Analyst Articles

It started out as an experiment. It wound up being one of the greatest investment discoveries we’ve ever found. About two years ago, StreetAuthority co-founder Paul Tracy approached me with an idea. He wanted me to build a portfolio of dividend stocks that would pay out… Read More

The recent decade-long-plus highs in technology stocks have left out some old standbys that need to tweak and reinvent their business plan. Hewlett-Packard (NYSE: HPQ) has dropped from highs near $50 in 2011 to trade at the lowest levels since 2004. The three-month trading channel shown on the chart below… Read More

Transitioning from a niche drug maker into a “Big Pharma player” can be fraught with challenges. As these companies seek to grow through the development or acquisition of new drugs, they need to keep an eye on their existing portfolios of products… Read More

Every investor dreams about buying a beaten-down stock and riding it to riches. These are the kind of investments that can fuel incredible returns and give your portfolio a serious boost. But even though it may sound like something best left to… Read More

When executives at Tivo (Nasdaq: TIVO), a recent addition to my $100,000 Real-Money Portfolio, decided to start hurling lawsuits at some of the country’s biggest cable and telecom companies a few years ago, many investors figured this industry’s “David” simply couldn’t prevail in court against the industry’s Goliaths. Well, with… Read More

The recent decision by Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke to artificially inflate the economy to the tune of $40 billion dollars a month has the markets screaming higher. The big talk on the Street is that most money managers and individual investors… Read More

Bad news can send stocks sharply lower, and that initial down move based on the news is often just the first step in a steeper decline. But unless the company is destined for bankruptcy, the stock will eventually stop falling and turn up. That’s the idea behind bottom fishing. There are some trading strategies that can be used to spot when the selling has gone too far and an upward bounce should be expected. But keep in mind that bottom fishing should… Read More

Bad news can send stocks sharply lower, and that initial down move based on the news is often just the first step in a steeper decline. But unless the company is destined for bankruptcy, the stock will eventually stop falling and turn up. That’s the idea behind bottom fishing. There are some trading strategies that can be used to spot when the selling has gone too far and an upward bounce should be expected. But keep in mind that bottom fishing should only be done in a bull market when stocks have a stronger tendency to rise.#-ad_banner-# The first step is to identify when the selling may have peaked. In a downtrend, it is very common to see the selling pressure accelerate. As prices fall, more and more traders want to sell and the result is a fast down move. When the selling stops, we often see prices bounce higher, and this is a good time to buy if we can find rules that define this pattern. To find… Read More