Every home has at least one. From the White House to a shotgun shack in Appalachia, this product is notable for its widespread use across every demographic. Virtually all of us spend nearly a third of our lives using this product, which commands a wide range of prices — from less than $100 for basic versions to well over $10,000 for custom-built ones. In addition, this product is so commonplace you might not give it a second thought after the purchasing decision. U.S. manufacturers produce about 35 million units a year, and the industry’s revenues neared $6 billion in 2009.#-ad_banner-#… Read More
Every home has at least one. From the White House to a shotgun shack in Appalachia, this product is notable for its widespread use across every demographic. Virtually all of us spend nearly a third of our lives using this product, which commands a wide range of prices — from less than $100 for basic versions to well over $10,000 for custom-built ones. In addition, this product is so commonplace you might not give it a second thought after the purchasing decision. U.S. manufacturers produce about 35 million units a year, and the industry’s revenues neared $6 billion in 2009.#-ad_banner-# If you haven’t guessed it yet, I am referring to the lowly mattress. I recently had a great experience with a particular brand over the last several years, but right now I would avoid or even short the stock. When my wife and I were newlyweds, one of the most important purchases for our new household was a mattress. I’m a restless sleeper, and my wife sleeps so silently and still that sometimes I have to check to be sure she’s still breathing. My rolling about at night disturbs my wife when we sleep on spring-based mattress, so much so… Read More