more different than the opposing party.  #-ad_banner-#And now the election is over. A new President and political party will be leading us for the next four or more years under a very different philosophy. Despite the radical differences between the incumbent and incoming Presidents, there is one thing that… Read More

We just experienced what seemed like the most contentious and intense Presidential election race in the history of the United States. At times, it was so crazy that it seemed very possible that the country would splinter into two or more pieces. There just couldn’t be an incumbent and same-party candidate more different than the opposing party.  #-ad_banner-#And now the election is over. A new President and political party will be leading us for the next four or more years under a very different philosophy. Despite the radical differences between the incumbent and incoming Presidents, there is one thing that they have in common. As an investor, this similarity will tell you where to deploy your capital over the next several years. On a grander scale, it will dictate the direction of the entire domestic economy. This one commonality is infrastructure spending. Both Obama and Trump are very supportive of improving our nation’s crumbling infrastructure. Investing in the leaders in this sector should therefore make a profitable investment over the next few years.  Here’s why: In 2015, Obama signed into law the first long-term transportation bill passed by Congress in a decade. Known as the FAST (Fixing America’s Surface Transportation)… Read More

Recently at StreetAuthority, we’ve been telling readers about a way to invest in some of the most exciting companies the world has to offer — before they go public on traditional stock exchanges. This is an absolute game-changer for investors. It means, for the first time ever, regular, non-accredited investors can get in on the early stages of what could become the next Google, Facebook, Microsoft and more. And it should go without saying that the potential profits to be had are enormous. If you missed my recent interview about this with Joseph Hogue, Chief Strategist of our newest premium… Read More

Recently at StreetAuthority, we’ve been telling readers about a way to invest in some of the most exciting companies the world has to offer — before they go public on traditional stock exchanges. This is an absolute game-changer for investors. It means, for the first time ever, regular, non-accredited investors can get in on the early stages of what could become the next Google, Facebook, Microsoft and more. And it should go without saying that the potential profits to be had are enormous. If you missed my recent interview about this with Joseph Hogue, Chief Strategist of our newest premium advisory, Pre-IPO Millionaire, go here. In that issue, we talk about everything from the loosening of regulations that make this possible to the various crowdfunding platforms investors can use to make incredible triple-digit-plus gains that many investors have already realized from this space. —Recommended Link— Can This Tax-Free Loophole Save Your Retirement? When Congress passed the Taxpayer Relief Act, they created a legal loophole that allows nearly any American to retire tax-free right here in America. Read our full report now. Today, I’d like to give you a little preview of Joseph’s first Pre-IPO Millionaire pick. And while I… Read More

During the time of the Pharaohs, Egypt possessed an advanced understanding of medicine. The Greek historian Herodotus described the Egyptians as “the healthiest of all men, next to the Libyans.” This wasn’t an accident.  #-ad_banner-#In his history, The Persian Wars, Herodotus wrote, “the practice of medicine is so specialized among them that each physician is a healer of one disease and no more. All the country is full of physicians, some of the eye, some of the teeth, some of what pertains to the belly, and some of the hidden diseases.” It was a hidden disease that troubled Egyptian doctors… Read More

During the time of the Pharaohs, Egypt possessed an advanced understanding of medicine. The Greek historian Herodotus described the Egyptians as “the healthiest of all men, next to the Libyans.” This wasn’t an accident.  #-ad_banner-#In his history, The Persian Wars, Herodotus wrote, “the practice of medicine is so specialized among them that each physician is a healer of one disease and no more. All the country is full of physicians, some of the eye, some of the teeth, some of what pertains to the belly, and some of the hidden diseases.” It was a hidden disease that troubled Egyptian doctors the most. An Egyptian manuscript dated to 1500 B.C. described a condition as “too great emptying of the urine.” This puzzled doctors. About this same time, doctors in India were confronted with a similar condition they called madhumeha, or “honey urine.” They called it honey urine because some people’s urine attracted ants. Fast forward 3,500 years and the existence of diabetes mellitus is still with us.  Only now, it’s much worse… That’s because diabetes afflicts more than 430 million people worldwide. That’s a 300% increase from 1980 levels. And that number is expected to grow to 645 million by 2040. Read More

