Nathan Slaughter

Nathan Slaughter, Chief Investment Strategist of The Daily Paycheck and High-Yield Investing, has developed a long and successful track record over the years by finding profitable investments no matter where they hide. Nathan's previous experience includes a long tenure at AXA/Equitable Advisors, one of the world's largest financial planning firms. He also honed his research skills at Morgan Keegan, where he managed millions in portfolio assets and performed consultative retirement planning services. To reach more investors, Nathan switched gears in 2004 and began writing full-time. He has since published hundreds of articles for a variety of prominent online and print publications. Nathan has interviewed industry insiders like Paul Weisbruch and CEOs like Tom Evans of, and has been quoted in the Los Angeles Times for his expertise on economic moats. Nathan's educational background includes NASD Series 6, 7, 63, & 65 certifications, as well as a degree in Finance/Investment Management from Sam M. Walton School of Business, where he received a full academic scholarship. When not following the market, Nathan enjoys watching his favorite baseball team, the Cubs, and camping and fishing with his family.

Analyst Articles

We’ve all heard of peak oil — the notion that, because there’s a finite oil supply, production will one day begin to progressively diminish until there’s no oil left. Well, a similar thing may be happening with silver, one of the world’s most desired precious metals. That’s why we at… Read More

If there’s one thing I hate, it’s when Warren Buffett is right. He usually is, of course, and that’s one of the things that make the Oracle of Omaha worth listening to. A Buffett adage that very few people seem to take note of… Read More

Last week, I told you about the scramble among investors for American Silver Eagles. These coins, minted by the U.S. government, contain exactly one troy ounce of 99.9% pure silver. Twice between 2008 and 2009 the U.S. mint had to suspend sales… and demand has almost doubled… Read More

It’s the dirty secret of Wall Street. That report on a newly-public company tends to look a lot like the investment-banking pitch investors saw during the pre-IPO (initial public offering) roadshow. Those bankers come up with lofty projections to help sell the deal, and the analysts that ultimately follow the… Read More