Since last year, a new opportunity to create amazing amounts of wealth has been available to everyday investors. The passage of Regulation CF (crowdfunding) last May gave everyone the right to invest in equity crowdfunding. In short, equity crowdfunding gives you the ability to buy shares of the next Facebook or Snapchat well before they go public through an initial public offering (IPO). This means that you can experience first-hand the fortune-creating growth that these companies undergo in their early stages. Since last October, my team and I at Pre-IPO Millionaire have been analyzing the newest startups to find companies… Read More
Since last year, a new opportunity to create amazing amounts of wealth has been available to everyday investors. The passage of Regulation CF (crowdfunding) last May gave everyone the right to invest in equity crowdfunding. In short, equity crowdfunding gives you the ability to buy shares of the next Facebook or Snapchat well before they go public through an initial public offering (IPO). This means that you can experience first-hand the fortune-creating growth that these companies undergo in their early stages. Since last October, my team and I at Pre-IPO Millionaire have been analyzing the newest startups to find companies with industry-disrupting potential — then passing those picks on to our subscribers. This involves an attempt to forecast the future success of a company from its earliest days, which is no easy task. But while no two startups are alike, there are common themes that lead to bad pre-IPO investments. In my ten years of working with venture capital and angel investors, I’ve seen three problems resurface time and again that cause investors to invest in bad companies that sink portfolio returns. These failings in startup investing are the reason more than half of angel investments return less than the… Read More