Jimmy Butts is the Chief Investment Strategist for Maximum Profit and Capital Wealth Letter, and a regular contributor to StreetAuthority Insider. Prior to joining StreetAuthority, Jimmy came from the financial services and banking industry where he worked as a Financial Advisor. There he specialized in providing customized retirement solutions for individuals. Jimmy graduated from Boise State University with a degree in business administration and finance. He also spent multiple years studying language, international business and finance in both Germany and Buenos Aires, Argentina. At one point he held his series 6, 63, 65 and 26 securities licenses. When he's not combing through financial statements or reading about finance, Jimmy enjoys being outdoors.

Analyst Articles

I’ve avoided the topic and industry for a while now. But there’s no denying that it’s a burgeoning space with considerable momentum. One that I get plenty of questions about… I’m… Read More

Below you’ll find the Maximum Profit scores for the stocks you requested in response to my invitation last week. Once again, I would just like to say thank you to each of you who participated. Now, before we get into the details, let me… Read More

With the S&P 500 hitting new all-time highs and the current bull market making history daily as the longest on record, let’s see how your favorite stocks stack up according to my Maximum Profit system. A quick refresher for those of you who might… Read More

We need to talk about China… —Recommended Link— Larry Claims He Makes $213,000 A Year Using This System On average, a handful of investors quietly make $1,543 a month with this simple, 3-step system. Some, like Larry from Washington, will bank 6-figures this year. To find out what you’re missing, click here NOW… The world’s second-largest economy (behind the United States) has seen its stock market tumble. Signs of slowing growth, compounded by the ongoing barbs over trade sanctions with the United States, have caused its market to shed roughly 21% year-to-date, as measured by the Deutsche X-trackers Harvest… Read More

We need to talk about China… —Recommended Link— Larry Claims He Makes $213,000 A Year Using This System On average, a handful of investors quietly make $1,543 a month with this simple, 3-step system. Some, like Larry from Washington, will bank 6-figures this year. To find out what you’re missing, click here NOW… The world’s second-largest economy (behind the United States) has seen its stock market tumble. Signs of slowing growth, compounded by the ongoing barbs over trade sanctions with the United States, have caused its market to shed roughly 21% year-to-date, as measured by the Deutsche X-trackers Harvest CSI 300 China A-Shares Exchange ETF (NYSE: ASHR). The concern over China and the threat of a trade war have also caused uncertainty in the stock market here in the United States. We’ve seen shares of tech stocks and commodity stocks swing double-digits in a day. And, of course, my Top Stock Advisor subscribers and I have seen our own Chinese holdings come under pressure along with China’s overall market. So, let’s address some of these problems and what we need to do with our direct exposure to China. #-ad_banner-#First, China’s economy is slowing… but it’s still… Read More

It was July 1990 and tensions rose between Iraq and Kuwait. Iraq’s president, Saddam Hussein, accused Kuwait of stealing oil and threatened military action. Iraq deployed troops to the Iraqi-Kuwaiti border, and on August 2, 1990, roughly 100,000 Iraqi troops invaded Kuwait. This is what kicked… Read More

Yesterday, I talked about Buffett’s strategies — and how you can use them yourself. But there’s one thing missing… the one thing that’s formed the foundation of his empire. —Recommended Link— The Only Pot Stock Worth Owning This summer, Canada will completely legalize cannabis for medical and recreational use — sparking an $8 BILLION industry.  Our experts have their sights on a company that’s been granted a virtual monopoly by the Canadian government — a moat that would make Warren Buffett jealous. Get in early on this exceptional triple-digit opportunity before the law goes into effect. Click here to… Read More

Yesterday, I talked about Buffett’s strategies — and how you can use them yourself. But there’s one thing missing… the one thing that’s formed the foundation of his empire. —Recommended Link— The Only Pot Stock Worth Owning This summer, Canada will completely legalize cannabis for medical and recreational use — sparking an $8 BILLION industry.  Our experts have their sights on a company that’s been granted a virtual monopoly by the Canadian government — a moat that would make Warren Buffett jealous. Get in early on this exceptional triple-digit opportunity before the law goes into effect. Click here to learn more. Or as Buffett himself refers to it: “…the engine that has propelled our growth since 1967.” I’m of course talking about insurance. In each shareholder letter, Buffett spends a lot of time explaining his insurance business, and why it has “been of great importance to Berkshire.” Namely, he talks about “float,” or money that belongs to others but is held by the insurer. While this float is held by the insurer, it can be invested — and any dividends, interest, and gains from those investments belong to the insurer. #-ad_banner-#Buffett first entered the insurance business in early 1967… Read More

The question of the moment — besides the usual requests for value stock picks — has to be “What kind of investments are best to own right now with the market as topsy-turvy as it is?” Not a day goes by when we don’t get a dozen inquiries like this one flooding into our inbox. And it’s easy to see why when all you have to do is catch the news or check out the latest market reports. —Recommended Link— The Single Best Group Of Stocks To Buy NOW Since 1926, one collection of stocks has accounted for HALF… Read More

The question of the moment — besides the usual requests for value stock picks — has to be “What kind of investments are best to own right now with the market as topsy-turvy as it is?” Not a day goes by when we don’t get a dozen inquiries like this one flooding into our inbox. And it’s easy to see why when all you have to do is catch the news or check out the latest market reports. —Recommended Link— The Single Best Group Of Stocks To Buy NOW Since 1926, one collection of stocks has accounted for HALF of the S&P’s return — through every market environment imaginable. If you don’t have this group in your own portfolio, you could be missing out on the single best place to put your money this year and next. Learn which stocks can… It’s a virtual pick-your-poison of disaster scenarios out there… oil’s climb back toward $100 a barrel… the Fed’s meddling with rates… tariffs planned on a half-trillion dollars of Chinese goods … the $247,000,000,000,000 global debt bomb set to explode… #-ad_banner-#No matter how you cut it, the market is teetering. But there is an answer of what to own… Read More