Analyst Articles

I don’t know about you, but I’m getting tired of hearing about the economic troubles in the eurozone. The media seem too focused on bad news, rather than reporting the tremendous progress that’s been made in cleaning up the debt mess and getting the struggling nations back on track. While… Read More

During the past five years, engineers at Apple (Nasdaq: AAPL) have managed to upend the consumer electronics industry, delivering a full suite of products that have now found a home in living rooms and on office desks around the world. The rest of the industry can only sit by and… Read More

Some stocks do so well for so long that investors start assuming these stocks will always be superstars, despite mounting evidence to the contrary. It’s a dangerous trap to fall into, since buying on reputation alone can lead to big disappointment if a stock no longer has what it takes… Read More

One of my favorite investing strategies is to follow the big money and mimick what the insiders and large money managers are doing.  Fortunately, insiders are required to make their stock transactions public using the SEC form 13F. These filings can provide you with a… Read More