Value Investing

Call it the non-event of 2011. This was supposed to be the year investors re-embraced GM (NYSE: GM), which went public again in late 2010, with analysts painting a fairly rosy picture for the years ahead. Indeed, at the start of this year, I noted that analysts at Morgan… Read More

If you’re like a lot of investors, then the eurozone crisis has you so spooked that you’ve trimmed way back on equities and now hold a lot of cash. This is not necessarily bad, especially if you’ll need the money to cover short-term obligations. But if you’re investing for something… Read More

Apple (Nasdaq: AAPL), Google (Nasdaq: GOOG) and (Nasdaq: AMZN) have emerged as the three most important players in the consumer technology landscape. These companies are so good at what they do (building deeply loyal customer bases and ever-rising revenue streams) that they may not even notice that they have… Read More