The economic cycles have turned negative on this attractive investment sector. Despite this sector having at one time been up by more than 16% this year, the signals are flashing that it is time to take profits. In fact, the primary ETF in the sector recently suffered its worst day of capital outflows since 2011. While at the same time, the bond-based ETF of this sector experienced $300 million in outflows, the most ever on record. #-ad_banner-#A Bloomberg analyst stated that we could see $20 billion of outflows from this sector by November 18th.  Apparently, big money has announced its… Read More

The economic cycles have turned negative on this attractive investment sector. Despite this sector having at one time been up by more than 16% this year, the signals are flashing that it is time to take profits. In fact, the primary ETF in the sector recently suffered its worst day of capital outflows since 2011. While at the same time, the bond-based ETF of this sector experienced $300 million in outflows, the most ever on record. #-ad_banner-#A Bloomberg analyst stated that we could see $20 billion of outflows from this sector by November 18th.  Apparently, big money has announced its intentions.  Despite the bearish signals, the mainstream financial press is alive with articles attempting to prop up the sector. The question is, will you continue plowing money into the “hot” sector of 2016, or heed the warning signs?  First, let’s take a quick look at the nature of financial cycles. Most every investor knows that the market often acts in cycles. However, investors often ignore the fact that hot stocks — or even sectors — will not stay hot forever.  Take the Internet bubble, for example. It was very clear that shares of untested, and often revenue-less, companies could not… Read More

Since the inception of my premium newsletter, Top Stock Advisor, our goal has been to provide subscribers with a portfolio of some of the world’s greatest, most capital-efficient companies.  The result: A legacy portfolio that could be passed down from generation to generation… One that doesn’t expose you to unnecessary risk, yet still outperforms the market… A portfolio that can stand the test of time, weather unpredictable events, and mitigate the risk of uncertain economic futures. The presidential election gave us a taste of an unpredictable event — a stress test if you will. So how did the portfolio do?… Read More

Since the inception of my premium newsletter, Top Stock Advisor, our goal has been to provide subscribers with a portfolio of some of the world’s greatest, most capital-efficient companies.  The result: A legacy portfolio that could be passed down from generation to generation… One that doesn’t expose you to unnecessary risk, yet still outperforms the market… A portfolio that can stand the test of time, weather unpredictable events, and mitigate the risk of uncertain economic futures. The presidential election gave us a taste of an unpredictable event — a stress test if you will. So how did the portfolio do? 11 of 19. That’s the number of stocks that are positive since the day before the election. Of those 11 stocks, all but one of them has outpaced the broader market, as measured by the S&P 500. Overall, the portfolio increased roughly 1.5%, which is all the more remarkable considering that nearly 40% is in cash. —Recommended Link— The Most Expensive Piece Of This Car Could Make You Rich Sustainable energy is not cheap. In fact, it’s the most expensive component in an electric car. But Tesla founder Elon Musk is determined not only to make it affordable worldwide…… Read More

The day after the election I tried to process it. Donald Trump? President? Of the United States? By the end of the day, I came to a conclusion. After the UK “Brexit” vote, I should’ve seen this coming. How could I have missed it? This was the “Uber moment” for American politics. #-ad_banner-#But what exactly is an “Uber moment”? Obviously named after the revolutionary ridesharing app, an “Uber moment” can best be described as the point at which a completely disruptive paradigm shift has emerged in the status quo or a specific institution.  Taxi cabs are swiftly being replaced by… Read More

The day after the election I tried to process it. Donald Trump? President? Of the United States? By the end of the day, I came to a conclusion. After the UK “Brexit” vote, I should’ve seen this coming. How could I have missed it? This was the “Uber moment” for American politics. #-ad_banner-#But what exactly is an “Uber moment”? Obviously named after the revolutionary ridesharing app, an “Uber moment” can best be described as the point at which a completely disruptive paradigm shift has emerged in the status quo or a specific institution.  Taxi cabs are swiftly being replaced by entrepreneurial Uber drivers thanks to the handy smartphone app. The competitive rise of Airbnb has turned hundreds of thousands of private property owners into would-be hoteliers, turning the traditional lodging industry on its head. And Donald J. Trump has defied conventional American political wisdom by winning a presidential election by relying on earned media (news coverage) and social media rather than the traditional, big-campaign infrastructure. As the Chinese expression goes, “May you live in interesting times.” So how do we profit from Uber moments as investors? We start by looking for obvious signs. In the mid 1990s, pundits always said… Read More