Analyst Articles

With all of the talk recently about the Federal Reserve, QE-infinity, the “Fiscal Cliff” and a possible slowdown in 2013, it’s understandable that most investors’ minds have been on precious metals. Not only do they typically serve as safe havens during uncertain times, but they’ve also enjoyed great runs during… Read More

A little anecdotal evidence goes a long way. It’s one thing to see the numbers on the page. It’s another thing to be out in the marketplace and actually see what a company is doing. This kind of boots-on-the-ground reconnaissance is one of the best ways to find what I call The Next Big Thing. In the past few months, I’ve been all over the country — in more airports than I can count. And, as I always do, I’ve made it a point to take a look around. And what I… Read More

A little anecdotal evidence goes a long way. It’s one thing to see the numbers on the page. It’s another thing to be out in the marketplace and actually see what a company is doing. This kind of boots-on-the-ground reconnaissance is one of the best ways to find what I call The Next Big Thing. In the past few months, I’ve been all over the country — in more airports than I can count. And, as I always do, I’ve made it a point to take a look around. And what I see, increasingly, is store displays for the SodaStream, manufactured by SodaStream (Nasdaq: SODA). This $730 million Israeli company — which has outpaced the S&P 500 during the past six months — makes specialized machines and supplies that let people make custom soft drinks at home. I first told my Game-Changing Stocks readers about SodaStream a little over a year ago. At the time, the product was only available on a limited basis and was not being advertised. Today, it’s in practically every major retailer (including Wal-Mart, Target and BestBuy) and you might even see a commercial or two on TV… Read More